Used for the first time and cock was so hard a cat could not scratch it. And I mean all night. Kicked in about 2 hrs after injection. Might not use as much next time. Actually cock was so hard it was a little painful at times.
Not on gear at this time. I have tried Viagra and Cilias and both worked well but just wanted to try PT-141. Between 10 and 20 on slin pin is what i used so i guess you could say i used 15. next time i am only using 10. This shit works better that Viagra and Cilais, or at least it did for me, however; it takes longer to kick in. Made me a little nauseous at first but nothing bad.
It definitely works and kicks in really fast.
What kind of time frame did you experience the effects? I tend to think it is counter intuitive and kicks in moderately slow, at least a couple hours
Relatively fast for me was around an hour to an hour and a half or so after pinning.
Oh nice. Some figure it would work faster than viagra/etc...
I like the friday evening 1mg PT-141 and 10mg cialis dose...good to go for the weekend