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Cycle & SLIN HELP!?

Big Evil

New member
Nov 27, 2007
Ok...need some help here. I am going to run HGH and Slin for the first after I finish the PCT of my current cycle. I am 6'2" 260lbs about 12%BF. I have done many cycles and am 29 years old. I train MON-WED-FRI DC training, and really loving it!

My questions for the cycle are...
I know Test with HGH and Slin yield great results together. Wondering if the choice of test would make a difference?
I would probably also run Tren Ace at 75mg-100mg EOD with some Dbol 50mg ED. I was thinking prop, sust, or Ena for test?
Most my cycles are around a gram a week, should it stay around the same with the slin and HGH?
Now for the HGH I was gonna run 10iu MON-WED-FRI --PWO with the slin, but don't now how much slin to start and ramp up to?
I was thinking 5iu slin PWO????
Is this the best option? I read so many contradicting thoughts on timing for slin and HGH PWO, I want to hear it containing to this post! Slin right after with shake? then HGH 20 minutes later?
Then the carb load? Leaning toward Humalog, runner up be Humulin-R. Thoughts?????

Sorry for the onslaught of questions, but I know slin is no joke, but also feel it is time for me to add it to the arsenal! I want to make sure I have ALL the info, and the way to run all these compounds for the best results possible!?
Again this cycle is for mass. Diet will be right on point, with over 500g protein ED.

Please give me some feedback!!!! Thanks....
Do you compete?

Ok...need some help here. I am going to run HGH and Slin for the first after I finish the PCT of my current cycle. I am 6'2" 260lbs about 12%BF. I have done many cycles and am 29 years old. I train MON-WED-FRI DC training, and really loving it!

My questions for the cycle are...
I know Test with HGH and Slin yield great results together. Wondering if the choice of test would make a difference?
I would probably also run Tren Ace at 75mg-100mg EOD with some Dbol 50mg ED. I was thinking prop, sust, or Ena for test?
Most my cycles are around a gram a week, should it stay around the same with the slin and HGH?
Now for the HGH I was gonna run 10iu MON-WED-FRI --PWO with the slin, but don't now how much slin to start and ramp up to?
I was thinking 5iu slin PWO????
Is this the best option? I read so many contradicting thoughts on timing for slin and HGH PWO, I want to hear it containing to this post! Slin right after with shake? then HGH 20 minutes later?
Then the carb load? Leaning toward Humalog, runner up be Humulin-R. Thoughts?????

Sorry for the onslaught of questions, but I know slin is no joke, but also feel it is time for me to add it to the arsenal! I want to make sure I have ALL the info, and the way to run all these compounds for the best results possible!?
Again this cycle is for mass. Diet will be right on point, with over 500g protein ED.

Please give me some feedback!!!! Thanks....

1) test is test bro
2)3-6 iu growth/day 10-15iu pwo start with 5iu slin work up.
3) there are too many opinions to offer for pwo administration of slin/hgh to know for sure its always a pissing match which is better.
4)humalog is the most desireable due to small window for side effects. clears system around two hours I believe. BUT log you need a perscription for unless you are from canada and humalin-r you can get anywhere that has a pharmacy like rite aid, fred meyer ect.
You want Humalog, use Pwo then have shake w/carbs. You could start out with less than 5iu

Not familiar with hgh use or timing sorry.
be careful with humalog....its very short duration of action also means it comes on fast and strong.
IMO beginners should start with humalin-R(slower acting longer duration)
and let themselves get a little hypo once(with someone present of course) so they know what it feels like when its coming on.

In the end your best bet is to do alot of reading, all the questions you asked have been asked and debated numerous times over.
1) test is test bro
2)3-6 iu growth/day 10-15iu pwo start with 5iu slin work up.
3) there are too many opinions to offer for pwo administration of slin/hgh to know for sure its always a pissing match which is better.
4)humalog is the most desireable due to small window for side effects. clears system around two hours I believe. BUT log you need a perscription for unless you are from canada and humalin-r you can get anywhere that has a pharmacy like rite aid, fred meyer ect.

I asked about the test, to see about ester and half lifes and if they had any effect with HGH? And I can get Humalog no problems there. I still would like to know about the some feedback on slin and HGH timing PWO? Or just how some others would run all these compounds together?
humalin R is going to be in your system for so much longer, I always use novolog which is the same as humalog. You want the slin to be in and out as quickly as possibe, your most potent anabolic window is only 2 hours after training so this is when you would want all your insulin. The faster the better cause your gona get a bigger harder pulse. The humalin R is going to be in your system for around 6 hours. Thats a long time to have to watch your blood sugar and carbs. Novolog is about 3 hours..

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