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Accepting a package anonymously


Dec 28, 2005
Anyone have any tips for accepting a package anonymously? I don't want to use my actual home address with a fake name because I hear they can still get you for that if you accept the package (and that "return to sender/put by door" doesn't work). I thought about FedEx hold at location and then me going to pick it up, but they require a government issued ID now. Anyone have any tricks to accept packs anonymously? thanks.
I like having mine delivered to a post mail box store, and when it arrives the person on staff at the desk signs for it. Then I come late at night and pick it up.
I like having mine delivered to a post mail box store, and when it arrives the person on staff at the desk signs for it. Then I come late at night and pick it up.

Nice. Do they ask you for ID or require you open a box?
Nice. Do they ask you for ID or require you open a box?

Yes, you have to rent a box there and they require 2 forms of ID to open it. You pay a small fee and get a key to the store so that you can let yourself in whenever you want. Its nice that way, you can go after hours and just pick up the package in your box.
I only order domestic. I have sent to my apartment, so any packs are left in a bin with a seperate key left in slot, so that way, even if they tried to deliver to my door, I would not accept b/c they would have put it in bin.

|---[\\\\]>-------- there are no full proof ways to do this guys. take it from s'one has has gotten popped...if they want you they'll get you. ive tried every trick in the book and nothing is guranteed. the only thing i can suggest is NEVER send to your own house. i agree, open up a box at a PMB that way you can scope out the area b4 going in to see if anyone looks suspicious.
Yes, you have to rent a box there and they require 2 forms of ID to open it. You pay a small fee and get a key to the store so that you can let yourself in whenever you want. Its nice that way, you can go after hours and just pick up the package in your box.

Wouldn't the two forms of ID make it easy to pop you though?

Wouldn't the two forms of ID make it easy to pop you though?

yes of course, just b/c you get a pmb doesnt mean it hides your identity, unless you have several forms of fake id, they'll get you...and they'll most likely get you for using fakes if you did. bottom line....take the precautions if you can but its not guranteed.
|---[\\\\]>-------- there are no full proof ways to do this guys. take it from s'one has has gotten popped...if they want you they'll get you. ive tried every trick in the book and nothing is guranteed. the only thing i can suggest is NEVER send to your own house. i agree, open up a box at a PMB that way you can scope out the area b4 going in to see if anyone looks suspicious.

Seems like hardly anyone ever tells the story of how they got caught. Would you mind sharing with us your story?
Open a box at mailboxes etc or something like that, and order domestic, If you are worried about International.
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|---[\\\\]>---------- ill make it short and sweet. when i was 19, i had good friends who were korean. i took a trip over to korea for a weekend to set up a contact, which i did, so for many mths i had direct access to korean gear, miro depos, samil prop, han kuk anadrol..you name it. well of course it was int'l so customs obviously got a pack. notified my state and they set up a controlled delivery. i went down just like everyone says. this was all b4 i had internet access so i didnt know any signs or warnings. they had a Postal worker deliver it, i used a fake name and they asked for me to sign, i did, and 1 hour later, drug task force and local pd was kicking down my door. i spent the night in jail. i was bailed out the next day but my roomates were in there for 2 more. we each got our own lawyers and the police tried to turn us against each other, saying lies like your roomate already ratted you out...blah blah blah....well...since this was my first offense, i got a deffered judgement, a fine and 100 hours of community service. so that is why i always suggest NO INT'L ordering for me. im sorry to all the sponsors who are int'l but i gotta speak from my own experiences...and customs is a bitch!
|---[\\\\]>---------- ill make it short and sweet. when i was 19, i had good friends who were korean. i took a trip over to korea for a weekend to set up a contact, which i did, so for many mths i had direct access to korean gear, miro depos, samil prop, han kuk anadrol..you name it. well of course it was int'l so customs obviously got a pack. notified my state and they set up a controlled delivery. i went down just like everyone says. this was all b4 i had internet access so i didnt know any signs or warnings. they had a Postal worker deliver it, i used a fake name and they asked for me to sign, i did, and 1 hour later, drug task force and local pd was kicking down my door. i spent the night in jail. i was bailed out the next day but my roomates were in there for 2 more. we each got our own lawyers and the police tried to turn us against each other, saying lies like your roomate already ratted you out...blah blah blah....well...since this was my first offense, i got a deffered judgement, a fine and 100 hours of community service. so that is why i always suggest NO INT'L ordering for me. im sorry to all the sponsors who are int'l but i gotta speak from my own experiences...and customs is a bitch!

