I simply do not understand how this can work. Your body has feedback mechanisms that prevent changes in blood ph. If you ingest compounds with a high or low ph, your stomach will adjust acids in order to bring the contents of your stomach to the proper ph. Eating food which causes your urine's ph to change does not change your blood ph. Metabolites of the digestion of certain vegetables and other foods cause your urines ph to change but this does not affect your blood. Placebo effect my friends all placebo. I am open to debate on the subject but I have seen no real data that would black up these companies claims. Pseudo science at its best. Sorry, don't mean to be rude, but there are claims about biochemistry being made here that are simply against everything we understand about the human body. I would like to see blood work done. Maybe I should start selling these things.
Some interesting reading I found,
When to drink alkaline water
Since bicarbonates enter the bloodstream only when the stomach produces hydrochloric acid, it is important that we drink as high a pH value alkaline water as possible. I recommend we drink alkaline water on an empty stomach. On an empty stomach, the stomach pH value may be high but the amount (volume) of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is small; therefore, drinking high pH (9.5 to 10) alkaline water will raise the stomach pH relatively high. That may cause the stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid, allowing more bicarbonates to enter the bloodstream.
Another possibility is that alkaline water may pass into the intestine immediately, since there is no solid food in the stomach to be digested. When that happens, the blood will absorb alkaline water into the bloodstream from the intestine. If alkaline water is introduced directly into the bloodstream from the intestine, the acid buffer (carbonic acid, H2CO3) will interact with the alkaline water to bring down the blood pH and the acid buffer will become the alkaline buffer.
Ca(OH) 2 + 2(H2CO3) = Ca++(HCO3-)2 + 2(H2O)
An increase of bicarbonates in the bloodstream will prevent aging and the onset of adult degenerative diseases. Now you know the scientific mechanics of how alkaline water extends life.
The above example is based on calcium hydroxide-rich alkaline water. This kind of water is produced with a water ionizer because the alkaline mineral in tap water is predominantly calcium.
Alkaline water made with AlkaLife® contains potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide in a patented ratio. When potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide goes into the bloodstream, again the acid buffer, carbonic acid (H2CO3) reacts with them and they become bicarbonates and water.
KOH + H2CO3 = KHCO3 + H2O
NaOH + H2CO3 = NaHCO3 + H2O
Hey all I know is it worked for other people some amazing stories and if i only had to spend 20$ on two jugs and a free source for this water....heck, Im going to give it a shot...why? Because my health is worth it.