cytadren info
Here's some info I got on it:
CYTADREN Substance: aminoglutethimide
Cytadren is not an anabolic/androgenic steroid. Cytadren inhibits the buildup of androgens, estrogens, and the suprarenal cortical hormones (glucocorticoids and mineralocor-ticoids). Cytadren has a highly antiestrogenic effect since, on the one hand, it inhibits the body's own estrogen production and, on the other hand, it obviates the conversion of androgens into estrogens. This is especially en-couraging since it helps to keep the estrogen level of bodybuilders low. The second highly interesting point is that Cytadren prohibits the buildup of adrenocortical hormones. It obviates the production of endogenous cortisone like no other compound by inhibiting the conversion of cholesterol into cortisone. For this reason, Cytadren, in school medicine, is used for the treatment of Cushing's syndrome, a hyperfunction of the adrenal glands which causes the body to overproduce cortisone. Consequently, it reduces the cortisone level, which has several advantages for the athlete. Cortisone is a cata-bolic hormone and catabolic is the exact opposite of anabolic. Corti-sone prevents the protein synthesis in the muscle cell, resulting in a muscular atrophy by breaking down amino acids in the muscle cell.
The human body constantly releases cortisone and reacts to stress situations such as intense training by increasing its cortisone re-lease. Natural bodybuilders, therefore, after a short time, experience a stagnation in their development since the release of the body's cortisone is higher than the anabolic effect of working out. The more advanced the athlete and the harder his workout, the more his cor-tisone level will increase.
If the release of cortisone can be successfully obviated or at least considerably reduced the ratio of anabolic hormones to catabolic hormones in the body shifts in favor of the former. This results in an increase in muscle mass and body strength. And Cytadren achieves exactly these results; however, there is one problem. Cytadren reduces the cortisone level so effectively that the body tries to balance this by hypophysially producing more ACTH (adenocorticotropic hormone), thus stimulating the secretion of cortisone by the adrenal glands. Thus in school medicine, when treating Cushing's syndrome, a low dose of oral hydrocortisone is used to prevent the hypophysis from producing ACTH. The dose is so low that the cortisone level in the blood does not rise substantially. And this is exactly the problem. Cytadren reduces the cortisone level which the body balances by producing ACTH, thus neutralizing the effect of Cytadren. If exogenous hydrocor-tisone is taken no ACTH is produced; however, this also reduces the effect of Cytadren. It is therefore necessary to find an admin-istration schedule that prevents or delays the body's own pro-duction of ACTH. Since the body does not show abrupt reactions when the cortisone level is lowered by the intake of Cytadren, the compound must be taken over several days before the body be-gins reacting. If Cytadren is only taken for a period of two days and then discontinued for two entire days, it seems logical that the body will not have enough time to react accordingly, thus interrupting the production of ACTH in the hypophysis. Similar to Clenbuterol, an alternating administration schedule with two days of administration and two days of abstinence is created. Another problem needs to be solved since Cytadren, as mentioned earlier, inhibits the body's own production of androgen. Cytadren, therefore, should not be used by natural bodybuilders. The solu-tion to this problem is to take a long-term effective testosterone such as Testosterone enanthate simultaneously. Testoviron Depot 250, for example, can be considered as one such possible com-pound.
As for the question of dosage, we have arrived at a very interesting point. In school medicine the dosage for the treatment of Cushing's syndrome is between 2 and 7 tablets per day. Since not enough ath-letes~ have used this compound so far, we do not have enough ex-perimental data. Due to the fact that the cortisone level of athletes is not as high as in persons who suffer from a hyperfunction of the adrenal glands, it is probable that lower dosages are sufficient. A dose of mor than 250mg/day is not recommended and should be taken very carefully. A good example of dose is: half a tab 125mg in the morning and 62.5mg (quarter tab) every six hours. Make sure to not abruptly discontinure as cortisol rebound may occur. The tablets are always taken indi-vidually, in regular intervals throughout the day, and taken best during meals. How long should it be taken? This ques-tion is difficult to answer but, considering that the body can-some-times increase the production of ACTH, it is advised that the com-pound is not used longer than 4-6 weeks. (We must also consider potential side effects, which we will discuss in a minute.) An-other interesting aspect: Cytadren is (as of yet) not on any dop-ing list. We have heard from reliable informants that a combina-tion of Cytadren, growth hormones, and a low quantity of in-jectable testosterone is the new hit among athletes of any field, since it allows the athlete to pass any doping test.
Thus the side effects of Cytadren need to be looked at and they are, unfortunately, numerous and sometimes very severe. The most common side effects are fatigue and dizziness. Lack of con-centration, restlessness, depression, apathy, and sleeping disorder are less common but possible. Even rarer and mostly depending on the doses are nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal pain, diar-rhea, and headaches. A possible rash and the already-mentioned fatigue and dizziness are usually initial symptoms and these can be minimized by taking slowly increasing dosages, or they may simply disappear. The package insert of Ciba-Geigy GmbH Ger-many also states that in some cases there is an inadequate thy-roid function which requires treatment. It is therefore recom-mended that the thyroid gland be supervised by a physician dur-ing intake of Cytadren. Another problem that can occur is liver disease. Cases of reduced counts of the white blood cells, the blood platelets, and even of all blood cells have been reported. Those who plan to try Cytadren should carefully read the package in-sert. It has been our experience that athletes, due to the reduced cortisone level, complain about joint pain and are also exposed to a higher risk of getting injured. There is no question that Cytadren is effective when taken according to the two-day alternating ad-ministration schedule; however, the athlete should carefully con-sider the cost/benefit factor prior to taking the compound. Cytadren is in U.S. pharmacies only available by prescription. A package with 100 tablets of 250 mg each costs $190.-, so that Cytadren is not a budget-priced compound. Each package contains 10 push-through strips of 10 tablets each. The tablets are indented on one side with an imprinted "G" on both the right and left of the breakage line. On the other side of the tablet the letters "CG" are punched in. Cytadren is rarely found on the black market.