|---[\\\\]>---------- ill make it short and sweet. when i was 19, i had good friends who were korean. i took a trip over to korea for a weekend to set up a contact, which i did, so for many mths i had direct access to korean gear, miro depos, samil prop, han kuk anadrol..you name it. well of course it was int'l so customs obviously got a pack. notified my state and they set up a controlled delivery. i went down just like everyone says. this was all b4 i had internet access so i didnt know any signs or warnings. they had a Postal worker deliver it, i used a fake name and they asked for me to sign, i did, and 1 hour later, drug task force and local pd was kicking down my door. i spent the night in jail. i was bailed out the next day but my roomates were in there for 2 more. we each got our own lawyers and the police tried to turn us against each other, saying lies like your roomate already ratted you out...blah blah blah....well...since this was my first offense, i got a deffered judgement, a fine and 100 hours of community service. so that is why i always suggest NO INT'L ordering for me. im sorry to all the sponsors who are int'l but i gotta speak from my own experiences...and customs is a bitch!