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12mg melatonin increases GH 5x


New member
Mar 30, 2010

12mg melatonin increases GH 5x over baseline.

therefore may i use 96mg for a 40x increase?

New Guru


12mg melatonin increases GH 5x over baseline.

therefore may i use 96mg for a 40x increase?


That is an awesome idea bro!!!!!! Why not double that thogh for a 80x increase???? Wow, I bet that would be great stacked with 142 tabs of tribulus for a 9000% increase in testosterone! Keep a log here on it man and let us all know how it goes.

12mg melatonin increases GH 5x over baseline.

therefore may i use 96mg for a 40x increase?


Are you a fucking idiot? I read your posts, and something is way off. You make no sense and you hate on sponsers. Hmmm.
You better drink 73 gals of milk so you'll have enough casein in you to last thru sleep.
this stack, the pussies stack, is based on official research showing that 12mg melatonin increases GH 5x baseline, and further, 2g of glutamine increases GH 4.3x baseline, therefore the pussies stack is run at:

100mg - melatonin
30g - glutamine

pre-fucking-bed yo

this is bona fide supplement manufacturing science.

for real, i run this stack.
Last edited:
Has anyone told cjc that this an ADVANCED bodybuilding board and not to start dumb ass threads anymore. If not..... let me be the first to request this.
Dude, go fuck around around somewhere else please
Has anyone told cjc that this an ADVANCED bodybuilding board and not to start dumb ass threads anymore. If not..... let me be the first to request this.
Dude, go fuck around around somewhere else please

Kidding aside, I've read quite a bit of these mega melatonin doses recently. I was like WTF. And then I needed to replenish mine, and observed that they sell 10 mg pills now. WOW. I had always read that those kind of doses could be depressive. And I still wonder. I though most of the initial research was done with around 200 mcgs. Nevertheless, I am going to give higher dosing a shot -- 3 mgs instant, with 5 mgs SR.

This CJC does seem like an attention-starved wank. Perhaps I am remiss in posting something other than jest herein. Or maybe I just don't place enough value on my time. Mea culpa if this is bad form.
This CJC does seem like an attention-starved wank. Perhaps I am remiss in posting something other than jest herein. Or maybe I just don't place enough value on my time. Mea culpa if this is bad form.

thanks brah!, for the support, seriously though i do run this stack, my sprained shoulder feels 50%+ better/healed after just one use of the pussies stack.
Has anyone told cjc that this an ADVANCED bodybuilding board and not to start dumb ass threads anymore. If not..... let me be the first to request this.
Dude, go fuck around around somewhere else please

Internet high-five to my man EVIL for that post
Kidding aside, I've read quite a bit of these mega melatonin doses recently. I was like WTF. And then I needed to replenish mine, and observed that they sell 10 mg pills now. WOW. I had always read that those kind of doses could be depressive. And I still wonder. I though most of the initial research was done with around 200 mcgs. Nevertheless, I am going to give higher dosing a shot -- 3 mgs instant, with 5 mgs SR.

This CJC does seem like an attention-starved wank. Perhaps I am remiss in posting something other than jest herein. Or maybe I just don't place enough value on my time. Mea culpa if this is bad form.

Jin, look up Chemicalwarriars posts regarding the use of 12mg melatonin pre-bed in combanation with peptide use for the facts on maximal GH release. Take care......BTW, "This CJC does seem like an attention-starved wank" ....Yes he is, and that verbage had me rolling bro!
Jin, look up Chemicalwarriars posts regarding the use of 12mg melatonin pre-bed in combanation with peptide use for the facts on maximal GH release. Take care......BTW, "This CJC does seem like an attention-starved wank" ....Yes he is, and that verbage had me rolling bro!

Thanks bro. What I've lost in muscle I try to compensate for in BIG rhetoric.

It all started in preschool, when I advised my jr. colleagues of the difference between fornication and procreation, that boobs were properly termed breasts, farting as flatulence, and pee as urine. I'm not entirely kidding -- mama is an RN, and the daughter of a Baptist deacon. And look where I am now, jeering yanks on a muscle board. I've come a long way ... But I'm still a big fan of sex, tits and ass, and dumb-and-dumber-style potty talk, lol.

I will check out the melatonin stuff. I have been feeding the rat 6 mgs as of late, and have put in an order to move it up, combining the IR with the SR, hoping the 4 am awakening will remit.
this p-stak works, although the sponsors would rather have you inject their peptides.

need testers for this stack who have injected ghrp, to compare their results.

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Are you a fucking idiot? I read your posts, and something is way off. You make no sense and you hate on sponsers. Hmmm.

apparrently he is from his last post. This guy thinks he's funny...... Seriously guys... ONE QUESTION: Aren't these the kind of posts that drive Big A crazy? This is not or comedy central and certainly not what Big A had in mind when he started this board.
Doubtful. I've taken up to 50 mg of melatonin, (after first checking with my doc), and didn't feel any of the many positive benefits that I've felt from HGH.
any experience with peptides/ghrp?


yes! unfortunately, they proved not to be too helpful for sleep; but for recovery from workouts, inc. strength/intensity of workouts, fat loss, & preventing fat gain, they are a godsend!!! :cool:

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