Docs in the UK use it for HepC damage
I took around 100 of them at 4 per day. It is suppossed to cause some kind of enzyme cascade that reverses Hep C liver damage and actually rebuilds the liver. I did not get values checked. I felt much better and my right side quit hurting after the cycle. Took Milk Thistle with it and did a couple of herb cleanses too. Hep C now undetectable,
energy up, appetite still sucks though.
NOTE: THIS IS TOXIC SHIT. it is a Sulfa drug bound to aspirin. It KILLS your gut flora (your stomach life blood)
dead dead dead! You MUST do mad probiotics DURING use or you will have a big problem with gut flora for months.
Yogurt won't do it. Buy a GOOD probiotic.
I heard Cocobiotic is really amazing for replenishment
of gut flora. Look at that one or that one by the asian doctor
(forget his name maybe Akira or sumthin) Good luck.
I will do another cycle soon with lots of probiotics.
I think it is for real based on my results I feel.
I don't have insurance so I just wing it.