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Shrug Variations
by Paul Kelso
January 1986 – Part One
Over a year ago, I promised Peary Rader an article about the Kelso Shrug explaining what this principle is and how it may be applied. As I state in my course, the Kelso Shrug is not a single magic exercise, but positive and negative applications of the shrug principle to a variety of movements. I experimented for years to apply these moves to Olympic and powerlifting needs, testing them in conjunction with different lifts and on every type of machine available. A large number of bodybuilding benefits came to light during this tinkering and I will present some of them in this article.
Naming an exercise or training principle after oneself may seem rather conceited or presumptuous. I am hardly a Zottman or Hackenschmidt and there is very little entirely new in weight sports. I merely attempt to identify the various movements without causing confusion or being unnecessarily cute.
If there is a Kelso Shrug, it is the first I discovered and still find to be very effective. One day, quite by accident, I picked up a bar with a combined rowing and shrugging movement. I felt an unfamiliar response across my upper back so I spent the rest of the afternoon doing bent-over shrugs; underhand, overhand, close grip, wide grip, rolling motions, noticing the different muscle responses. I worked these movements into my program and realized more sharp, visual gains in my lats and traps in six months than I had in years of training.
Most are familiar with the usual standing shrug; it is a fine movement, but try something else. Here’s how to do a Kelso Shrug . . .
The Lat Shrug: Assume a position for bent-over rowing. Select a weight that can be used for 8 to 10 reps. Using a close, underhand or curl grip, shrug the weight up toward the chest, aiming the direction of contraction toward the lower trapezius and further to the rear, NOT up toward the ears! Do not bend the elbows. Use only the natural mobility of the shoulder blades while “thinking” the lats into action (this may take a little practice). Lower the weight to a full stretch. The lats should feel like they are tearing loose about the 9th rep. That’s the original Kelso Shrug.
Bent Over Shrug: Same position but using an overhand, knuckles up grip 8 to 10 inches apart depending on the lifter. This variation produces much more emphasis on the middle trapezius and less on the lats. concentrate dead center between the scapula and crunch them together, not forward or backward along the spine. This overhand style will do more to develop the middle trap specifically than any other exercise I know.
The Rolling Motion: Also performed in the Bent Over Rowing position. Shrug the bar toward the ears and then roll the contraction, with scapular movement, over and back toward the rear and then return to starting stretch position. Or, contract toward the rear and roll forward toward the ears and then back to start. As this movement works almost the entire upper back area from the back of the neck to the lower lat inserts, it is excellent as a general movement for the first year man or intermediate who does not wish to further specialize.
Many published back routines include four or five of more different rowing or pulling exercises practiced 4 to 6 sets each. It is my observation that such a routine becomes less effective about two-thirds through because of fatigue to the biceps, brachialis, rear deltoid and other assisting muscles. Next time in the gym, do several sets of heavy bent rows. Take the last set to the point of failure so that no more reps can be performed without cheating or heaving the weight. Then, while still holding the bar at arms’ length and in the same position, start shrugging. At least three or four shrugs should be possible. This indicates that the muscles assisting the movement have failed before the muscles targeted by the exercise! Therefore, I recommend that the shrug movements be placed after arm pulling exercises in a program. If the lifter is working with pre-exhaustion techniques, he should do the shrugs first in his routine. I have also ‘supersetted’ using lat shrugs and bent over rows on an every other set basis and even every other REP with the overhand grip. I do not advocate using these shrugs in place of standard movements unless specializing. A combination works best as full involvement of all the major and assisting muscles is necessary for full development.
The shrug principle may be applied in many ways on a large variety of machines varying the direction of the shrug on a line of contraction from the hands to any chosen point along the spine between the neck and the lower latissimus. For instance, the Lat Shrug (curl grip) practiced at a normal angle for rowing can work both the middle trap and the lat depending on direction of contraction. Leaning forward so that the upper torso or spinal plane is closer to parallel with the floor will work the lats more sharply. The “lat angle” may be enhanced further by leaning forward while using a seated low pulley or leaning back using an overhead pulldown machine. A variety of hand spacings and grips produces different effects on muscle groups. The possibilities have not yet been exhausted because of the wide variety of equipment available. I encourage lifters to boldly experiment with what they have at hand.
