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6 weeks of GH


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Sep 6, 2008
After reading a study posted by Dat where trained individuals used 8iu on a M/W/F protocol and gained significant LBM in only 6 weeks I thought I would give this a try.

As I am living abroad and my living situation is always in flux, a short run will be convenient in many ways.

I plan to buy 2x Glotropin 80iu kits for the run.
I also have "Black Tops" available from the same source for about 30% less. These are his top seller and he says the same people are behind both products. This said Glotropin seems to be developing quite a following, so it may be worth the extra $$$.

I train on M/W/F and would use the 8iu post workout on these days. 500mg of Test E during the same run time. My goal is mass.
I am 222 right now at 5'8" with about 10% BF, and I'm 40.

Worth it, or waste of money? The study seemed to have solid results, but conventional wisdom says long run or no run.
In 6 weeks my training partner gained 15lbs on a protocol that is almost identical:

500mg TE/week
8IU GH 3x/week
40mg anavar for the first 3 weeks

Started out at 178 on 5'7'' with 6% body fat, after 6 weeks was 193 with the same body fat level.
too short, 6 wks is hardly long enough to see anything, even at 8 iu's/day. You'd be far better off running half that amount for 1 yr. There are no shortcuts w/ GH if you want the real results, you have to commit to it and stay on it a good while. It takes time for those levels to build up, a long time
In 6 weeks my training partner gained 15lbs on a protocol that is almost identical:

500mg TE/week
8IU GH 3x/week
40mg anavar for the first 3 weeks

Started out at 178 on 5'7'' with 6% body fat, after 6 weeks was 193 with the same body fat level.

He could have gained that on the test and anavar alone, in 6 wks it wasn't the GH trust me
I gained half an inch on my arms just from one month of 4IU every day. Though I was already on a "priming" dose of 2IU per day for a few months before that.
I need to add, I was already at my plateau with gear years before this, so it wasn't the gear.

I'd say give it a go...But I would try to run it for a longer peroid of time..
Say 8-10 weeks would be better...Maybe even throw in some else with the Test and GH and get a better bang out of the cycle...Let me know how it goes...

After reading a study posted by Dat where trained individuals used 8iu on a M/W/F protocol and gained significant LBM in only 6 weeks I thought I would give this a try.

As I am living abroad and my living situation is always in flux, a short run will be convenient in many ways.

I plan to buy 2x Glotropin 80iu kits for the run.
I also have "Black Tops" available from the same source for about 30% less. These are his top seller and he says the same people are behind both products. This said Glotropin seems to be developing quite a following, so it may be worth the extra $$$.

I train on M/W/F and would use the 8iu post workout on these days. 500mg of Test E during the same run time. My goal is mass.
I am 222 right now at 5'8" with about 10% BF, and I'm 40.

Worth it, or waste of money? The study seemed to have solid results, but conventional wisdom says long run or no run.

Bro, you can get other gh that is just as good as glos for less money. Glos IMO are too pricey for what you get.

I would say give it a go. I ran gavin's protocol with slin and gh PWO a few years ago and it worked wonders. I did it 3x per week and i not only added a significant amount of muscle BUT i also maintained my bodyfat level.

If you are doing a higher dose of hgh (and i believe that 8-10iu is high), you will see results.

This is my 2 cents.
hawk please keep us posted on your run.

this would be ideal to keep heart size normal.
jm425 have you ever used glos?

Not personally. But I've talked to some bros who have run them very recently. They said that they are no better than hyges. They had their igf levels checked on both and said that there wasn't any significant difference between the two.
I bet if I were on 500mg Test EW I'd gain 15lbs too! The weight gain from GH (in the short-run) is probably H2O. Not saying it's not worth it to run 6 weeks of GH but the weight gain from others is prob. a lot of water.
I plan on starting up the same protocol but am entending to run it (8iu 3 X week) for a year or maybe even 2.
Currently doing 8 iu 6 days a week. Sunday off. And doing a 16iu day once a week, on a different muscle group every week.

No sides to note except lethargy.
Currently doing 8 iu 6 days a week. Sunday off. And doing a 16iu day once a week, on a different muscle group every week.

No sides to note except lethargy.

i was thinking of trying this same thing except i am on 4iu ed and i would do 8iu once a week after legs
In 6 weeks my training partner gained 15lbs on a protocol that is almost identical:

500mg TE/week
8IU GH 3x/week
40mg anavar for the first 3 weeks

Started out at 178 on 5'7'' with 6% body fat, after 6 weeks was 193 with the same body fat level.

I find this very hard to believe. 178 at 6% to 193 at 6% in 6 weeks. That would be the most amazing transformation i've ever heard of.

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