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Coping with Acne - Your Care Plan

VitaMan Global

New member
Jan 17, 2013
Coping With Acne: Your Care Plan
Guide to Treating Acne Scars and Skin Damage

Body Builders do tend to get more acne than others and there's many ways to prevent and deal with the various causes previously dicsussed on this forum. However, its when they leave behind scars.

A familiar story goes like this- The good news is that the pimples that took up residency on your face, neck ,shoulders or chest for the last the week have finally gone.

But the bad news is that the breakoust left their mark in the form of a visible scars.

“Even without picking, acne lesions, particularly cysts, can lead to scarring because of the intense, collagen-damaging skin inflammation with which they are associated,” says Tina Alster, MD, a clinical professor of dermatology at Georgetown University Medical Center. Luckily, you don’t have to grin and bear the telltale signs of a breakout forever. Read on for dermatologists’ top strategies for healing acne scars and keeping new ones at bay.

What Does an Acne Scar Look Like?
Acne scars develop in areas where former cystic blemish lesions have been present. Acne scars come in three varieties, says Hayes Gladstone, MD, a professor of dermatology at Stanford University.
  • Atrophic, which are mostly shallow
  • Boxcar-shaped
  • Ice pick-shaped, which are narrow and deeper.
People with deeper skin tones may also notice darkening (or hyperpigmentation) within the scars, while people with lighter skin tones may show redness (or erythema) within the scars, says Alster.

What Makes Acne Worse?
Exposing scars to the sun can cause them to darken and slow the healing process, says Alster. How? Ultraviolet rays stimulate melanocytes (pigment-producing cells), leading to further discoloration. Your safest bet: Before heading outdoors, slather on a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher, with the physical blocker zinc oxide, and reapply every two hours.

Picking and Squeezing
Scars, which are made mainly of collagen (a protein fiber normally found in the skin's second layer), are the body's way of repairing itself. Acne scars are typically indented because of collagen loss from intense inflammation, says Alster. Picking leads to further inflammation and injury of the skin, which adds to the skin’s discoloration and scarring. Squeezing or trying to pop a pimple causes pus and bacteria to filter deeper into the skin, resulting in more collagen damage, notes Ron Moy, MD, professor of dermatology at UCLA.

Vitamin E
You may have heard that applying topical vitamin E to a scar will help it heal faster. But according to a study from researchers at the University of Miami, applying the nutrient directly onto a scar can actually hinder its healing. In the study, vitamin E had no effect (or made matters worse) for 90% of the patients, and 33% who used topical vitamin E developed a contact dermatitis.

What Makes Acne Scars Better?
Cortisone and Fade Creams
First, if the scar is red or swollen, use an over-the-counter cortisone cream to calm the skin, says Alster. The cortisone is absorbed by skin cells and reduces inflammation. Next, you’ll want to concentrate on lightening any hyperpigmentation left from the acne scar. “Hydroquinone, a popular skin lightener, has recently fallen out of favor and is now being omitted from many fading creams due to irritation and carcinogenic concern,” says Alster.
But there are other ingredients to look for over-the-counter that help lighten hyperpigmentation. Kojic acid (a natural skin lightener derived from mushroom extract), arbutin (aka bearberry extract), and even vitamin C (ascorbic acid) are great alternative ingredients to look for in over-the-counter lightening creams, notes Alster. Unfortunately, there is no over-the-counter treatment that can fill in the indentations of atrophic acne scars.

Laser and Filler Treatments
If your acne scars don’t fade away on their own, it may be time to consider booking an appointment with your dermatologist. Within one to three sessions, laser skin resurfacing using fractionated laser technology can even out the skin surface and increase new collagen formation to help fill in acne scars.
Non-ablative lasers stimulate the production of collagen without damaging the skin's surface. Meanwhile, ablative lasers (i.e. CO2 and erbium) vaporize the scar, allowing smoother skin to take its place. Filler injections can also prove beneficial at filling in the indentations left behind from deep acne scars, says Moy. But the downside to fillers is that they need to be repeated every four to six months, as the product re-absorbs into the skin over time.
Patience along with use of natural skin products
The main key to seeing acne scars fade is patience. A few weeks after you break out and subsequently scar, new blood vessels move into the injured area to provide nourishment to the skin, which is why most early scars look pink, says Alster. Months later, collagen (the building blocks of the skin) start to reform, filling in the injured section of skin. Because cystic acne destroys skin and fat, it can take up to a year for the scars to fade, says Moy. I advise to best keep using a natural non-oily Moisturiser for men such as VitaMans Face Moisturiser **broken link removed** or Skin Protector **broken link removed**and every few days apply natural organic Rosehip oil which has been shown to help reduce scar tissue. I also suggest that when using a Facial Cleanser, again use a natural formula such as VitaMans Face & Body Cleanser **broken link removed** which contains unique herbs and plant extracts such as Lemon Myrtle Oil , proven to be anti-bacterial and anti-microbial which will help prevent any further infections of existing acne, that could lead to worse scarring later.

