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Anadrol + Creatine = Super Muscle Cell Hydration*


New member
May 5, 2007
As we all know, Creatine shuttles water in the body directly in to muscle cells. This is Creatine's primary mechanism of action--intracellular water retention...

I am currently running Anadrol at 50mg everyday in conjunction with approximately 20 grams of Creatine Monohydrate. Not only have I experienced zero water-retention under my skin, it seems that all of that increased water from the Anadrol has been shuttled directly in to my muscle cells from the Creatine!

So in conclusion, it appears that Anadrol increases water levels in the body while Creatine shuttles that water directly in to muscle cells, causing a super muscle cell hydrating effect that amplifies the properties of Anadrol. I am very pleased with my results so far, and I highly advise people to combine a Creatine product with any estrogenic steroid.
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As we all know, Creatine shuttles water in the body directly in to muscle cells. This is Creatine's primary mechanism of action--intracellular water retention...

I am currently running Anadrol at 50mg everyday in conjunction with approximately 20 grams of Creatine Monohydrate. Not only have I experienced zero water-retention under my skin, it seems that all of that increased water from the Anadrol has been shuttled directly in to my muscle cells from the Creatine!

So in conclusion, it appears that Anadrol increases water levels in the body while Creatine shuttles that water directly in to muscle cells, causing a super muscle cell hydrating effect that amplifies the properties of Anadrol. I am very pleased with my results so far, and I highly advise people to combine a Creatine product with any aromatizing steroid.

I thought creatine main function was to help with increased production of energy via Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) when depleted from the muscle. Yes it cause intracellular water retention within the muscle the so called cell volumizing, but I thought the increased ATP production from the creatine being shuttled into the muscle was the main effect.

If you want intracellular water retention glycerol works well for that. Maybe combine it with the creatine as well.;)
I thought creatine main function was to help with increased production of energy via Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) when depleted from the muscle. Yes it cause intracellular water retention within the muscle the so called cell volumizing, but I thought the increased ATP production from the creatine being shuttled into the muscle was the main effect.

If you want intracellular water retention glycerol works well for that. Maybe combine it with the creatine as well.;)

The point is that Creatine will limit SUBCANTANEOUS water retention caused by estrogenic steroids! It does so by re-directing water in the body directly in to the MUSCLES:) I am running Anadrol right now and all of the water is in my MUSCLES..
Muscles need water sure but more importantly they need protein...so you have super-bloated muscles, if that is indeed that case;
(empirical evidence is not proof that is indeed where the water is going)...what good is that for muscle development?
I'd rather shot synthol into the muscles than water...at lest you get a more long term growth from synthol.
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Muscles need water sure but more importantly they need protein...so you have super-bloated muscles...what good is that for muscle development?

OK, apparently you missed the point as well...

First of all, having super hydrated MUSCLE CELLS is not bloat--that's extra anabolic activity. Having increased water in the muscle will lead to greater PROTEIN SYNTHESIS.

Additionally, Creatine will limit water-retention by shuttling water from the body in to the muscles.
The point is that Creatine will limit SUBCANTANEOUS water retention caused by estrogenic steroids! It does so by re-directing water in the body directly in to the MUSCLES:) I am running Anadrol right now and all of the water is in my MUSCLES..

Yes I understood that and was just pointing out creatine main role if someone was to get confused and added for the purpose u were using it for that it may be enhanced by adding glycerol as well. If i missed your point i would not have added that in my first post.
OK, apparently you missed the point as well...

First of all, having super hydrated MUSCLE CELLS is not bloat--that's extra anabolic activity. Having increased water in the muscle will lead to greater PROTEIN SYNTHESIS.

Additionally, Creatine will limit water-retention by shuttling water from the body in to the muscles.
OK and you missed my point..Prove the water is going into the muscle.
I think a little insulin would work better if used with Creatine.
I feel the bloat from anadrol is what your feeling,
anadrol increases blood volume and muscle blood volume is increased as well...but this magic combination is not anything special like you make it out to be.
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OK and you missed my point..Prove the water is going into the muscle.
I think a little insulin would work better if used with Creatine.
I feel the bloat from anadrol is what your feeling,
anadrol increases blood volume and muscle blood volume is increased as well...but this magic combination is not anything special like you make it out to be.


