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Choices for my next cycle


May 7, 2022
Option a
14 weeks
500 test cyp
400 mast p
400 dhb
Last 4 weeks add in
50 mg var
50 mg winny
3.3 ius gh

Option b
14 weeks
500 test cyp
600 - 400 primo tapered up
50 mg proviron daily
75 mg ment weekly 8 weeks to finish
20 mg injectable sd last 3 weeks
Adex as needed
3.3 ius gh
Goal is just to recomp a little just finished my winter growth phase 2 months ago trying to keep some muscle fullness and burn a little excess bf from not in bad shape rn at all sitting at 218 fairly decent shape under 13 percent bf
I’ve been running gear for 6 years I’m 30 pretty much have tried everything but trestalone but hear it like a wet tren without the insomnia or extreme aggression
If I do cycle a I might cut a little harder and attempt this show in may
you just look in the mirror and decide what you’re going to need to do.

ideally - you look in the mirror AND feel relatively ok and have checked your health markers and then decide what you’re going to take lol

Gear for 6 years you should have a good idea of what you respond to best, trialing new compounds is fine but it’s just dicking around, you’re jerking off with your left hand instead of your right. It’s really not going to be some magical thing or make a huge difference either way.

Just my opinion but youre in the 200lb range, and youve been at it 6 years - I think you’ll be staying there with your test base of 500mg.

The gh dose is a good start, i would double it; 14 weeks is not all the time in the world to make improvements

750mg test 350mg tren ace 5-6iu gh - you’ll recomp lol, masteron is optional.
Goal is just to recomp a little just finished my winter growth phase 2 months ago trying to keep some muscle fullness and burn a little excess bf from not in bad shape rn at all sitting at 218 fairly decent shape under 13 percent bf
I’ve been running gear for 6 years I’m 30 pretty much have tried everything but trestalone but hear it like a wet tren without the insomnia or extreme aggression
If I do cycle a I might cut a little harder and attempt this show in may
Height? I personally think your first goal is to stop and truly assess where you are. Get blood work done etc.

You have answered your own question in your post. You want and need to cut harder. Without pics it’s hard to guage but you would ideally want to come lower than 13% BF to have an effective recomp to set yourself up to either compete or rebound based on what you decide.

If you’re not stepping on a stage or prepping for a shoot then I would leave the orals out as other items will more than cover your your goals of recomp.

If you are set on leaving them in for whatever reason I would drop the anavar and only use winny pre workout and increase dosage by 25mg each week up to 100mg. There’s no need for both if you do an oral and for cutting you’ll get a better look by just going all-in with winny IMO.
you just look in the mirror and decide what you’re going to need to do.

ideally - you look in the mirror AND feel relatively ok and have checked your health markers and then decide what you’re going to take lol

Gear for 6 years you should have a good idea of what you respond to best, trialing new compounds is fine but it’s just dicking around, you’re jerking off with your left hand instead of your right. It’s really not going to be some magical thing or make a huge difference either way.

Just my opinion but youre in the 200lb range, and youve been at it 6 years - I think you’ll be staying there with your test base of 500mg.

The gh dose is a good start, i would double it; 14 weeks is not all the time in the world to make improvements

750mg test 350mg tren ace 5-6iu gh - you’ll recomp lol, masteron is optional.
See I would love to do that but I can’t do the tren rn I just got a new job that’s really fucking great and I’m not trying spend my first half of the year with this company not sleeping I love tren but I suffer from insomnia bad from that shit I’ve been trying to stay away from it but tren results are tren results
See I would love to do that but I can’t do the tren rn I just got a new job that’s really fucking great and I’m not trying spend my first half of the year with this company not sleeping I love tren but I suffer from insomnia bad from that shit I’ve been trying to stay away from it but tren results are tren results
Okay, you can always run the classic TEST/EQ - I dont think DHB is a good choice its not really ideal I think alot of people struggle with the PIP and inflammation. I don't think trestolone is suited either.

I see no reason not to run TEST/EQ/MASTERON depending on how you respond to it - not everybody gets the 'AI metabolite effect' from EQ, I'm not convinced it is a real thing

TEST 750MG - up to 1000MG
EQ - 600MG - up to 900MG
MAST - 400MG up to 600MG
GH 5-6IU throughout

I personally would not need an AI on that

I definitely would not run superdrol aswell - you'll just feel like shit, the lethargy hits everyone pretty bad. If you were going to take a drol at the end, anadrol has always had a nice cosmetic effect and pushed the muscle to the skin making me appear leaner and harder than I am all whilst eating less food.

Wait for others to chime in if you want, ultimately like I said before - I think you know best for your body and you should trust your instinct and not tinker or experiment too much, think back over the years.
I'm not sure I like either option. I would stick to a base of 2 or 3 of the following; Test, Nandrolone, EQ or Primo, with added GH/slin if it's appropriate. Just keep it basic, you don't need all of them just 2/3 compounds and added GH/slin if your level of advancement warrants it.

Honestly if it were me it'd be just a base of Test/Nandrolone and GH/Slin that's it.

Orals - Not a big fan of those in an offseason growth cycle, just doesn't seem a good idea from a health cost/benefit standpoint.
Exotics - Not sure DHB is going to add a great deal, or Mast for growth.

Just seems like an awful lot of stuff going on here for 14 weeks. I'd personally take some time now to prime yourself for a bulk, cut now before you blast so you're primed and then when you blast and gain.

It's all training, diet etc the hormones are just there on top to smooth it all out.
Id.personally go with
1500mgs test
900mg of.eq
Week 1-4
50mg dbol
Week 4-9
50mg dbol
50mg adrol
Week 9-14
100mg dbol
100mg adrol
At least 8iu.growth
Novalin r 3 iu.x3 a.day and move.up to 10iu x 3
Dnp for.three weks.post
Id.personally go with
1500mgs test
900mg of.eq
Week 1-4
50mg dbol
Week 4-9
50mg dbol
50mg adrol
Week 9-14
100mg dbol
100mg adrol
At least 8iu.growth
Novalin r 3 iu.x3 a.day and move.up to 10iu x 3
Dnp for.three weks.post
Rbc would be screaming
Option a
14 weeks
500 test cyp
400 mast p
400 dhb
Last 4 weeks add in
50 mg var
50 mg winny
3.3 ius gh

Option b
14 weeks
500 test cyp
600 - 400 primo tapered up
50 mg proviron daily
75 mg ment weekly 8 weeks to finish
20 mg injectable sd last 3 weeks
Adex as needed
3.3 ius gh
Wayyy too.complicated for a cut....

750 TestE
600 EQ
I would only do the test and mast plus GH, no orals, but if you absolutely have to use an oral why not try 10mgs of winstrol? I just can't understand why people think you need out rageous amounts of orals. Its kind of like saying, "you need 3-5 grams of tren to really feel it"
why complicate things so much - if you want to make a cut just test + eq or primo + gh and if you decide to do a show, change EQ/primo to test + mast + tren and finally last couple weeks add orals - that's it
That literally what cycle a is without the tren lol

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