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Considering competing next year (2011) in Guam


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Sep 6, 2008
Hi all, I'm toying with the idea of competing next year (2011).
I currently live in Japan and would fly over to Guam to do their nationals in the fall. According to their organization website you don't need to be a resident to compete. Anyone know more before I contact them directly?

If I do this in Guam I can get back into the NPC again which would be good if I decide to take it further. At this moment I am considering doing both Open and Masters (I'll be 41 this November).

If I do decide to go through with this I think I'll hire one of our board trainers and get myself dialed in properly. The most important thing is support and fortunately my girlfriend is there for me in my bodybuilding in general making this a lot easier.

What do you all think?
While I think it might be fun to compete again I need some feedback.
Yea or Nay?
Hey if your health is good...then go for it...:D

I think you would do great !!!
i say go for it, you have some good genetics why not have fun with it. i've been thinking of the same thing myself. if you win great, if not i bet you will still have a good time
My thoughts

I know you have been through a hell of a lot in the last year or so and I am really happy that you seem to be happy and at peace enough to even think about competing again. I know it gives some of us hope out here that better days might be ahead. I say go for it Hawk, your physique is probably better then when you competed years ago and now you have the added asset of wisdom and experience. You can count on me to be in your corner as well.
Give it a go mate, you got nothing to lose! You have a great physique, so why not!
Thanks guys.
I was just talking about it with my girlfriend and she seems to like the idea. I have over a year to prepare.

I think I'll go for it!
do it for the over 40's hawk :) best of luck bro !!
Thanks Alfresco - and you are right on all counts.
One of the things that brought me back to the idea of trying to compete again was my girlfriend is developing and interest in my bodybuilding. As you probably know , there is no interest here in Japan, and she never really cared about my size on way or another. But she now is becoming interested and even asked me if I thought about competing again. Add this to a lot of people and trainers/staff in my gym ask me if I am considering another run as I have been adding size lately...and well it's enough to set me off again.

And the legs - my knees willing - will add a couple inches in no time should I decide to squat heavy again :D
Heya every one, neat chat board

Hiya everyone, brilliant website I have found It extremely accommodating & it has helped me tons
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No can do. I check with the organizers and I have to be a resident per IFBB rules

do you have any family here in the states that you could coordinate a visit and a show together? hope you can do it cuz once you get that bug to compete it kinda doesn't go away.....
Good Day every one, splendid message board

Hi-ya everybody, great forum I find It extremely accessible & its helped me alot
I hope to be able to contribute and aid other people like this board has helped me

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You look good, Hawk, go for it!

I thought of doing the same next year here in the EU...then I went to the show this year...LOL...Holy shit! Ok, so about 20 lean lbs from now, Ill give it a shot.

It looks like you're there though, Id love to follow that process if you decide to go ahead with some comp or another.
Are there no shows at all in Japan? I'd think there would be.
Why don't you compete in Hawaii? They have the Sting-ray classic there and the level of competition would be worth your while. Without going into detail and out of respect for my island trust me when I say compete somewhere else..........;)
What's Up everybody, dandy chat board

Hi-ya every body, superb site I find It vastly accommodating and it's helped me out loads
I hope to be able to contribute & help other users like this website has helped me

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