did it before he wrote about it..
i liked it and didnt like it..
let me explain both sentences..
im not in any way smart with this kind of shit.. but i do listen to what my body wants me to do with it.. so, this seemed to be what it wanted to do so i did it.. i did it with no reasoning and it was against sound science, but that is the way most of the things we do seem to most..
i liked it and i didnt..
i liked the results, BUT I DID NOT LIKE THE WAY MY BODY FELT ON IT OR THE WAY MY BRAIN OPERATED ON IT.... i have to think critically during the day for my job, evaluating a lot of information that seems as first random... normally i make sense of this random shit and thats why i am so good at what i do but while doing this shit i could not make sense of most of the shit i was dealing with...lol.. even simple shit.. i would even forget shit i needed when i went food shopping.. i mean who forgets toilet paper.. i would even forget to train tri's on chest shoulder's and tri's day.. i would be in the car almost home and be like wtf why arent my tri;s tight and pumped and try to think back to the workout and see where i might have slacked when it dawned on me that i totally didnt even train tri's ...lol..
in short, i do not like the protocol and there are probably better ways to achieve the same amount of minimal-moderate gains.