Wide Grip Shrugs: These movements may be done several ways and are performed with a very wide snatch grip on an Olympic or power bar. In the bentover position, the contraction is to the middle of the back. Standing, there are two basic alternatives: to the rear, as in finishing a deadlift, or up toward the ears. All the wide grip movements aid in widening the shoulder girdle, especially with young people.
The bentover position works the middle trap and contributes to the ‘spread’ while the standing shrug to the rear, shoulders back deadlift style, could be considered a basic exercise in a general program as it works the entire trapezius. Shrugging up with a wide grip is specific to the upper trap and strongly involves the attachments high on the back of the neck area. Prepare for some exquisite soreness after the first couple of workouts with this one!
In all of these shrugs it is important not to use a weight so heavy that the full range of motion is impaired! However, after several months the lifter probably will be able to shrug more than he can properly row or pull in the corresponding position. Some experience lower back stress in the bentover position – bending the knees and “sitting” back will help. (Getting to work on the lower back wouldn’t hurt either!) Placing the forehead on a rack or high bench also relieves the strain but the best method is to do the Bent Over or Lat Shrugs while lying face down on an adjustable incline bench set for the angle of attack. This takes the legs and lower back out of the movement and allows the upper back to do the work. Lat and Bent Over Shrugs work best practiced at very low angles with the upper body close to parallel with the floor. Wide grip shrugs may also be worked on an incline bench. A setting of 45 degrees up to nearly perpendicular provides lots of angles for attack. Training partners can help getting the bar into position and there are any number of racks, benches and uprights in a gym that could be used. Use some imagination!
Wide grip shrugs also may be practiced on the cable crossover machine set on low pulley. This supplies negative resistance. Unfortunately, these machines differ widely in cable length and amount of weight available.
The Lat Flair: Inexperienced bodybuilders often have trouble developing the extreme flair or outspread needed for a lat pose. Muscle control is involved and the complaint is that the scapula won’t cooperate. Try this: stand in the cable crossover machine with it set on high pulley. Arms should be extended straight out to the side or slightly up and forward. (The height of he lifter may be a factor; some do this movement seated.). Use enough weight so that the relaxed arms are stretched and the lats and scapula are under strong stress. The feel should be one of semi-dislocation. Then, without bending the arms, shrug the scapula toward each other while concentrating on the lower trap area as a focus. Return to full stretch, keeping the weight under control. Reps in the 10 to 12 range result in increased scapular mobility, muscle delineation and striations of the entire area involved.
By the way, this movement is similar in negative to an old spring set exercise. Remember holding the springs behind the back and pressing the hands straight out, rep after rep? Find that old set, put some springs on it, grab the handles and stretch it across the upper back. Press it out and then extend and contract it with scapular and shoulder girdle motion. That’s right, a lat spread with resistance. A few sets of this and the crossover machine movement in a program will improve anybody’s ‘spread’!
My original course stated that multi-angular shrugs strengthen the entire shoulder girdle and build a foundation for heavy training. This involves the front of the girdle and calls for PUSHING movements. How can there be a shrug for the chest? There are several and the dipping shrug should interest bodybuilders.
Shrug Dips: Warm up with several sets of parallel bar dips. Resume the position but this time raise and lower the body on straight arms using only the action of the shoulder girdle. This is the direct negative of the common standing shrug. Lower the body by allowing the shoulders to raise toward the ears. Raise the body by forcing the shoulders down. Varying the angle of the body activates or stresses different muscles. Leaning forward Gironda-style will make the lats, serratus and pectorals scream and will promote mid-chest pectoral cleavage. A dip belt makes this one a winner.
This exercise is best done last in a chest routine following parallel bar dips or decline work. This can be a very tough movement and may take lots of practice. Many will find the standard width dipping bars too close for comfortable performance; using dip bars that open in a ‘Y’ shape will allow for experiments in hand spacing.
Related movements can be performed in the pushup position, or upright with the hands on boxes with the feet elevated to the front, and so on.
Programs: My guess is that most of the lifters reading this article are not doing 15 to 25 sets per body part like the great champions. Advanced men will be able to work these shrugs into their routines using their own experience. But for the more average person training 2 to 4 days per week using far fewer sets per bodypart, let me make a few suggestions:
Lats: 1.) Bent over rows, seated pulls or overhead pulldowns. 2.) Lat shrug – close, curl grip.
Traps: 1.) Standing wide grip – shrugged up or toward rear. 2.) Bent over shrugs – overhand grip.
