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Acne Help!


Featured member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 10, 2008
I have buddy who is taking 250mg Test E every 5 days. His back has broken out bad. He is 50 and 250lbs. This is his first cycle been on for 8 weeks. I have never seen anyone have this reaction to that type of dosages. Suggestions on what might help. He cant take anything that is taxing on the liver. Had Hep-c and did Interferon treatments.
If it's really bad, then he needs to go to a Dermatologist pronto! Tell the doc the truth and get treatment.
I have buddy who is taking 250mg Test E every 5 days. His back has broken out bad. He is 50 and 250lbs. This is his first cycle been on for 8 weeks. I have never seen anyone have this reaction to that type of dosages. Suggestions on what might help. He cant take anything that is taxing on the liver. Had Hep-c and did Interferon treatments.

I know this is off topic but just curious... this is his first cycle and he is 250. What is his height and bf?

He needs to use acne cream for his back. If he is that big he may sweat alot so 2 quick showers daily may also be good.
He is 6'1" not exactly sure of bf% 15%ish. Big framed constuction worker.
I can't imagine he would need an AI like Aromasin at that dosage. Is Aromasin hard on the liver?
Possibly space the dosing out to every 3 days or every other day.. I know several people that it helped..
even on 250mg a week if I don't a light dose of some AI I break out bad
i would get it bad post cycle and what helped me the most is Vitamin B6 its panthoneic acid and then I have this stuff by Clean & Clear its like a gel with salilyic acid and gets ride of acne spots/bumps and scars
He is 6'1" not exactly sure of bf% 15%ish. Big framed constuction worker.
I can't imagine he would need an AI like Aromasin at that dosage. Is Aromasin hard on the liver?

Aromasin is fantastic ancillary in my opinion. I would take a small amount (2.5mg ED), even on a TRT dose of test, but that's just me.

I don't even get oily skin with Exemestane, and it positively effects my blood pressure. It's great.

B5 is great for acne.

Last edited:

I appreciate all the help!
B5 didn't help me and I got up to 3 grams ED... It got worse post cycle and I had to see a dermatologist. I got a script for %5 hydrogen peroxide wash and that calmed it down substantially... Another thing that I noticed is that it also got worse after using spray on sunblock... I think it may have clogged my pores as well...
you need back scrubber with dial anti-bacteria soap and take shower in the morning, after gym and before bed. change shirts through out the day, also wash your bedsheets, and everything else with color safe bleach.
I recently saw a dermatologist for my acne that didn't go away after my last run and she prescribed me Doryx (doxycline) orally and Panex as body wash. I am seeing some slight improvement. Your best bet would be to go see a dermatologist and get professional help. It is better than trying to self medicate in this situation. Good luck.
Accutane 20mg a day for 6 months. Some need 2 runs of this.

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I have buddy who is taking 250mg Test E every 5 days. His back has broken out bad. He is 50 and 250lbs. This is his first cycle been on for 8 weeks. I have never seen anyone have this reaction to that type of dosages. Suggestions on what might help. He cant take anything that is taxing on the liver. Had Hep-c and did Interferon treatments.

hi bro i have a medicine called tetrex its an antibiotic really strong that could help ur friend with his acne

send me an email for more detail: [email protected]

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