I emailed the guy who wrote this (Jerry) about supplementing GABA before bed and whether or not it can increase hgh production. This is what he said:
Like most questions that I get, although the question is simple, the answer suffers from a severe lack of data and, most likely, from an enormous amount of complexity.
"What little data we have indicates that GABA does NOT cross the blood-brain-barrier. Nevertheless, taking GABA orally causes some definite effects in the human brain in most people. (According to at least one study,) one of those effects seems to be the release of human growth hormone in most people, but it is not clear why.
It may be that supplemental GABA conserves other chemical raw materials that would normally be used outside of the brain, and that supplemental GABA allows those chemical building blocks to get into the brain. Supplemental GABA seems to have definite effects on the brains of some people, but the mechanism of these effects may be very complex and indirect."
Figured I would share it with everyone. Very interesting. Not exactly 'new' information, but still something to consider. He responding promptly in a matter of hours. Great guy and I bet some of the hgh experts would probably love to converse with him.