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Jul 6, 2010
Contamination Question


I'm new to AAS, but not lifting, nutrition or boards. I started a cycle of test e last week, 2 injects so far. I have Adex for AI and Nolv for PCT, just a lil info. I preloaded all my shots out of some sachets, but the second sachet I forgot to wipe down with alcohol. I didn't think about it till after my 1st inj (in my quad for control) that went in painlessly and smoothly. Then about 6 hours later the pain began! I just thought I was gonna have to deal with it, but it got to be crippling and swollen with fever. My next inj I did in my glute and IT went pain free and still is. Tomorrow is #3 and I don't want that kind of pain again. I also took 1 second to inject the first shot and didn't heat the oil; #2 I took 60 seconds to inject and heated with the hair dryer until almost hot. There's no way to know which barrels were from the second sachet because I put them all together in a tupperware dish. What do you guys think about my situation? Is it contamination or my procedure and what should I do?
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1.5 long for quad i like 1 and by preloading them and they sit around for weeks you are certainly increasing the chances of contamination.
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I don't know about a bag of skittles, but this isn't some procedure I just made up. It's been around for awhile.

I'm not asking if they're gonna get contaminated, I'm asking if half of them already are or was it my first injection procedure?
I wouldnt worry about it at all. Just watch the area to make sure it doesnt get infected. Discomfort doesnt mean infection..could simply be irritation from ba. Just keep an eye on it. pre loading is fine as well, butmake sure next time to wipe the sachets down.
It was pretty bad 2 days ago so I took some penicillin I had. Today it's 90% better. Don't know if it helped or just a coincidence.? Thanks for your reply. It really put my mind at ease.
preloading is not just fine- especially if stored in a clear container as seems to be the case here from what I can see. Many compounds are not only light sensitive and can lose potency...but if there is the slightest bit of bacteria in a preload syringe sitting around for 10 weeks the light will perpetuate bacterial growth. This is why most compounds in multi dose bottles are tinted to a degree. and taking penecillin? it would do nothing in 2 days if you were infected. wouldnt help for atleast 96 hours if taken orally so it does indeed sound as if you had a mild irritation. good luck bro
mircowave everything

take the pin off of course

It's not sitting on the kitchen table in plain sight. Penicillin works in less than 24 hours, fact.

Microwave? how long would be long enough to work w/o melting the barrel? 10 sec.?
Putting on my flame-retardant suit here, but IMO, it's REALLY unlikely that not swabbing the satchet is what did it. Im gonna go with something already inside the satchet being the culprit. Im also guessing that the inside of your pins is the cleaner of the two places. So pre-loading is fine as long as they are kept somewhere clean to keep the needle from getting contaminated.

People get injected through clothing in emergencies, disgustingly dirty people get a little swab and get injected in hospitals and no problems later.

The reason I say this is because if you are sensitive to the BA in the gear, or some bacteria in there, ALL your injections are gonna hurt. Not just the ones from the bad satch.

Baking it has helped me in this situation. Boiling is said to work also.
That's the deal, My second inj went like it was suppose to, painless. I didn't know if injecting too quickly or not heating up the oil could actually make that much difference?
Light sensitive?

Never heard this before. Not saying that they are not I'm just saying that I've never heard this. Most if not all the oil base componds I get now are in clear vials. As for saschets I don't like them. I had severe problems with them. I even transfered to sterile vials and baked it. Still had infection issues.
It's not sitting on the kitchen table in plain sight. Penicillin works in less than 24 hours, fact.

Microwave? how long would be long enough to work w/o melting the barrel? 10 sec.?

Bro I am not going to get into a debate regarding the plasma peak levels of when penecillin (an old yesterday antibiotic) gets into your system but the fact of the matter is that in 24 hours no infection will clear up with ANY antibiotic. Do your research. I did- about 8 years in a lab. And a microwave is certain to denature your substance and may cause some toxicity. What is that food coloring in those syringes? no wonder you have an irritation. Good luck- sincerely and if you have any other issues toss that junk. Never risk your health.

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