The package they interecepted must have been rather large? Ive had 4 letters from customs and thats all that became of it. Always trying to figure out what the threshold is for when they try the controlled delivery.
The package they interecepted must have been rather large? Ive had 4 letters from customs and thats all that became of it. Always trying to figure out what the threshold is for when they try the controlled delivery.

There is no threshhold.

Like I mentioned in another post, I had one box with 500 T200s and 10,000 oxyflux that I didnt get called on.

And a buddy had 10 Deca 10ml controlled delivery.


Well in this case, there was no major heat on AAS at the time of the large delivery, and for the smaller delivery, they knew it was somehow connected to me, and they wanted him to roll on me.

Which he did.

Even after I paid for his lawyer.

But my story is a lot more complicated than that.

Right, Leroy? Right Phil? Right Miguel? All of you?


Im okay now.

How can they "catch" you if you use a fake name but use your home addy? I haven't had probs so far, but all this makes me very tense. Why can't you just say that someone must have mailed to the wrong addy and such n such doesn't live here. If there is no proof of pay, what could happen then?

How can they "catch" you if you use a fake name but use your home addy? I haven't had probs so far, but all this makes me very tense. Why can't you just say that someone must have mailed to the wrong addy and such n such doesn't live here. If there is no proof of pay, what could happen then?


The whole ordeal of ordering this stuff is full of risk for sure. Guess Ill just keep hoping that my way of doing things will prove to be safe. Been at it for awhile now and no trouble. I only order for self use too, so I think that provides some sort of safety net since the volume is small. I am in no way connected with anyone that deals, so nothing to be gained by busting me. Especially when its all overseas. I can see them trying to bust if I was ordering domestic, since it would be much easier to bust my source. My only connection is in a far away country that could care less about busting dealers.

The package they interecepted must have been rather large? Ive had 4 letters from customs and thats all that became of it. Always trying to figure out what the threshold is for when they try the controlled delivery.

dont remember the exact numbers but it was s'thing along the lines of like 50 a50 btls, 200 btls of cyp, 100 blts of prop....s'thing like that.
As the bro said

There is no threshold. But east Coast is easier to recieve internationally and a state like Florida is al most seizure free. Rental mailboxes ( NOT AT THE POST OFFICE ) do create some addittional steps LE must go through to get you. And it is al most to force you to physically take possession of a problem pack. Technically if it is addressed to you or and alias in a box backed by your ID, you are in opossession at the point it is signed for by your agent. Thats not an easy prosecution though.

How can they "catch" you if you use a fake name but use your home addy? I haven't had probs so far, but all this makes me very tense. Why can't you just say that someone must have mailed to the wrong addy and such n such doesn't live here. If there is no proof of pay, what could happen then?


From what I understand they'll say its in your possession no matter what the name is and still be able to serve the warrant. but I'm not sure on this as I've had no personal experience with getting a controlled delivery (thank god).
There is no threshold. But east Coast is easier to recieve internationally and a state like Florida is al most seizure free. Rental mailboxes ( NOT AT THE POST OFFICE ) do create some addittional steps LE must go through to get you. And it is al most to force you to physically take possession of a problem pack. Technically if it is addressed to you or and alias in a box backed by your ID, you are in opossession at the point it is signed for by your agent. Thats not an easy prosecution though.

Where do u get this info about Florida? I s their customs more relaxed?

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