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Carwin or Lesnar?


Mar 30, 2010
who does everyone have their money on? they are both beasts in the ring and carwin has a lot of cred but lesnar has been training hard for awhile with randy couture? what do you guys think?
Lesnar, and props to Werdum for retiring Fedor. :D
Lesnar, and props to Werdum for retiring Fedor. :D

true that brother.. im pulling for lesnar myself.. I think its gonna be a knockout fest but if it goes to the ground, lesnar will be just too much for him.. :D

I like them both and consider their ground games equal. That leaves the stand up game. Carwin is much more polished in that department. Lesnar takes everyone down and does ground and pound. Not sure he can do it this time.

I like them both and consider their ground games equal. That leaves the stand up game. Carwin is much more polished in that department. Lesnar takes everyone down and does ground and pound. Not sure he can do it this time.

I have to totally disagree with you here on their ground game being equal. Lesnar was a D1 national champ, there is nobody at that weight class with a ground game that can match his.
Lesnar, and props to Werdum for retiring Fedor. :D

Fedor has (1) more fight on his contract, so he's not going to be retiring just yet. I think a rematch is going to happen with Werdum, and then he may call it quits.

The only person who retired at the StrikeForce event last night was Frank Shamrock.

As for Lesnar/Carwin, I like Carwin as a person much more than Brock (he's a bully), however i think Brock is just going to maul Carwin.
I dont see brock being able to man handle him on the ground like he does everyone else. It should be a great fight. Don't know who to pick though....
Carwin has the best shot of anyone in the heavyweight class. I have a feeling it will go to the 2nd round and lesner will win via ground and pound. Carwin has to knock him out to win, id like to see him catch lesner with a bomb!
Fedor has (1) more fight on his contract, so he's not going to be retiring just yet. I think a rematch is going to happen with Werdum, and then he may call it quits.

The only person who retired at the StrikeForce event last night was Frank Shamrock.

As for Lesnar/Carwin, I like Carwin as a person much more than Brock (he's a bully), however i think Brock is just going to maul Carwin.

Yeah I know, the announcers kind of hinted that Fedor may lean towards retirement. Werdum is a good fighter though. Give him some credit with his jiu jitsu background.
Fedor has (1) more fight on his contract, so he's not going to be retiring just yet. I think a rematch is going to happen with Werdum, and then he may call it quits.

The only person who retired at the StrikeForce event last night was Frank Shamrock.

As for Lesnar/Carwin, I like Carwin as a person much more than Brock (he's a bully), however i think Brock is just going to maul Carwin.

I agree , Carwin gives a good impression to me in interviews then Lesner who has a big mouth and sounds like a bully/ asshole type , and hope Carwin gets the win.
Yeah I know, the announcers kind of hinted that Fedor may lean towards retirement. Werdum is a good fighter though. Give him some credit with his jiu jitsu background.

Oh no bro, I absolutely agree with ya. Werdum deserves all the accolades he gets. I mean, hes the only guy who has ever submitted Fedor. I think when he took that hit and Fedor pounced, his brain just automatically reacted with his training. Werdum is a good guy.

As for Fedor, i think he may try to avenge this loss. If he does, i think he will take the rematch, and then go into politics. Which seems to be the thing that alot of the European guys do - Karelin, CroCop, and most likely Fedor.
I agree , Carwin gives a good impression to me in interviews then Lesner who has a big mouth and sounds like a bully/ asshole type , and hope Carwin gets the win.

Yeah, I guess with my martial arts background, ive always admired the guys who were humble. Guys like Fedor, GSP, Josh Barnett, etc.

Im pulling for Carwin, but i dont see him out-wrestling Brock. The only way Carwin takes this is if he is able to KO Brock, and with those big meathooks that Shane has, it might just be a possibility.

Saturady will tell the tale.
Carwin has the best shot of anyone in the heavyweight class. I have a feeling it will go to the 2nd round and lesner will win via ground and pound. Carwin has to knock him out to win, id like to see him catch lesner with a bomb!

id love to see him knock brock clean out!!
No doubt this is the hardest match up for Lesnar, Personally wanna see him get knocked the fuck out.
Carwin by KO!
Don't know who to pick it will just depend on who catches who first. Brock comes across as an ass though so I'm pulling for Carwin. Would love to see how Brock would react if Carwin caught him once.

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