yeah if you wanna sell stuff, e-bay and craigslist.
heres why, if you build your own site just to sell you "stuff" you have to be able you get it to your demographic market, people who wanna buy it. that would be tough and not fast at all, especially since you've never built a site before.
craigslist is free and will more or less be marketing your goods to people in your geographic location. becuase they will not send money to you if you start posting in other cities or around the world, because they will think you are a scam.
now, ebay will give you access to people all over the world. ebay is free to setup and but they do take a portion of you sales for obvious reasons.
if your still interested in designing a site, use bluevoda. its free and very easy to use. plus they have a forum and video tutorials that will get you started. you can build a site with this in about an hour, even with no experience at all. after watching the video tutorials of course. very easy to use and based for the beginners. i just got it the other day and i'm physced about it.
hope this helped if you have any other q's pm or just reply to the thread i'll check it out dude