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Anabolic Brownies


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jul 30, 2006
After reading a post down in the recipy forum I decided to play in the kitchen while the wife wasen't home.
I made 4 batches of "brownies" with the last one being what I'd consider acceptable , they were all pretty good as good or better than most other in the wrapper protien bars with the same nutrients.
here is what I came up with

In a large mixing bowl add
12 scoops "Double Rich Chocolate" whey from Optimum Nutrition
1/2 cup Splenda
2 cups instant oatmeal (plain)
1/2 tea spoon baking powder
add 14 oz Chocolate LBA's
1/2 cup water

mix well and let sit for 10 min , its gonna get thick and you will need to add some water to get the consistancy right , I had mine a bit less thick than pooding about like cake batter generaly is. use a 9"x13"x 2" deep aluminum baking pan , spray a thin coat of EVOO (or other non stick spray) to keep from sticking (I lightly dusted the bottom and sides of the pan with cinnamon.)
Pour into pan let sit for a few min and bake in a pre heated 325deg oven for 20 min , it will most likely not be done but it'll be close keep an eye on it (use a toothpick inserted in the middle to check if its done like your mom showed you).

take it out let cool and cut into 12 equal pieces and you will have some brownies that taste fairly decient and make a great snack , not great but a good treat when no carbing and whatnot. They are kinda grainy and very dense more like athick semi soft cookie than a brownie.

here is the nutrition breakdown , of course you can leave out the oats to have a carb free option.

453 total grams of protien
143 total grams of carbs (diden't count the carbs in LBA's)
24 total grams of fat

each one of the brownies ( if 12 are cut) will have
37g Protien
12g carbs
2g fat

I also made some "spread" that goes great on lightly salted rice cakes or celery , apples also dip in it very well. My 11yr and 4yr old have been grabbing an apple slice and scoop each time they pass through the kitchen.

10 scoops of the whey listed above and 12oz LBA's , not sure what the breakdown is per tablespoon but a big tablespoon of this stuff on a rice cake is awsome and has no fat , seems like a much better "treat" option than a spoon full of peanut butter.
Just ate two rice cakes with this stuff and boy is it good , very filling
not what I was expecting lol!

Sounds delicious. I might have to give in and buy some lba's just so I can try this recipe. Thanks Gunsmith.
Tey are certainly worth the money and the vanilla flavor is realy good also in the LBA's. True Protein also has Whey Isolate in any flavor you can imagine , I think I'm gonna order some in peranut butter and cookie dough to play with soon.

The spread is awsome , I had some for breakfast big heaping tablespoon on each of two rice cakes , 14 total cabs and probably 50-60g protien
Dont forget to drop a couple abombs in there to make it an official "anabolic brownie". In high school we did that with weed. :)
LBA's are Lean Beef Amino's , if you do a search their is miles of post disscussing them , I made a bunch of these yesterday without the LBA's just added a cup of sugar free coco and they came out great.

Again , these ain't your momma's brownies but they are not that bad , as good and beter than alot of protein bars I've paid $2-$6 for.
I would love to hear a report back on how these taste before guinea pigging it :)

Guess i might try a mini batch
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hmmmm...sounds good to me:D
Whipped up a batch this evening, thanks Gunsmith. Not bad at all; I've had awful cravings lately and these are keeping me in check. Next time I'll go for 1 to 1.5 cups oats instead of the suggested 2. The batter is thick as hell, my wrist was aching for a half hour from mixing. I added a tablespoon of natty PB to the mix, and sprinkled pecans on top before baking. Tasty.
After reading a post down in the recipy forum I decided to play in the kitchen while the wife wasen't home.
I made 4 batches of "brownies" with the last one being what I'd consider acceptable , they were all pretty good as good or better than most other in the wrapper protien bars with the same nutrients.
here is what I came up with

In a large mixing bowl add
12 scoops "Double Rich Chocolate" whey from Optimum Nutrition
1/2 cup Splenda
2 cups instant oatmeal (plain)
1/2 tea spoon baking powder
add 14 oz Chocolate LBA's
1/2 cup water

mix well and let sit for 10 min , its gonna get thick and you will need to add some water to get the consistancy right , I had mine a bit less thick than pooding about like cake batter generaly is. use a 9"x13"x 2" deep aluminum baking pan , spray a thin coat of EVOO (or other non stick spray) to keep from sticking (I lightly dusted the bottom and sides of the pan with cinnamon.)
Pour into pan let sit for a few min and bake in a pre heated 325deg oven for 20 min , it will most likely not be done but it'll be close keep an eye on it (use a toothpick inserted in the middle to check if its done like your mom showed you).

take it out let cool and cut into 12 equal pieces and you will have some brownies that taste fairly decient and make a great snack , not great but a good treat when no carbing and whatnot. They are kinda grainy and very dense more like athick semi soft cookie than a brownie.

here is the nutrition breakdown , of course you can leave out the oats to have a carb free option.

453 total grams of protien
143 total grams of carbs (diden't count the carbs in LBA's)
24 total grams of fat

each one of the brownies ( if 12 are cut) will have
37g Protien
12g carbs
2g fat

I also made some "spread" that goes great on lightly salted rice cakes or celery , apples also dip in it very well. My 11yr and 4yr old have been grabbing an apple slice and scoop each time they pass through the kitchen.

10 scoops of the whey listed above and 12oz LBA's , not sure what the breakdown is per tablespoon but a big tablespoon of this stuff on a rice cake is awsome and has no fat , seems like a much better "treat" option than a spoon full of peanut butter.
Just ate two rice cakes with this stuff and boy is it good , very filling

Sounds pretty tasty. Brownies are one of my sweet tooth weakness.
also made some "spread" that goes great on lightly salted rice cakes or celery , apples also dip in it very well. My 11yr and 4yr old have been grabbing an apple slice and scoop each time they pass through the kitchen.

10 scoops of the whey listed above and 12oz LBA's , not sure what the breakdown is per tablespoon but a big tablespoon of this stuff on a rice cake is awsome and has no fat , seems like a much better "treat" option than a spoon full of peanut butter.
Just ate two rice cakes with this stuff and boy is it good , very filling

Give this a try too , it realy helps alot , I have been adding one packet of suger free coco to the above mix and it makes it realy tastey. The LBA's are not absolutly needed , you can just use water and a little suger free Hershy's.
Do you add crushed up dbol to make it "anabolic"?
Im gonna do that and have my kids take it to thier school parties..

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