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Coming off after a YEAR


New member
Mar 4, 2009
I've decided to take my life in a different direction than bodybuilding for now.. need to further my education and get a better career going

I haven't really been using HCG intermittently like I should've been.

I have plenty of HCG, Clomid, and nolva on hand.

I want to come off as soon as possible.

Should I stay on test for a few weeks while I run hcg @ 250 iu every other day or so, then discontinue both and run nolva/clomid

Discontinue test and run hcg+clomid/nolva for several weeks

Discontinue test and just use clomid and nolva

Been on for a year.. major atrophy going on.
Drop your test dose down to 150mg a week for 3 weeks, and run 1000iu HCG a week(500iu x 2 shots) for 4 weeks. Then drop all injections completely, and from weeks 5-8 run Clomid at 50mg per day and Aromasin at 12mg per day. Get bloodwork done
ive alwyas wanted to know if is ok to run atest along with pct...

like 100mg of test. suspension. or test. P

or maybe run 30mg of anavar...

anyone knows???

take care
ive alwyas wanted to know if is ok to run atest along with pct...

like 100mg of test. suspension. or test. P

or maybe run 30mg of anavar...

anyone knows???

take care

Anything like that you take is going to keep you shut down and just prolong your recovery. In my experience, taking HCG for the most part just did the same thing for me, prolong recovery. Sure I felt pretty darn good while I was on the HCG and clomid, but once I got off I crashed just as hard as if I had gone cold turkey.
What worked best for me was tapering off the test slowly and then going off completely. Tapering down to 100 mg/wk and then just get off is what worked for me.
You need the HCG for the nuts. If the the nuts fail too start everything else is pretty much pointless. Too look in too a recovery protocol by Dr. Scally or another specialist is a good thing.
Anything like that you take is going to keep you shut down and just prolong your recovery. In my experience, taking HCG for the most part just did the same thing for me, prolong recovery. Sure I felt pretty darn good while I was on the HCG and clomid, but once I got off I crashed just as hard as if I had gone cold turkey.
What worked best for me was tapering off the test slowly and then going off completely. Tapering down to 100 mg/wk and then just get off is what worked for me.

Maldorf, Ive read a lot of your posts as they're always very informative.

It sounds like you did things the smart way with cycling and PCT, smarter and more careful than many here, so I'm just wondering at what point you failed to recover and decided on HRT? Was it a high dosed cycle, one that was too long, or just accumulated damage over time to the HPTA?

You and I are about the same age and size, so Im just thinking of the future :)
Maldorf, Ive read a lot of your posts as they're always very informative.

It sounds like you did things the smart way with cycling and PCT, smarter and more careful than many here, so I'm just wondering at what point you failed to recover and decided on HRT? Was it a high dosed cycle, one that was too long, or just accumulated damage over time to the HPTA?

You and I are about the same age and size, so Im just thinking of the future :)

Well for me it came about after I gave up on cycling on and off and started cruising inbetween cycles so that I was never off. Then I had my heart attack 2 years ago and almost died. After my heart attack of course I could never use steriods again so I went cold turkey. After nearly 1 year my total test was still stuck at about 60-90 or so and my LH was below measurable limits. LH so low that it didnt even show up on the blood test!
Im not sure what ita was that wrecked my hormone levels. For most of the years I used steroids I kept the doses relatively moderate and always got off for as long as I was on. The last 3 years or so I went higher and the last year I was on all year long. I really dont know what it was. Its my opinion that it was the many years of use that did it, but I have no evidence to back that. I used steroids for about 11 years or so I guess.
when i come off ill be doing the following,

halfing the test dose till down to 150mg, doing 2000iu eod up till pct, then 500iu hcg twice per week.

PCt will be clomid 50mg morning and night, 12.5mcg aromasin, 20mg nolva and DHEA, along with vitamins/minerals etc.

Reason for doing the 2000iu is i havent used hcg in along time, so want to kick them bad boys back to live.

I am correct when i say hcg can be mixed...then left in a dark coldish room cant it...it doesnt need to be refridgerated?
After reconstituting Hcg, you should refrigerate it.

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