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Clean Start """


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Jan 5, 2011
Just Had an Upper and Lower GI..
Started out at a Clean 260lbs and after the Gallon of Cleaner and 18 hrs on the Toilet still at 260 Pre Procedure!
Clean as a Whistle on the Lower but the Esophagus and Stomach may have Issues ???
Off and On i have developed chronic Hiccups' thought i torn my lining Yrs ago from Puking w the Stomach Flu"
Ended Up in the Hospital for the Day Puking Blood and then after a Dose to Quit Puking..Shitting Blood"
Luckily it Cured itself right before they sent me up to have it Cortorized
Anyway, i thought it was the Tear giving Me the Hiccups but the Dr. says my
Throat and Gut look Burnt? and undigested food from 2 days ago ! He Stated Probably Due to my untreated Sleep Apnea?

Any Insight?
And like to Maintain my Cleanse?
Ate Light Yesterday and Woke at 263lbs My Heaviest of the Year!
Anyway, i thought it was the Tear giving Me the Hiccups but the Dr. says my
Throat and Gut look Burnt? and undigested food from 2 days ago ! He Stated Probably Due to my untreated Sleep Apnea?

Any Insight?
And like to Maintain my Cleanse?
Ate Light Yesterday and Woke at 263lbs My Heaviest of the Year!
Start by raising the head of your bed 4-6 inches. This way the acid stays down while sleeping. Do you use a cpap? I have chronic hiccups also
Start by raising the head of your bed 4-6 inches. This way the acid stays down while sleeping. Do you use a cpap? I have chronic hiccups also

Have you done this? Is it something you purchased for under the mattress or just improvised it?
No, Ive tried the Cpap but Just Cant Do It""""We were looking at the New sleep by# but at $6000... we have the older version...
I do Notice some Acid buildup but No Reflux or Heartburn ?
Have you done this? Is it something you purchased for under the mattress or just improvised it?
for my heart issue i have also raised the head part of my bed.
If you have a bed with a slatted frame you can buy those that you can raise at the head part and they are not really expensive
Have you done this? Is it something you purchased for under the mattress or just improvised it?
If you google bed risers you´ll see what Heavyhitter means, wood or plastic attachments for the legs of your bed, I´m contemplating this myself but am undecided, it does seem to show benefit for sleep apnea:

He should have prescribed a PPI (proton pump inhibitor) like Protonix. Elevate head at night and dont eat 3-4 hours before bed.

Test for H.Pylori (I'm sure they did). Pyloric valve at the top of the stomach might be eroded and acid wicking up.

I had similar issues. Most is resolved but I went through all those terrible test
Thats what I thought...The Valve...
Ill look into the Proton pump but i Normally Eat constant for 3-4 hrs before Bed!!!

Setting up a Visit with a Pulmanary Dr ? I Guess is what they recommend...?
Thats what I thought...The Valve...
Ill look into the Proton pump but i Normally Eat constant for 3-4 hrs before Bed!!!

Setting up a Visit with a Pulmanary Dr ? I Guess is what they recommend...?
This could be it right here. All that food w/ stomach and liver enzymes before sleep in a horizontal position? That could result in some problems for almost anyone at any age.

At the very least, keep your chest higher than your hips. I started doing that myself and I don't even have GERD or stomach problems. Good luck brother. Sucks, man.
Also, the acid and enzymes could be triggering your hiccup mechanism similar to when I go too heavy on the hot sauce (capsaicin).
If you really want to look and feel your best, treat your sleep apnea. I think CPAP is the best way but there are surgical procedures for it. One full night sleeping with your apnea treated and you'll wish you'd done it years ago.
This could be it right here. All that food w/ stomach and liver enzymes before sleep in a horizontal position? That could result in some problems for almost anyone at any age.

At the very least, keep your chest higher than your hips. I started doing that myself and I don't even have GERD or stomach problems. Good luck brother. Sucks, man.
Not to mention keeping the head of the bed elevated helps with lymphatic drainage and a host of other things
If you really want to look and feel your best, treat your sleep apnea. I think CPAP is the best way but there are surgical procedures for it. One full night sleeping with your apnea treated and you'll wish you'd done it years ago.
Not to mention keeping the head of the bed elevated helps with lymphatic drainage and a host of other things
Definitely. I just always say chest now because I told my wife about doing this and she just bought a hard added pillow and propped her head up while still lying flat and snoring like a snowblower. I said, "Damn woman! What's wrong with you?"
If you keep food out of your stomach before bed, then its harder for acid to wick up the esophagus and burn. When you burn the esophagus lining, you risk cancer.

The Protonix will decrease "protons" being released (less acid). As BB, we all want to eat before bed but its simply not good when you have this issue.

FUCK CPAP. I tried that and it doens't work for me. I decided to stop playing the size game and now sit at 235 pounds (leaner) and it helped my sleep apnea. I have a bed that tilts up and I use the cheapest PPI and don't eat 3 hours before bed. Your gastroenterologist should also have taken specimens from the exams and sent off to pathology for review of any possible cancerous cells. Make sure you get the pathology report.
Damn I still have to get that sleep study. I remember telling you I was going to do it right after the holidays and we're winding down February. Well shit...
Do you guys who have sleep apnea did you constantly feel tired before you got the cpap? I sleep 8-9 hrs and feel great I don’t snore much unless I fall asleep in a weird position. I weigh 260 so I do worry though if I have sleep apnea

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