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Dbol vs adrol

Dbol messes with my prostate and makes taking a piss an all day endeavour. Drol, no problems.

Maybe I'm just old.
When I was contractor over seas I worked with three guys that were prev German border services and were absolute specimens for the human race , like descendants from Hitler’s breeding experiments.
these guys used test suspension and injectable D-Bol exclusively and swore there was a HUGE difference between that and oral D-bol.
they were never fat or bloated like I’d expect from that combination and weee all fucking VERY strong , I’m fairly certain they were using some sort of “speed” as well because they stayed pretty wound up.

I haven’t heard anyone taking injection D-Bol since then
Remember reforvit-B? My brother tried it inject but he said he never noticed any difference, I'm like you, I don't like pinning too often, so I never tried it, I did try inject drol though and that route wasn't any easier on my stomach, so, for me it would be d-bol
Dbol messes with my prostate and makes taking a piss an all day endeavour. Drol, no problems.

Maybe I'm just old.

Add 5mg Tadalafil daily. No need to go any higher. I recommend doing this on all cycles as it’s great for BP and prostate health.
I s
Add 5mg Tadalafil daily. No need to go any higher. I recommend doing this on all cycles as it’s great for BP and prostate health.
Tadalifil is an amazing drug not just for boners but for blood pressure and prostate too.
For me, Anadrol 50-100mg on workout days only. Its great.
Injectable dbol is good. Good old Naps were the shit. Never had UG dbol that compared to Naps. Same goes for Drol. I used to get drol in those orange blister packs I think it was syntex or something. Man those were the days.
I love dbol when I’m cutting. It lessons my appetite and it gives me an almost euphoric feeling. I don’t bloat up on it at all but it is the one this that makes my nipples sore. I actually started a run with it yesterday.
I love dbol when I’m cutting. It lessons my appetite and it gives me an almost euphoric feeling. I don’t bloat up on it at all but it is the one this that makes my nipples sore. I actually started a run with it yesterday.
What dose do you run?
50ish. Maybe 60 just depends how it feels.
Split 4 times a day.
I don’t blow up crazy on it but it does make a big difference
Anadrol. My first ever "cycle" was 2609 Syntex in the brown bottle with the red label as I recall. Wish I even still had the empty bottle!
Man I miss those. :D DHTs have always just worked for me. Same with little doses of Winstrol or REAL anavar. Back then it was SPA brand Oxandrolone. 2.5mg each. 7.5mg a day made me stronger than I've ever been since. And no Test even with it. Turkey makes a Pharma brand 2.5mg, but I can't find it anywhere.

Dbol ever just made me bloated even at lean weight, 6 abdominals lean. Good mood though. But just literally nothing as far as strength, explosiveness, muscle, nothing. Even with the increased internal pressure from bloat. Dunno why.
Hey guys which one do you guys like more for bulking ,test deca dbol, or test deca anadrol ?
I know I already commented on this. But I just had to reiterate that dbol doesn’t compare to anadrol in no way shape or form. Anadrol is the shit. I get very little water retention, strong strength gains and the size I get is ridiculous . Dbol on the other hand gives me horrible sides. (Loss of appetite , estrogenic sides, and horrible water retention).
Bulking is more about consuming the excess calories. If you’re an ectomorph then you can get away with dirty calories. If you’re and endomorph then they’ll need to be clean calories.

It’d be good to know your base metabolic consumption. Then increase calories 500 over your base. I typically do this increase once every 2-3 weeks to let my gut adjust.

Then the drugs… Test/Deca/Drol.

So how they compare for example which one bloats you more?

Which one gives you the better strength guide blog?

I am more interested in people that had experience with both compounds, but any input is more than welcome.

They both wet they both gives strength and size gains (of course if the calories right amounts are there)

I only tried Anadrol and always had good experience with it

No appetite suppression, water gains but nothing out of control when lean, amazing strength gains etc etc

So how they compare for example which one bloats you more?

Which one gives you the better strength?


Please put your input about this two compounds and let's see how they compare.

Thanks all
My observation over the years is that there is genetic variation in response to testosterone vs dht derivative hormones. You'll see it written that 50mg is stronger than 50mg anadrol, yet for me 50mg anadrol is stronger than any dose of dbol. If you do well on test and dbol, then tren is likely your holy grail. If you respond far better to anadrol you likely will get on very well with anavar, winstrol and primo also. Tren ofcourse will work for all because of its strength, but I get stronger mg vs mg on anavar than tren. If you can figure out early which you respond better to, you can save a lot of time and make much more progress.
Injectable dbol is good. Good old Naps were the shit. Never had UG dbol that compared to Naps. Same goes for Drol. I used to get drol in those orange blister packs I think it was syntex or something. Man those were the days.
pink thais and blue hearts also were great

@op - i used dbol for probably 5 years exclusively into my first pathway of juicing and bodybuilding, maybe 7 years. finally when I tried drol I probably have never used dbol again. dbol made me feel better, but anadrol made me look WAY better. I dont get the estro issues with drol also that i get with dbol. dbol was better for sex drive. Drol will make you look huge and lean still if you are LEAN enough. FULL muscle bellies, the only oral that supercedes it is superDROL. but it is so toxic.
I am more interested in people that had experience with both compounds, but any input is more than welcome.

They both wet they both gives strength and size gains (of course if the calories right amounts are there)

I only tried Anadrol and always had good experience with it

No appetite suppression, water gains but nothing out of control when lean, amazing strength gains etc etc

So how they compare for example which one bloats you more?

Which one gives you the better strength?


Please put your input about this two compounds and let's see how they compare.

Thanks all
Anadrol hands down for me. There’s zero comparison! That’s my personal experience. Only issue for was I got horrible cystic acne from using it.

Drol will put muscles on a tomato!

NOTHING made me stronger, and bigger in record time than Anadrol did.
Hey guys which one do you guys like more for bulking ,test deca dbol, or test deca anadrol ?
I prefer Anadrol because I’m very vain. I look big and full but still shredded on test, deca, Anadrol. Dbol bloats me up.
I love dbol when I’m cutting. It lessons my appetite and it gives me an almost euphoric feeling. I don’t bloat up on it at all but it is the one this that makes my nipples sore. I actually started a run with it yesterday.

If a few pros experimented with dbol precoontest I bet they would find that they weren't any more watery than otherwise. Dbol bloats you like crazy because you expect it lol. Was Arnold crazy bloated?

Haven't done dbol in a few years even though it's my favorite based on "feel." Going to start again in a few days.

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