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A little insight as to how and where I live my life now


Active member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 1, 2005
A few months ago if I would have looked into a crystal ball and see were my life would be today I would have thought there had been a definite mistake. Everything happened very fast from the end of my marriage to leaving my house in Winter Park, Fl and relocating 130 miles northeast to Jacksonville, Florida. When I first got here I didn’t even have my automobile as it was in need of major repair. I literally stuffed as many things as I could into my motorcycle and moved into my mother’s house. I won’t lie it was very difficult for me at first and I really didn’t handle things very well. Time, therapy, and some good friends helped me get through a lot. Soon I had vision of where I wanted to be and I knew that every minute I dwelled on my “Orlando issues” was time that would keep me from getting where I wanted to be. I started working out of a private upscale training studio. The more the doom and gloom fog lifted off of me the more different people became drawn to me. I started making a lot of friends and maybe business contacts and it was nice to reunite with a lot of long forgotten friends.
That brings me to where I am now. I have been living my new life in the intimate beach community of Jacksonville Beach, Florida. I recently leased a small duplex 2 blocks from the ocean. I have my vehicle, a lot of my stuff, and my dogs with me. I have never lived alone as I lived at home until I was married. I still really haven’t as I spent 1 night alone the first night. The next day Marilyn came up with the kids, dogs, and some odds and ends things I needed. The boys decided to stay for awhile so they have been with me ever since.
It’s funny how things work out. A few months ago I truly felt like I hit rock bottom and that the last 18 years of my life were not valid. Now I am happier then I can remember so much so I almost feel guilty how simple my life has become. First and foremost is the community, very hippie Venice Beach like. I absolutely love it, the atmosphere, the peace and love. Long gone are those awful HOA of my past and making sure my shrubs were neat and the yards were up to homeowner standards. I know many of you live for and appreciate this kind of stuff for home values and all that crap but man you all can have that crap. My place now is small, the people around me have no idea about any of that stuff they are just happy to have enough money to pay the rent and hang out. The first night that I moved in people came over, brought me stuff, and asked if I needed anything. I just love being amongst this community, a part of me thinks this is where I should have been all along.
I usually start every morning with a brisk walk on the beach with the dogs. Of course I am on the East coast so I usually witness sunrise over the ocean. I usually will then take an early morning swim. I like to close everyday with another walk on the ocean and I love to swim in the ocean at night especially under the light of a full moon. Everything that I need is within walking distance. My work is 14 blocks away, my bank is 9 blocks, grocery 7 blocks, and every restaurant, bar, and amphitheater is just a few blocks away. Most people here don’t even have cars as the Beach Cruiser bicycle is the transportation of choice. My Jeep with the top off works pretty well though.

So what is the motivation of my thread? First and foremost it is to tell all of my good friends on PM that I am not only alive and well but I am maybe doing better and happier then ever. I also have compiled a lot of photos of the lifestyle around here and I want to post them to give some insight of how I am living and what it is like to live here.

Funny note as I was writing this thread up early in the evening 2 hippie girls that live around the corner and I have befriended knocked on my door and asked if I wanted to walk down with them to one of the local bars and hear a band that they like. I was in my bathing suit with sand and salt still on me. I told them "sure I would love to go but let me hop in the shower" they said "you don't need a shower man just go like that" It is just way too cool living here. So I did take a shower and go off with them to a couple of bars and listen to music. I am just getting back now and finishing the thread.

It was a little foggy on this paticular morning but I love to wake up and take this morning walk. Deep breaths, relaxing, and thinking about my day. This is peace and tranquility that I had longed for.


Here it is, it is not much but I love it. My 1 bedroom 1 bath duplex 2 blocks from the ocean. The Jeep looks right parked out there. I very rarely ever have the top on the Jeep it just so happened I did when these pics were taken.


Would you believe a Greek owned restaurant.

Would you believe a Greek owned restaurant across the street? Another thing I have managed to do since I have been in town is hook up with some in the Greek community. During the last few months I have really done a lot of reading and studying. One of those things has been Greek. I have not been in this guys place yet but I here it is legendary. Soon I will go over and introduce myself and maybe we can become friends. If you notice the place is on 3rd street, hence the name 3rd Street Diner. In Jax Beach the whatever the number street is the amount of blocks from the ocean. So the 3rd street diner is 3 blocks. The avenues run north and south.



When I leased my place I didn't have any furniture. I slept on my Yoga mat for awhile and then I upgraded to an air matress. I kept seeing this furniture store a couple of blocks away. Each day they would have different pieces out, finally one day I stopped in. Well like everyone else around here they layed back and cool as hell. Told them my story and we really hit it off. They started helping me put stuff together here and there, gave me some stuff, delivered everything for me. They took a bunch a my brochures and they pimp me any chance they get. They off course have a band as well and I am planning on checking them out soon.


You have made me jealous. I lived on the beach in Pompano and loved it. I dont know you but I wish you continued success.
glad to see your doing well

it will all work out

keeping the iron in my life has done me well

Glad things have taken a positive turn for you. Always admired you and wish you the best.

Thanks for the smile

I'm sincerely happy for you Tony. Last month I moved from NJ to Georgia. (with the family and all the pets). The change has done wonders for my outlook. It's exactly what I needed to do. And it wasn't easy. Still aint.