Chest, Torso: 1.) Parallel bar dips – wide grip, elbows out. 2.) Shrug dips – lean forward.
Lat Flair: 1.) Wide grip pulldowns or chins. 2.) Crossover machine shrugs. 3.) Spring set shrug – if desired.
These suggested combinations should be worked in with current programs as needed. Adding them all is just too much. The lifter should choose either the “Lats” group or the “Lat Flair” section. Experienced men with a separate back day might cut their programs back one third and add several of these shrugs.
Two to four sets apiece, 8 to 12 reps, should be plenty of work for first year and intermediate men. A really ambitious lat and trap program for split training might include bent over rowing, standing wide grip, bent over and lat shrugs. A more specialized lat program would include rows and pulls, crossover machine shrugs and lat shrugs. Again, these shrugs should be performed after an arm pulling or rowing exercise they closely resemble unless pre-exhaustion is being used, then do them first.
Results from using these shrugs include increased thickness, separation and a thickening of attachments along the spine. A generally enhanced sculpturing of muscularity can be expected. The lat shrug not only works the lats and middle traps but aids the shrug dip in carving out the line of the lat along the rib cage as seen from the front. One fellow performs lat shrugs while lying face down on a decline bench. He reports better results this way than in the bent over position. The bench is raised on blocks so that the bar doesn’t hit the floor at full stretch. Others use heavy dumbbells when bent over or using benches. However, the underhand grip effect CANNOT be achieved properly with dumbbells because of the difficulty in maintaining the palms front rotation. Finally, the overhand grip bent over shrug is just flat FINE for filling up the mid-scapular hollow with muscle.
Doubting Thomases always appear when anything new comes along. Let me challenge the scoffers to a test of the possibilities of the shrug variation principle. Jump up to the chinning bar and grab on wide. Get a full hang stretch. Now shrug the body up using only scapular mobility and other torso muscle contractions. Do not bend the elbows. Try several reps. Several sets. Use a weight belt. Any questions? This move should follow chins or pulldowns in a program.
One other thing about these shrugs and a dozen others I haven’t mentioned: They Increase Strength! My next article will discuss variations of he shrug principle for Olympic lifting, the deadlift, and the bench press.
by Paul Kelso
January 1986 – Part One
Over a year ago, I promised Peary Rader an article about the Kelso Shrug explaining what this principle is and how it may be applied. As I state in my course, the Kelso Shrug is not a single magic exercise, but positive and negative applications of the shrug principle to a variety of movements. I experimented for years to apply these moves to Olympic and powerlifting needs, testing them in conjunction with different lifts and on every type of machine available. A large number of bodybuilding benefits came to light during this tinkering and I will present some of them in this article.
Naming an exercise or training principle after oneself may seem rather conceited or presumptuous. I am hardly a Zottman or Hackenschmidt and there is very little entirely new in weight sports. I merely attempt to identify the various movements without causing confusion or being unnecessarily cute.
If there is a Kelso Shrug, it is the first I discovered and still find to be very effective. One day, quite by accident, I picked up a bar with a combined rowing and shrugging movement. I felt an unfamiliar response across my upper back so I spent the rest of the afternoon doing bent-over shrugs; underhand, overhand, close grip, wide grip, rolling motions, noticing the different muscle responses. I worked these movements into my program and realized more sharp, visual gains in my lats and traps in six months than I had in years of training.
Most are familiar with the usual standing shrug; it is a fine movement, but try something else. Here’s how to do a Kelso Shrug . . .
The Lat Shrug: Assume a position for bent-over rowing. Select a weight that can be used for 8 to 10 reps. Using a close, underhand or curl grip, shrug the weight up toward the chest, aiming the direction of contraction toward the lower trapezius and further to the rear, NOT up toward the ears! Do not bend the elbows. Use only the natural mobility of the shoulder blades while “thinking” the lats into action (this may take a little practice). Lower the weight to a full stretch. The lats should feel like they are tearing loose about the 9th rep. That’s the original Kelso Shrug.
Bent Over Shrug: Same position but using an overhand, knuckles up grip 8 to 10 inches apart depending on the lifter. This variation produces much more emphasis on the middle trapezius and less on the lats. concentrate dead center between the scapula and crunch them together, not forward or backward along the spine. This overhand style will do more to develop the middle trap specifically than any other exercise I know.
