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advice needed


New member
Jun 5, 2002
I need some advice from you bros heres the dilema ..I am getting ready for a show in June so I have been dieting and doing cardio each morning on an empty stomach (with good results) and I usually workout around 5pm now my job is changing and I think I am going to have to start going to the gym in the early morning around 8am my question is how I should do cardio , should I get up at like 5am do cardio then eat then hit the gym I just dont want to screw up anything like diet or training etc.. I would ask wylde this question but since hes out of town I thought I would get you guys opinions . Thanks bros
Well, I don't know if this helps you or not. I workout at 4:30 AM ED. I only have time to workout once a day (well, if I don't go online I could do 2 :) ). I do cardio on my off-weights days - 2 on 1 off.

Are you behind so far that you need to do both cardio and weights the same day??


Just workout am, and come and do cardio pm. I would say workout, eat your normal meals, then at like 3 have a protein shake with some carbs, then around 5:30 go do your cardio, then immidetely come home and eat. As long as it has been 2-3 hours after your last meal you will be fine.
Re: ..

noneck76 said:
why are u dieting for a show in june?

I am not really in a strict precontest diet mode I am working to strip bodyfat and to get harder I have been working with wyldeone and started at around 365lbs and now Im currently about 305lbs he had mentioned trying to get me to about 280-285lbs at around 7%bf.so we have been stripping the fat off slowly trying to retain as much lbm as possible I am very happy with the results this far as alot of bodyparts have actually increased in size (arms,quads,calves,chest)and I have lost about 9 inches from my waist. I m sorry for the confusion of saying dieting because the way I eat it doent seem like a diet at all.
Here's my logic - if you must workout 2x ED

Since "morning cardio prior to eating" is far more effective than any other time, I would do it first thing in AM. Then you can workout at any other time you want.

I got the early AM workout routine via Bill Pearl (he trained my mentor) - testosterone level is highest in AM and your body doesn't use any energy digesting food. Anytime you workout during the day you'll have food in your system - that is unless you're eating farther than 3 hours apart, which we know you're not doin'! :)

Hey bro what are your stats? you must be fucking huge!

killer said:
Hey bro what are your stats? you must be fucking huge!

Im not that big because my weight is spread onto a 6'5" body :(
Re: ..

noneck76 said:
why are u dieting for a show in june?

Finally the answer I was waiting for: Why are you dieting so early? I understand some people need a little extra time to cut off the extra pounds they put on during bulking season but come on, I've never heard someone say they are 25 weeks out from a show and need some advice. If I were you I wouldn't do any cardio yet. Hell if you diet correctly you shouldn't have to do much cardio at all even a few weeks prior to the show. You can start bringing the weight down a little but not to where you might be burning muscle mass from doing too much cardio and training. If you give 110% energy to your workouts you will burn enough calories (at least for now) to be where you want to be.
You beat me to it

einie1. Unless this guy is totally fat, not puttin ya down bro if you are, atleast you are doing something about it, but if you aren't, 25 weeks is a long time and alot of hard earned muscle could go bye bye. What is your stats? I mean what does you waistline look like as well? Any separation in the muscles at all? Pics would be great if you reallywant help.
Like I said before maybe diet was the wrong word to use ..I have been working with wyldeone since June he has helped me get my nutrition on point like I said diet was the wrong word to use .I have been doing cardio everyday and since June I have averaged losing about 1 pound a week so I didnt exactly fall off in this time I have actually stayed almost as strong as I was 365 and I feel alot better too and to answer you question yes when I started with him my bf% was high as for now I have the line down the middle of my abs and the top 2 rows of abs are noticeable so I was just wanting to get you guys opinions on timing cardio because of wyldeone being out of town . I appreciate all your responses this is truly the most informative board around. Thanks

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