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Competition advice


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Nov 29, 2002
I'm considering doing a competition later in the year and am planning my schedule. I started my diet Oct 1st and weighed 265. If I am 15% bf(max), and my goal is to be 3%, then if I lose 30lbs of fat, I should be around 235. Do you guys think that 225 would be a reasonable weight to shoot for? Some opinions would be very much appreciated.
depends on how much muscle u are carrying now. if u are 225 solid under the fat then it sounds good but thats on paper. once u start cutting up u might realize to look ur best you have to drop below 225. unless u have been doing this for a while u dont know what the final product will look like.

its like my buddy who just started competeing. hes 5'11" 280lbs and he figured because he was bigger than me he would be bigger and carrying more muscle than i do when we competed together. once he cut down to 215lbs (where he finally looked ripeed) he realized the hard way that u can predict this stuff.

Here is a tip you should listen to "IF YOU SHOOT FOR A BODY WEIGHT YOUR GOING TO LOOK TERRIBLE COME CONTEST TIME" sorry about the yelling. It took me quite a while to get over needing to be a certain bodyweight to compete. The first 5 yrs or so I got way to fat( I still do) and instead of looking in the mirror or looking at my pics as I dieted down I stopped when I hit a specific body weight . The part about shooting for BF% is also true you want to be low but you need to look and see in the mirror first, the other thing is to get a buddy and tell him to be so brutally honest with you it hurts. The reason I say that is your own eyes will deceive you but your friend won't and neither will polaroids. If your guessing your 15% your probably closer to 18% to 20% but get it checked now then don't check it again for say 4 to 6 wks you probably be surprised how it has dropped.

The best bodypart to determine your bodyfat by eyesight is " abs" if your abs are ripped then your probably ripped as well as thats the hardest place for men and especially BB's to come in lean at.

Moral get it checked now, take before pics now, check in about 4 to 6 wks and take pics every week , when you can put a pencil in your abs and hold it your probably pretty lean.
that's why i stay between 3-6% BF all the time so i know if i am truly gaining LBM and not BSing myself

also you get a better feel for where you are relative to contest weight as when BF goes over 12% you usually have a lot more weight to drop than you think and will be disappointed by the reality of where your real contest weight is as it is l;ikely less than ya think

i'd expect about 215 is wehre you truly will be in contest shape
instynct999 said:
that's why i stay between 3-6% BF all the time so i know if i am truly gaining LBM and not BSing myself

also you get a better feel for where you are relative to contest weight as when BF goes over 12% you usually have a lot more weight to drop than you think and will be disappointed by the reality of where your real contest weight is as it is l;ikely less than ya think

i'd expect about 215 is wehre you truly will be in contest shape

OMG 3-6% year round WOW.

That is amazing. How often do you do a contest?
By any chance have you posted any pics?

well instynct is an amazing bro, not normal

Aren't you getting ready for a national qualifier or Nationals themself?

If you are, how's it going?

I'm slightly behind schedule (need some CLA :D )

Re: instynct

xcelbeyond said:
Aren't you getting ready for a national qualifier or Nationals themself?

If you are, how's it going?

I'm slightly behind schedule (need some CLA :D )


yeah Eastern USA, then Nationals

going good training around mad injuries...Fun(not)

you put in no addy send to Gen as before???
Sorry, I'm just anxious :)

Send to same GEN addy.

I've been training "around" injuries as well! :(

Thanks guys for the opinions. That's exactly what I was looking for. I'm not obsessed with the contest weight, I just want to have something to gage my diet by;ie; losing 2-3 lbs a week. I actually started my diet February 1st, and after I get down below 5% bf, I'm going to decide whether to do a contest or not. If I don't feel like I'll be able to win a local contest, then I'm going to wait another year as I've got nothing but time. I've probably been to 30 contests over a 14 year period, and it seems like the guy who comes in prepared and blows everyone away has the most fun. I've always asked myself why some guys do competitions when they have no chance of winning. Then again, maybe they thought they looked better than they did. Who knows?
Queefer said:
I've always asked myself why some guys do competitions when they have no chance of winning. Then again, maybe they thought they looked better than they did. Who knows?
As someone else stated - the goal MUST be get as RIPPED as possible. Ripped will win over size ANYDAY as I'm sure you're aware of (that is unless both are "equally" ripped, then size will win).

You need to set that goal, follow through (be a man of your word), and go into a contest the best "YOU" can be and let the chips fall where they may (and LEARN from the experience - don't beat yourself up!). I'm sure you've seen plenty of classes where the winner was not your vision of what one should be. Then there's classes where EVERYONE comes in fantastic - like how can they judge this one!


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