w8's said:
Whats the difference in the different b/f calculation methods and which is the most reliable.
Jackson/Pollock formula
Durnin/Womersley formula
any help would be greatly appreciated
Both are skinfold based estimations of body fat, as estimated by underwater weighing.
I would go with the Jackson & Pollock:
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1985 Feb; 17(1): 124-30. Related Articles, Links
Validity of "generalized" equations for body composition analysis in male athletes.
Sinning WE, Dolny DG, Little KD, Cunningham LN, Racaniello A, Siconolfi SF, Sholes JL.
Equations by Durnin and Womersley [(D-W), Br. J. Nutr. 32:77, 1974], Jackson and Pollock [(J-P), Br. J. Nutr. 40:497, 1978], and Lohman [(L), Human Biol., 53:181, 1981] for estimating body density (BD) purportedly overcome the problem of specificity by accounting for age and/or the curvilinear relationship between skinfolds (SF) and BD. Their equations were validated on 265 male athletes against percent fat measured by underwater weighing [(UWW); mean +/- SD = 9.2 +/- 4.4%]. Equations by Sloan [(S), J. Appl. Physiol. 23:311, 1967], Katch and McArdle [(K-M), Human. Biol. 45:445, 1973], and Forsyth and Sinning [(F-S), Med. Sci. Sports 5:174, 1973] were included as "linear regression models" to compare to the curvilinear models of J-P, D-W, and L. Differences between UWW and estimated mean values ranged from -1.1 to +5.9%; correlations ranged from 0.58 to 0.85; SEE ranged from +/- 2.41 to +/- 3.61% and total error (E) ranged from 2.38 to 6.97%. The seven D-W equations overestimated mean percent fat by from 3.9 to 5.9%. The K-M, S, and L equations overestimated by 1.3, 0.5, and 1.7%, respectively. The F-S equations overestimated by 2.4 to 3.8%. Of the 21 equations evaluated, only 3 by J-P gave estimates not significantly different from UWW percent fat. Regression analyses of the relationship between UWW
and estimated (x) percent fat values from those equations were: y = 1.037x - 0.08 +/- 2.38, E = 2.38, r = 0.84; 0.869x + 1.36 +/- 2.45, E = 2.51, r = 0.83; 1.107x - 1.14 +/- 2.51, E = 2.53, r = 0.82.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)