Although Ross adds his theory's/opinoins and sometimes are useful, that majority is complete rubbish blown out of proportion.
Although Ross adds his theory's/opinoins and sometimes are useful, that majority is complete rubbish blown out of proportion.

Bingo. emphasis on the rubbish.
ross is a good guy who means well

he just hypes things up its his marketing approached its set in stone so its hard for him to retract from that

but hes smart just abrasive
From what I've seen Anadrol often/usually doesn't make you hold tons of subq water. I think it's a great drug for contest prep too. I think creatine directing "estrogenic water" into the muscle is bunch of BS.
Anadrol produces more creatine in the muscles already. Added creatine would be a waste. It would be like taking 1000mg of test a week and adding DHEA or something...
From what I've seen Anadrol often/usually doesn't make you hold tons of subq water. I think it's a great drug for contest prep too. I think creatine directing "estrogenic water" into the muscle is bunch of BS.

I've run Anadrol before without Creatine, so my conclusion is completely objective and based on the the empirical evidence.

It makes perfect sense and is very simple to understand--Creatine shuttles water from the body in to the muscle cells. That's why it is advised to drink tons of water on Creatine, because the more water you can hold, the more you can store INTRACELLULAR(within the MUSCLE CELL)...

Anadrol causes the body to hold massive amounts of water, which under normal conditions, would be stored both intracellular and extracellular. Much of that water experienced on Anadrol is subcantaneous water-retention, occupying the space between your skin and fat, causing a "smooth" appearance to the muscles.

HOWEVER, by using Creatine while on Anadrol, you can take advantage of that enormous water-retention by REDIRECTING it in to your MUSCLE CELLS! Now, instead of being watery and bloated, your muscles are extremely FULL and PUMPED, leaving your SKIN and MUSCLES rock hard and dry as a bone. :)
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Anadrol produces more creatine in the muscles already. Added creatine would be a waste. It would be like taking 1000mg of test a week and adding DHEA or something...

adding dhea to 1g of test isnt a bad idea if you need it actually it may help with your sex life for some people. Mostly those who have been shut down for awhile.
Anadrol produces more creatine in the muscles already. Added creatine would be a waste. It would be like taking 1000mg of test a week and adding DHEA or something...

No, ANAVAR increases Creatine stores, not ANADROL. ;)

Furthermore, every man should supplement with DHEA while ON CYCLE!! When ON CYCLE, your DHEA levels are completely shutdown! DHEA is not only a prohormone to both Testosterone and Estrogen, it also has ESSENTIAL functions of it's own in the male body; Mood, libido, immune system strength, etc.
No, ANAVAR increases Creatine stores, not ANADROL. ;)

Furthermore, every man should supplement with DHEA while ON CYCLE!! When ON CYCLE, your DHEA levels are completely shutdown! DHEA is not only a prohormone to both Testosterone and Estrogen, it also has ESSENTIAL functions of it's own in the male body; Mood, libido, immune system strength, etc.[/QUOTE]

very true!
No, ANAVAR increases Creatine stores, not ANADROL. ;)

I'm willing to bet ALL steroids increase creatine levels. Just because Anavar was shown to do it in one study doesn't mean other steroids don't share this effect. I think they do.
I'm willing to bet ALL steroids increase creatine levels. Just because Anavar was shown to do it in one study doesn't mean other steroids don't share this effect. I think they do.

There are no anabolic steroids that will increase Creatine stores as much as Creatine supplementation will. Thus, even supplementing Creatine with Anavar will result in a synergistic effect.

There are no anabolic steroids that will increase Creatine stores as much as Creatine supplementation will. Thus, even supplementing Creatine with Anavar will result in a synergistic effect.

Sorry to crash your party but anavar raises CREATININE levels.........not creatine.
Sorry to crash your party but anavar raises CREATININE levels.........not creatine.

No Phil, once again you are wrong.

Oxandrolone(Anavar) increases phosphocreatine synthesis. Look it up. ;)

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