Eliminate the space between your right arm and your rib cage.
Try to get your hands somewhere around your left hip
Exhale and then a big inhale, suck your stomach in and twist at the hips in one direction and at the shoulders in the other, only pinch in your elbows at the end of the pose. Hopefully this will even out you shoulders and eliminate that dip.
Practice by setting up your legs and twisting and eliminating the space between your right arm and the rest of your body. Don't worry about the flexing just get the movement right. Then once you have that down then add the exhale with pushing your rib cage up. Then once you have steps 1 and 2 down put it all together.
Either way lets try to get rid of the dip before your show and put your side chest on par with your front lat spread. Lets finish this thing out strong Lenny we are all in your corner.