Hey guys! I need some help. I have been on my first cycle for 3 weeks now and I am having really bad injection site pain. I have used my glutes, deltoid and leg. I am using 1cc Winstrol, 1cc Trenabol, and 1cc Test Ethanate in a 23G 1.5in 3cc syringe twice a week. I am having someone in the medical field give me the shot, so I know the technique is right, but the injection sites have knots and are extremely sore for up to 1 week after the shot. For example, I got the shot in my deltoid 4 days ago and I still can't lift my arm all the way up. Is there anything I need to do differently? Am I injecting too much into my muscle in one shot? Two days ago I got the shot in my leg about 3in above my knee and that has been the least painful so far. About 2 to 3in below the injection site on my deltoid, my arm is red and warm to the touch. I haven't had an injection in my glute in about 10 days and I still have a knot and some tenderness at the injection site. I am having a hard time lifting heavy because of the pain and tenderness. Any advice? Thanks!