Any particular reason why thick 1?
John, here is a good read which explains MGF. I have used it and it has helped me with some lagging parts.
IGF-1 Ec (MGF)
MGF is a produced within the body, as a form of IGF-1, when resistance is applied to muscles (such as weight training). At this point, the IGF-1 gene is spliced to produce IGF-1 Ec. (which is the scientific name for MGF). This production of MGF can stimulate satellite cells into activation, to create new muscle fiber. MGF also promotes nitrogen retention and new protein synthesis. It could actually be the case that this particular expression of MGF (IGF-1Ec) is an important part of the deciding factors in whether a muscle will grow or not.
The introduction of this peptide, either by resistance training or by an injection, will cause the affected area to respond by producing new muscle tissue. It would be safe to say that MGF presence in the muscle is one of the most major factors in the anabolic effect of resistance training (weight training).
MGF is being used successfully by bodybuilders for bringing up lagging body parts as well as overall growth.
Studies show MGF to cause up to a 35% increase in the weight of the injected muscle within 3 weeks
-- Muscular Development Magazine, February 2007
Further investigation clarified that this was actually due to an increase in the size of the muscle fibers.
A good way for bodybuilders and other athletes to increase muscle weight is by injecting MGF immediately post workout. At this point natural levels of MGF are already elevated. The addition of extra MGF should push more satellite cells towards the formation of new muscle tissue. Administration dosage of MGF should be at about 100mcgs/day, which is injected into the primary muscle trained post workout - half going into that muscle on one side of the body, the other half going into the mirror image of that muscle on the other side.
Storage temperature thresholds - Store 35 - 46 degrees Fahrenheit (2 . 8 degrees C) which means you should store the product in your refrigerator and not in your freezer. IGF-1 Ec (MGF) can be exposed to room temperature for up to 3 months.