once you get your pro card is it good forever?say phil wanted to compete again could he?or say a guy like yates wanted to compete in 10 years what would they have to do..............
I would say a pro card is good forever. I cant remember his name but there was a 50 year old in the O this year who competed when he was younger. If someone like Phil wanted to compete again he would have to do some smaller shows to qualify for the big ones.
Yes, you have to pay for it every year. But even if you miss paying for it for whatever many years, when you do again, you just pay that year's fee and you can compete again.
I would say a pro card is good forever. I cant remember his name but there was a 50 year old in the O this year who competed when he was younger. If someone like Phil wanted to compete again he would have to do some smaller shows to qualify for the big ones.