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DAMN, my test was underdosed


Jan 1, 1970
This is crazy. My first cycle I was on 500mg enanthate and 400 eq and got my total test checked and it was at 3,000. Now im on 700g test prop/300mg enanthate(1g test total) and 600 deca and got the same total test and it came back at 1,382. Is that a for sure sign the prop is underdosed? I was on 200mg enanthate and thats what my reading came back at one time. What the hell, this sucks.
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Yes could and prolly is underdosed ,but just remember that prop wont buildup in your system like the longer esters will.:(
Its from two UGL labs. Very very reputable labs as well. Hmmm now maybe thats true with the prop, its not in system as long. but still im on 300mg enanthate, that alone should put me at around 1800 or so. I figured i'd be in the 4,000's. Not sure whats going on here. Well, I switched to another UGL prop and gonna get tested in 2weeks. Think thats long enough?
There are so many variables with injections and blood levels measure through testing it's worth mentioning-
Injection of the oil depot, depth of injection, solvent content, mg/ml content (crystallization) where injected scar tissue etc.
I saw some blood work from a guy who was banging 1000 mg prop a week over 2 shots and his free test levels were 6000. The only way really to tell the gear is UD is by lab test for the mg/ml.
There are some mistakes inaccuracies in blood work results as well from time to time.
Do you pay for these tests yourself or do you have insurance covering it? I guess a doctor isn't looking at the results?
Send a sample of your gear out to be tested bro... san rafeal. Then you will know for sure
If it helps, the last shot I took was 48hrs before the bloodwork. I wonder if that had something to do with it. I will do the same with the new prop im using to make sure its correct.

Enanth, how do you send? Is it legal? How much? Any info? Thanks
id be willing to bet that one of your testo bottles is waay underdosed and fake... depending how long you've been on.

it sounds like you were on long enough to let the levels build up during the first test... but unless you have been on for at least 3-4 weeks, there could be a good chance that the enanthate hasnt kicked in yet and that would explain why you dont have the same peak that you did previously.

how long have you been on this cycle for?

if youve been on for at least 4 weeks, then id suggest sending your stuff to SRCS

if you've been on for that long, with your test results, id be wondering if your prop was underdosed or possibly just inert oil..

your test results sound like it could be right on target for someone taking 300mg of enanthate per week... though prop is short acting, if you shot 48 hours earlier, even after taking into account all the variables massive posted, your test levels should at least be near the same as they were during the last test.

taking into account your on twice as much test, and the fact 700mg of it is prop, which causes higher peak plasma levels, even just the 700mg prop IN THEORY should have elevated your test levels higher or at least as high as when you were on the 500mg of enanthate.

also it should take less time to reach the peak levels with prop, 4 weeks is definitely more than enough time for that IMO.

id definilely send the prop in to get tested... or you could bump your enanthate up to the same dose... if you notice a huge bump in results comparable or even better than your last enanthate cycle... id be willing to bet your prop is bunk
Been on for 8weeks, so everything has kicked in. The odd part is im on 600mg NPP so I figured if the test was bunk i'd have a drop in sex drive, but its actually high, which is a plus, but that could also be b/c im on 50mg proviron ED. Well, im gonna look into getting it tested which will really bring a bid lab down if it comes back bunk, but I switched to another prop, so the chances of getting 2 bunk prop's is rare. I figure, 3weeks will be plenty for the new prop to be in my system, so i'll get another test then.

Im just wondering since I waited 48-52hrs from the time of the last prop/npp shot till the blood test, if thats why it was so low?
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id be willing to bet that one of your testo bottles is waay underdosed and fake... depending how long you've been on.

it sounds like you were on long enough to let the levels build up during the first test... but unless you have been on for at least 3-4 weeks, there could be a good chance that the enanthate hasnt kicked in yet and that would explain why you dont have the same peak that you did previously.

how long have you been on this cycle for?

if youve been on for at least 4 weeks, then id suggest sending your stuff to SRCS

if you've been on for that long, with your test results, id be wondering if your prop was underdosed or possibly just inert oil..

your test results sound like it could be right on target for someone taking 300mg of enanthate per week... though prop is short acting, if you shot 48 hours earlier, even after taking into account all the variables massive posted, your test levels should at least be near the same as they were during the last test.

taking into account your on twice as much test, and the fact 700mg of it is prop, which causes higher peak plasma levels, even just the 700mg prop IN THEORY should have elevated your test levels higher or at least as high as when you were on the 500mg of enanthate.

also it should take less time to reach the peak levels with prop, 4 weeks is definitely more than enough time for that IMO.

id definilely send the prop in to get tested... or you could bump your enanthate up to the same dose... if you notice a huge bump in results comparable or even better than your last enanthate cycle... id be willing to bet your prop is bunk
Apples and oranges. You can't relate one experience to the other way too many variables. Probably has to do with the npp and your last tp injection time. I doubt any of it is fake or severely underdosed.
Ok, so here's the deal. I've switched to another test prop. Both were brewed in EO and filtered the same way, but this one is really hurting like hell. About 3x as painful as the last, which may lead me to believe its properly dosed. Anyway, Im gonna get another total testosterone checked but I have a ? If i've already been on the old prop for 2months and I just switched to this new prop(same dose) how long do I need to wait to see if my test levels changed. Since its prop im thinking 2weeks? Does that sound right or longer? Thanks
Forthgen, I have lots of respect for you, you are a fine member here at PM. However, can you comment on why you went UG lab?

I see these board sponsors giving us access to the best human grade products out there and wonder why anyone would risk using products made in what often is a home based lab.

Forthgen, I have lots of respect for you, you are a fine member here at PM. However, can you comment on why you went UG lab?

I see these board sponsors giving us access to the best human grade products out there and wonder why anyone would risk using products made in what often is a home based lab.


Well, i've used lots of gear in the past, mex,human grade,ug,etc... and they all gave very similar resuls. I admit, I went with UG b/c it was cheapest. Now, remember UG labs like PRL, they were UG but were top notch. Other labs like PharmRXL are UG but are very top notch as well. Many have lab tests sent in by customers backing results and many actually overdosed. The lab I used sponsors at about 6 diff boards(not this board) and has pages and pages of feedback on great products although no labtest has ever been done. I'll tell yah what though, for now on, im only using shit that has been lab tested with results. Another reason why I dont use a lot of human grade gear is b/c I can't have intl packs sent to me, only domestic, which really limits options.
New results 2weeks later. 2,822. Only thing I did diff was switch brands and got the blood work taken about 40hrs after the last prop/npp shot and last time it was taken about 50hrs.

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