The Rolling Motion: Also performed in the Bent Over Rowing position. Shrug the bar toward the ears and then roll the contraction, with scapular movement, over and back toward the rear and then return to starting stretch position. Or, contract toward the rear and roll forward toward the ears and then back to start. As this movement works almost the entire upper back area from the back of the neck to the lower lat inserts, it is excellent as a general movement for the first year man or intermediate who does not wish to further specialize.
Many published back routines include four or five of more different rowing or pulling exercises practiced 4 to 6 sets each. It is my observation that such a routine becomes less effective about two-thirds through because of fatigue to the biceps, brachialis, rear deltoid and other assisting muscles. Next time in the gym, do several sets of heavy bent rows. Take the last set to the point of failure so that no more reps can be performed without cheating or heaving the weight. Then, while still holding the bar at arms’ length and in the same position, start shrugging. At least three or four shrugs should be possible. This indicates that the muscles assisting the movement have failed before the muscles targeted by the exercise! Therefore, I recommend that the shrug movements be placed after arm pulling exercises in a program. If the lifter is working with pre-exhaustion techniques, he should do the shrugs first in his routine. I have also ‘supersetted’ using lat shrugs and bent over rows on an every other set basis and even every other REP with the overhand grip. I do not advocate using these shrugs in place of standard movements unless specializing. A combination works best as full involvement of all the major and assisting muscles is necessary for full development.
The shrug principle may be applied in many ways on a large variety of machines varying the direction of the shrug on a line of contraction from the hands to any chosen point along the spine between the neck and the lower latissimus. For instance, the Lat Shrug (curl grip) practiced at a normal angle for rowing can work both the middle trap and the lat depending on direction of contraction. Leaning forward so that the upper torso or spinal plane is closer to parallel with the floor will work the lats more sharply. The “lat angle” may be enhanced further by leaning forward while using a seated low pulley or leaning back using an overhead pulldown machine. A variety of hand spacings and grips produces different effects on muscle groups. The possibilities have not yet been exhausted because of the wide variety of equipment available. I encourage lifters to boldly experiment with what they have at hand.
Wide Grip Shrugs: These movements may be done several ways and are performed with a very wide snatch grip on an Olympic or power bar. In the bentover position, the contraction is to the middle of the back. Standing, there are two basic alternatives: to the rear, as in finishing a deadlift, or up toward the ears. All the wide grip movements aid in widening the shoulder girdle, especially with young people.
The bentover position works the middle trap and contributes to the ‘spread’ while the standing shrug to the rear, shoulders back deadlift style, could be considered a basic exercise in a general program as it works the entire trapezius. Shrugging up with a wide grip is specific to the upper trap and strongly involves the attachments high on the back of the neck area. Prepare for some exquisite soreness after the first couple of workouts with this one!
In all of these shrugs it is important not to use a weight so heavy that the full range of motion is impaired! However, after several months the lifter probably will be able to shrug more than he can properly row or pull in the corresponding position. Some experience lower back stress in the bentover position – bending the knees and “sitting” back will help. (Getting to work on the lower back wouldn’t hurt either!) Placing the forehead on a rack or high bench also relieves the strain but the best method is to do the Bent Over or Lat Shrugs while lying face down on an adjustable incline bench set for the angle of attack. This takes the legs and lower back out of the movement and allows the upper back to do the work. Lat and Bent Over Shrugs work best practiced at very low angles with the upper body close to parallel with the floor. Wide grip shrugs may also be worked on an incline bench. A setting of 45 degrees up to nearly perpendicular provides lots of angles for attack. Training partners can help getting the bar into position and there are any number of racks, benches and uprights in a gym that could be used. Use some imagination!
Wide grip shrugs also may be practiced on the cable crossover machine set on low pulley. This supplies negative resistance. Unfortunately, these machines differ widely in cable length and amount of weight available.
The Lat Flair: Inexperienced bodybuilders often have trouble developing the extreme flair or outspread needed for a lat pose. Muscle control is involved and the complaint is that the scapula won’t cooperate. Try this: stand in the cable crossover machine with it set on high pulley. Arms should be extended straight out to the side or slightly up and forward. (The height of he lifter may be a factor; some do this movement seated.). Use enough weight so that the relaxed arms are stretched and the lats and scapula are under strong stress. The feel should be one of semi-dislocation. Then, without bending the arms, shrug the scapula toward each other while concentrating on the lower trap area as a focus. Return to full stretch, keeping the weight under control. Reps in the 10 to 12 range result in increased scapular mobility, muscle delineation and striations of the entire area involved.