VitaMan Power Pack of the month is **broken link removed**
good post. About the picking and squeezing, IMO it is important to extract a white head or clogged pores (blackheads) properly. Done properly, you are getting out the bacteria, not letting it go deeper. The trash needs to be taken out, so the skin can begin to heal. The most common mistake is, once the white head/clog is removed the person continues to F with it. Mostly because it will be a little bit swollen and they believe there is more puss to come out, THIS is when real damage starts. Once the first drop of blood or clear puss (white blood cells) comes out, STOP! Or go to get an acne facial done by a pro if your not sure.

When using any treatment for acne scars, be patient. It took a long time is most cases for it to happen, its gonna take awhile for them to go away. Also non-otc lighteners like chemical peels used improperly can actually make the pigmentation problem worse. I even saw a woman that had a peel done by derm dr and she was left with a scar line on her neck where the peel stopped. It was to strong, to fast and went to deep.
Thanks for a concise opinion about acne, good post.
Thats great info, I had my gf use hydrocortisone on a few spots and its been healing up real nicely

Sent from my GT-P7510 using Tapatalk HD
I'm. Not sure of your background or your sources but you have made some inaccurate and/misleading statements about acne treatment
What I don't understand is when you see the professionals on stage. They don't have an ounce of acne anywhere. You we all know they on tons of stuff. How do they keep their skin so clear??
What I don't understand is when you see the professionals on stage. They don't have an ounce of acne anywhere. You we all know they on tons of stuff. How do they keep their skin so clear??

They take accutane and/or antibiotics. That's a FACT!!
if you are desperate to remove those skin troubles then you may simply go for the treatment of dermaroler and laser surgery for it....
These days in the market their is plenty of medicinal creams available which are quite effective in removing scars and all. They come at a cheap price and do not have any side can try that in case of any acne scars.
I talk to some guys on 3 diff supps and well over a gram and they report never having acne problems ... Lucky people lol
I get mild bacne when I'm cruising on 250mg test a week. I blast with test in the 200-300mg range and tren a in the 600-800mg range and bacne will clear up 100% while in on tren a.Wish I could always run tren and stay clear.
Accutane not only is hard on liver but even five mins of sunlight while on that crap fried me!!!!
Nature is the best to reduce acne problem and skin problems in general. Not only skin but also many other parts of body need things come from nature.
Talking to skin problem especially acne in any age, I recommend 3 things that you might concern.
Firstly, use the white egg with honey is the most common way of my to have better skin condition. The white egg has function to recover damaged skin and tighten pores (this is more powerful than you ever thought because if pores are wide, they will attract more dust from the polluted air, and of course, it brings about acne and many other dangerous disease for skin like skin cancer). How to do it? it is really simple, you just need to separate the white egg and the yolk from each other. Use honey and the white together by mixing them carefully, apply on entire your face not only the damaged areas. Let it dry for 30mins, then re-wash with water. Then apply the yolk again, let it be in 15mins, then rewash again. The yolk has function to support what the white has done before, tighten the pores and protect your skin from sunshine just in case you have to go out many hours.
2ndly, I use sardines oil for better skin condition. You need nutrients from this fish. You can consume it through diet or supplement. But I usually use directly oil in that areas which have acne. It sounds kind a strange but I do that for short time from 2-3 mins so that the oil cannot block the pores. To do this, you need to be careful and accurate to what you have done. If you do not believe me, you can take a trip to this post, because this post help me add sardines oil to my list of skin care routine.
lastly, you need to steam your face usually. The best way to steam is using lavender oil with 3-4 droplets and hot water. If you do not have enough time, you can do it more simple like hot water with salt. And more complicated is with herb, but I think this will be the best if you do with herb once/weak. And steaming needs everyday. Steaming helps widen pores and the droplets bring out dust that exist in pores for long time outside with polluted air. And it also help your skin absorb more nutrients from mask that you apply on your face. I think the best way is to steam before doing skin care.
Hope you get what you want!
BTW, dont forget to drink much water when you can, and avoid sunshine or polluted air as much as possible.

best cure

i used a research chem co. version (isotresomething) and it worked like a charm

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