I admire how you have handled your abrupt "change". Most people would have come out of it much differently. If they came out of it at all. You turned it into a positive. Accept the bad days with the good. Your strength is inspiring. I know you are better off now than ever. Sounds like you believe that too.
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2 blocks from the beach? :eek: daaaaaaayum! Can't get any better then that brother. Good to see things are coming along for you.
Thats great man I would love that. Good to hear things are well
Hey bro! Thats awesome! I know the area you are at and I love that place... From Fernandina to St. Augustine Beach is the most chill people... One day I hope to move down there as well...The simple life is where its at...And it is nice to have a sense of community...

AWESOME BRO! I am Happy for you!

Life on the beach wouldn't be complete without a Jeep!
glad to see your doing well

it will all work out

keeping the iron in my life has done me well


Thanks Tenny, yeah I will get into it in a little more detail but the gym that I train at has been a big help as well. This is where Dexter Jackson and a couple other IFBB Pros train. There is also quite a few top contenders such as Lee Banks that are in here. The atmosphere is great and from day one everyone kind of welcomed me with open arms. It has motivated to train hard as well and I am in pretty decent shape right now.

Glad things have taken a positive turn for you. Always admired you and wish you the best.


Thanks Mike, I have always appreciated your support and kind words and I hope one day we can meet in person.

I'm sincerely happy for you Tony. Last month I moved from NJ to Georgia. (with the family and all the pets). The change has done wonders for my outlook. It's exactly what I needed to do. And it wasn't easy. Still aint.

I admire how you have handled your abrupt "change". Most people would have come out of it much differently. If they came out of it at all. You turned it into a positive. Accept the bad days with the good. Your strength is inspiring. I know you are better off now than ever. Sounds like you believe that too.

Well I am a little ashamed of how I handled things at first. I really had the gamit of all the bad emotions as well as feeling sorry for myself. Somewhere amongst all the muck a light went off in my head and realized "you know F!@# this. I am better then this and above it." I took the high road and from that point on when ever I did anything I looked deeply as to what was my intent for doing it. I know that I have a lot to offer that has nothing to do with my face or physique. When I relax and truly let myself flow, people really like me and are drawn to me. I am really not trying to assert myself or expose myself in anyway, I am just being what I feel is myself now. The funny thing is I am getting more business offers and cool stuff then ever. I am just trying to be nice and treat everyone with respect.

2 blocks from the beach? :eek: daaaaaaayum! Can't get any better then that brother. Good to see things are coming along for you.

yes funny I have to do a search of a post I made awhile back. It might have been after Marilyn and I went to Cocoa beach or something. I think I made the comment that as much as I have always loved the beach and given the fact that I grew up at the beach it is funny that I never lived at the beach.
Funny how things turn out.

It is pretty cool to look out my window and see young pretty blonde girls walking by carrying surfboards.
Sounds Great

It is pretty cool to look out my window and see young pretty blonde girls walking by carrying surfboards.[/QUOTE]

I like surf boards too!
Thats awsome Tony , I'm sure i speek for most here when I say that I'm happy for you to have found peace with yourself and have been able to focus on living "YOUR" life.

Also its nice to hear that your family and Marlin still stay close and civil , its good to get along , makes life easier and takes ALOT of stress away.

I envy your new diggs bro , thats certainly a single mans dream!!
Good on you mate, that looks like a cool place to live Tony :)
Glad you are doing well bro! Hang in there and things will get better :)
My best friend is stationed down there (next to the Lemon Bar if you have been) for a couple years on the USS Gettysburg and it would be a dream place to live. Very casual, laid back lifestyle as you mentioned. It's technically Neptune Beach I believe.

I trained at the World's Gym when I was down there and rode a bike everywhere.
That is fantastic Tony. An easy going beach community would suit me very well. I am so glad things have worked out so well for you.
Welcome to my life Tony...Saturday I am getting a group together to go to buckets during the day and sit on the patio, drinks some beers, eat some wings, listen to the music, and people watch while we chat. Love J'ville
Great positive post T, and I am happy for you. My house is on the market in NY,and I am moving down south..not as far south as you( South Carolina). I am looking for warmer winters, and a more relaxed atmosphere then NY. I have a few people interested in my house and cannot wait to get the hell out of NY! I will be about 25 mins from the beach! I cant wait! It will be a change for sure, and I know it will be a good one. Good luck to you. LOve the jeep brother!
I always believed that if you try to do good and treat others
with kindness and respect (who deserve it) good things will happen.

When i first started training with Phil you were the ONLY person at the time to reach out and say give me a call...Ill help you out. Not knowing me you reached out a hand just to help out. I read thru every post from you and Marilyn since your, lets say incident...I have the highest respect for the both of you. And to be honest i was really worried about you for a bit there. i didnt post, didnt PM, didnt mention anything because i felt that at the time is was not my place to do so. But i have to say now, that im verry happy you pulled thru, Im happy for your new lease on life. No matter what happened in the past Your a good guy dude. Im really happy for you now, and if you need anything Pm me, i got your back dude, like you had mine when i didnt know shit about shit.

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