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Blood pressure medication

if so, would you rather go with high blood pressure? health is more than muscles...

I'm taking Telmisartan and I don't see any change in my muscle gain
No change, tons of diff medications for blood pressure you can try though. High BP runs in my fam, turned 40 and boom I had high BP all of a sudden. Have noticed no changes in energy, appetite, muscle function, etc.
Never noticed.
I've over here wondering which one is causing temple headaches not muscle gains.
Thanks everyone! Just had a health exam and BP was 126/78. Best it has been in years. I am running a very clean diet with Telmisartan and I feel amazing!
Lower gains…idk..but high BP destroys kidneys soooo
do your cardio and take telmisartan if you still need help controlling BP. Chronically high BP can kill you. You know what kills your gains worse than what you think BP meds will do? Actually dying. lol.
do your cardio and take telmisartan if you still need help controlling BP. Chronically high BP can kill you. You know what kills your gains worse than what you think BP meds will do? Actually dying. lol.
Any sponsors on here carry telmi? I'm running low.
I take telmisartan and don’t notice any issues at all. It feels completely benign other than I don’t feel my pulse in my teeth anymore
Agree, Telimsartan is the king at this point and extra benefit is its fat burning properties.... inducing visceral fat reduction
For a bodybuilder, my only suggestion would be to steer clear of beta-blockers. They can cause lethargy and depression-like symptoms because of the receptors they attach to (primarily beta-1) and can affect your workouts.
For a bodybuilder, my only suggestion would be to steer clear of beta-blockers. They can cause lethargy and depression-like symptoms because of the receptors they attach to (primarily beta-1) and can affect your workouts.
Interesting. I've been on a beta blocker + another bp rx. combo for a decent amount of time. I haven't noticed anything but, it could be that I'm just so used to it that I don't notice it at all even though I don't remember noticing anything from the beginning. However, like we all know, everyone is diff.
Next Dr. appt., I'll have to see what he says about trying to discontinue the beta blocker and go from there.

If you want to burn fat while feeling some real lethargy and are healthy enough, I'd try(not saying you or anyone else should and just referring to myself) 250mg's DNP 1 x daily, EOD, or similar working your way up to 500mg's split up a.m. and pm for a wk. or more w/tons of water and electrolytes, of course. I'm just over 2wks. in and I could doze off easily sometimes throughout the day but, still do fasted cardio and train almost ED.

The DNP along w/Synthetek's products while on TRT/HRT and adding a little something extra listed below is melting the fat away SO much quicker than I thought.

-Other than DNP 250 caps from GENOTECH on here, I'm currenty taking:
-Synthergine, SynthePure, Synthetine, and Syntheselen(Obviously from Synthetek).

I'm rx'd dosages of TRT/HRT(Test, Sermorelin, & Anastrozole so far).

-I also added in a tiny bit of Winstrol inject, T3, and BPC-157 from SCIROXX on here.

Even while waiting on my HVAC system for the house to be corrected from a bunk install and it being hot as hell out + humidity, this suffering is more than worth it to me for the results in fat loss I wasn't really expecting to be SO high.

-BP remains low at 116/72 to 123/76

Any questions, feel free.

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