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Kilo Klub Member
Jun 9, 2002
In all seriousness is there anything short of surgery that can help increase a womans breast size. I have a friend that came to me and is wanting to do something about it but isn't sure what she can do. She wanted to see if the was any OTC stuff in any of the little border towns. Hopefully no one thought this post was going to be for me. I'm just glad I'm not BOB from fight club!

i'm sure there would be a temporary size increase if you threw a couple jabs at her tits, due to localized swelling...
My oldest daughter was LACKING in this area, to say the least (she picked up "my" Asian genes I guess :eek: ). My wife said that my pecs were larger than her boobs :) . About 2 years ago (she was 25 then) she got a boob job and they look about "normal" now.

This chick had a nice rack to say the least before way too many nights out and some bad habits. There coming back, but not as fast as she would like.
I had a freind that had some smallys and said she tried every thing from creams to pills and I guess the only thing that worked was a boob job!
Well, Mrs Strunk has always been lacking in this area. Now that she's 6 months pregnant...they've grown nicely. Too bad they won't stay that way.LOL
Well she could always just eat and become fatter all around which would then give her bigger ones. Pros vs Cons question is, is she willing to gain a few dress sizes everywhere else as well. MM
Saw this on news show

**broken link removed**

Breast-Building Bra
Doctors Develop Non-Surgical Bust Enhancer

N E W Y O R K, May 9 — Women who want a bigger bust have had help over the years from padded bras, push-up bras, and the "Cross Your Heart" bra. Now there's something that actually promises to increase breast size — without implants.
Decade in Development Domes and Pump New Kind of Beauty Sleep GMA Investigates

The Brava Breast Enhancement and Shaping System, developed by reconstructive surgeon Dr. Roger Khouri, is said to be the first non-surgical technique for increasing the bust size.
"As soon as you put it on, you see your breasts growing," says Daisy, who asked that her last name not be used. "You have it on for an hour and your breasts are bigger."

Decade in Development

It may sound like one of those ads in the back of women's magazines that boast "bigger bust in just days!" But women who have tried it and the doctors who developed it say in most cases, breasts grow up to one full cup size after 10 weeks of wearing the bra for 10 hours a day.

A board of leading plastic surgeons and tissue engineer who have worked to develop the so-called "suction bra" for more than a decade are conducting clinical trials to demonstrate its legitimacy. Some 200 women have tried the bra in trials in Miami, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.

The bras are now beginning to make their way onto the market via the Brava doctors.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has reviewed the bra as a 510(k) Class II Medical Device, and is allowing the sale. Although it met all FDA requirements, however, the agency has decided not to regulate the Brava system at this point.

Domes and Pump

Daisy, a petite data processor, participated in the clinical trials for the device because she wanted her clothes to fit better and did not want breast-enhancement surgery.

For 10 weeks, 10 hours a day, she wears a sports bra containing two plastic domes edged in a sticky silicone gel. Also held in place under the bra is a small rechargeable power pack.

"You'll notice there's a little port on the bottom where tubing fits into, there's a device that we call the 'Smart Box,'" says Dr. Thomas Baker, lead clinical investigator for Brava System. "The Smart Box has a little pump in it, which is battery-activated which creates a negative pressure within the dome between the breast and the wall of the dome."

When the Smart Box is turned on, air is pumped out and the breasts are sucked forward into the dome. Baker says that suction causes the nerves and breast tissue to grow, creating permanent growth of on average one bra cup size when used as directed.

Or at least it seems permanent — researchers have only been following the subjects for 18 months.

"We know that stretching causes new cells to form," says Baker. "So we reason that if we could maintain a pressure over a long period of time we could cause the breast tissue to increase; and indeed that's true."

New Kind of Beauty Sleep

Daisy admits the idea of strapping on the device was a bit daunting.

"At the beginning, when they first told me 10 hours, I thought, 'Wow! Ten hours is a lot of time," she says. "Where am I going to fit the time to wear that?"

Like many of the women in the study, she decided to wear it in her sleep.

"Get in the right position; make sure it's on right, and just pretty much stay there," Daisy recommends. "If you're moving all night, the seal is going to come open and you're going to wait for it to suck out the air again."

GMA Investigates

Good Morning America decided to send its regular "beauty adventurer" Holly Millea to test out the new bra for herself.

"I feel almost like I have plungers on," she said after trying the bra on for the first time. "Like strong men are pulling my breasts away from my chest,"

After a few tingly, tugging minutes, the Smart Box reached maximum pressure, where it will remain for 10 hours a day. Millea will report her own findings on GMA after wearing it for 10 weeks.

The suggested price for the complete system and medical consultation is $2500, though individual doctors may vary that rate. The "Brava" is only available through doctors who have been trained by the developers.

The only negative side effect that researchers report so far is contact dermatitis, an itchy skin condition that results from direct contact with a product that irritates some people's skin.

Pregnant or lactating women, those with a history of breast cancer, or those who have had a mastectomy cannot use the bra.

I date alot of girls with brest implants, My previous girlfriend was from brazil and over there big breast are considered sloppy or lazy, but they have the biggest Asses ever. Anyways, she was an A cup, got the surgery went up to a large C. SHe feels great, and looks great, and said it helped her so much with confidence, and day to day things. You can finance breast implants, and it is worth while if it bothers her. Just a word of caution, most of the girls I have dated that got breast implants usally ditch the guy they were with before they got them. Each one of them got them, dumped there current boy after the surgery, they figured they could do better and I swept up and picked up the peices.

Question on breast feeding

Can a woman who has a set of sillies breast feed still?

Yes the can, no problems, what the do these days is they make an cut on the bottom of the breat, then they use some tool to strech the muscle out and they place the implant under the muscle. This way it wont sag or droop or push out the the side. The internal structure of the breast is not bothered at all. They act just like normal titties, if she gets fat they get bigger, if she is pregant they get bigger, there is just now more padding. My biggest complaint thus far is the scar tissue, like if you have a scab some people pick them, and with breast implants and the large cut they make it is very noticeable.
women can only breastfeed after having implants if they didn't go through the nipple...

it's when they go UNDER the muscle that you have to be careful of them getting pushed out to the side...because the pec muscles contract and push them....I had them over the muscle and I didn't have that problem...this time, I'm getting them half under and half over so I will have to be more careful.

and I'm curious about your scaring....they shouldn't be that big, and if they are, they shouldn't be that noticable with what they can do today with surgery....


marianna k:)
marianna komlos said:
women can only breastfeed after having implants if they didn't go through the nipple...

it's when they go UNDER the muscle that you have to be careful of them getting pushed out to the side...because the pec muscles contract and push them....I had them over the muscle and I didn't have that problem...this time, I'm getting them half under and half over so I will have to be more careful.

and I'm curious about your scaring....they shouldn't be that big, and if they are, they shouldn't be that noticable with what they can do today with surgery....


marianna k:)

Hey, I think he may have meant it was a problem with scarring if they picked at it.
that's the beauty of modern medicine....with how they close surgery now, you shouldn't have that problem...

I love modern science!

marianna :D
Yes Sir

Fake, real, big, or small I love me some boobies. Well except for thoe poor girls that have breats that look like skin folds. I feel sorry for them. But like Marianna said, gotta love modern science. LOL!!

Even with the advancements in surgical techniques it still depends alot on the individual. Some people scar heavily and some dont. I have some surgical scars that seem to keep getting bigger and uglier as the years pass. I had a surgery last year and the doc revised a previous scar (removed it since he was cutting in the same spot), he did an excellant job closing it back up and now 1 year later its gotten to be as awful looking as the original.

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