By the way, this movement is similar in negative to an old spring set exercise. Remember holding the springs behind the back and pressing the hands straight out, rep after rep? Find that old set, put some springs on it, grab the handles and stretch it across the upper back. Press it out and then extend and contract it with scapular and shoulder girdle motion. That’s right, a lat spread with resistance. A few sets of this and the crossover machine movement in a program will improve anybody’s ‘spread’!
My original course stated that multi-angular shrugs strengthen the entire shoulder girdle and build a foundation for heavy training. This involves the front of the girdle and calls for PUSHING movements. How can there be a shrug for the chest? There are several and the dipping shrug should interest bodybuilders.
Shrug Dips: Warm up with several sets of parallel bar dips. Resume the position but this time raise and lower the body on straight arms using only the action of the shoulder girdle. This is the direct negative of the common standing shrug. Lower the body by allowing the shoulders to raise toward the ears. Raise the body by forcing the shoulders down. Varying the angle of the body activates or stresses different muscles. Leaning forward Gironda-style will make the lats, serratus and pectorals scream and will promote mid-chest pectoral cleavage. A dip belt makes this one a winner.
This exercise is best done last in a chest routine following parallel bar dips or decline work. This can be a very tough movement and may take lots of practice. Many will find the standard width dipping bars too close for comfortable performance; using dip bars that open in a ‘Y’ shape will allow for experiments in hand spacing.
Related movements can be performed in the pushup position, or upright with the hands on boxes with the feet elevated to the front, and so on.
Programs: My guess is that most of the lifters reading this article are not doing 15 to 25 sets per body part like the great champions. Advanced men will be able to work these shrugs into their routines using their own experience. But for the more average person training 2 to 4 days per week using far fewer sets per bodypart, let me make a few suggestions:
Lats: 1.) Bent over rows, seated pulls or overhead pulldowns. 2.) Lat shrug – close, curl grip.
Traps: 1.) Standing wide grip – shrugged up or toward rear. 2.) Bent over shrugs – overhand grip.
Chest, Torso: 1.) Parallel bar dips – wide grip, elbows out. 2.) Shrug dips – lean forward.
Lat Flair: 1.) Wide grip pulldowns or chins. 2.) Crossover machine shrugs. 3.) Spring set shrug – if desired.
These suggested combinations should be worked in with current programs as needed. Adding them all is just too much. The lifter should choose either the “Lats” group or the “Lat Flair” section. Experienced men with a separate back day might cut their programs back one third and add several of these shrugs.
Two to four sets apiece, 8 to 12 reps, should be plenty of work for first year and intermediate men. A really ambitious lat and trap program for split training might include bent over rowing, standing wide grip, bent over and lat shrugs. A more specialized lat program would include rows and pulls, crossover machine shrugs and lat shrugs. Again, these shrugs should be performed after an arm pulling or rowing exercise they closely resemble unless pre-exhaustion is being used, then do them first.
Results from using these shrugs include increased thickness, separation and a thickening of attachments along the spine. A generally enhanced sculpturing of muscularity can be expected. The lat shrug not only works the lats and middle traps but aids the shrug dip in carving out the line of the lat along the rib cage as seen from the front. One fellow performs lat shrugs while lying face down on a decline bench. He reports better results this way than in the bent over position. The bench is raised on blocks so that the bar doesn’t hit the floor at full stretch. Others use heavy dumbbells when bent over or using benches. However, the underhand grip effect CANNOT be achieved properly with dumbbells because of the difficulty in maintaining the palms front rotation. Finally, the overhand grip bent over shrug is just flat FINE for filling up the mid-scapular hollow with muscle.
Doubting Thomases always appear when anything new comes along. Let me challenge the scoffers to a test of the possibilities of the shrug variation principle. Jump up to the chinning bar and grab on wide. Get a full hang stretch. Now shrug the body up using only scapular mobility and other torso muscle contractions. Do not bend the elbows. Try several reps. Several sets. Use a weight belt. Any questions? This move should follow chins or pulldowns in a program.
One other thing about these shrugs and a dozen others I haven’t mentioned: They Increase Strength! My next article will discuss variations of he shrug principle for Olympic lifting, the deadlift, and the bench press.