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dbol with winny only ?!

You should just use the winny for the duration until the last week in which you add the dbol in an ascending taper. That way everyone will remember you for that last week as a super jacked increasing aggressive business man who does not take No for an answer.

Or just stick to the winny at a moderate dosage until you get back. Dbol has too many sides to be gambling for a couple weeks of muscle on a trip.
the sad thing is i already took no for an answer 🥲

but seriously, i'll go with winny only 50 mg but won't that kinda crash my estrogen ?
the sad thing is i already took no for an answer 🥲

but seriously, i'll go with winny only 50 mg but won't that kinda crash my estrogen ?
I really dont know. I have done winny only like 20 years ago without issues besides my hair shedding for that cycle.
1) give that Dbol to someone you don't like and if you ever consider buying it again poke yourself in the eye.

2)50mg winstol a day will maybe help with strength loss but you already put yourself in a bad situation buy stop you test 5 weeks ago so your hormones are gonna be wonky anyway.
Unless you are trying to do a show soon just take a break from EVERYTHING for a frw more weeks and let your body balance back out then start a proper cycle and you'll have a good rebound.

3) get a Novolin-R bottle , rinse it out and dry it out then before you go on a trip fill it with your test. Pack that , some needles , blood glucose meter , glucose tabs all in a little diabetic kit and carry it on like a diabetic.
that's why i wanted to add the winny with some adex to minimize the water retention.
that combined with clean cutting diet shouldn't be that bad i guess.
Not for nothin' but dianabol was first marketed as a test replacement 5-15 mg/d. Back in the day 15 mg was a dose that really would not make you hold a lot of water if you kept things clean. On another note, I suggest you get a TRT script for future adventures.Winstrol was legit approved to treat angioadema because it increases C-1 inhibitor and helps to partition water but that's also probably why it kills joints in older athletes. Probably not the best choice for months and months abroad and doesn't primarily work to shift water by modulating estrogen. At higher doses of both D and W you would be pushing water retention and forcing redistribution via C-1 inhibitor, very different than what you are trying to do I think.
the sad thing is i already took no for an answer 🥲

but seriously, i'll go with winny only 50 mg but won't that kinda crash my estrogen ?
Your sole possible alternative is staying 3 weeks with zero Test in your system?
If so, albeit FAR from ideal, use what you have.
Keep 10mg of Dbol. Won't give you natural E2 but still way better than being with no estrogens at all.
Then use a dose of Winny that can be considered adequate for your LBM.
Always keep a backup vial of Test on hand for future reference.
i'm on trt so it's b&c for me but i cut my last blast short to travel and i wasn't prepared for that long time abroad.
i see that dbol has a bad rep here, i don't know why, i used it alot in my earlier cycles and it was okay, good strength and size gains, keepable too after the loss of water of course.
but i'm just looking to maintain the lean tissues while cutting so i,ll go with winny only as you mentioned.
Maybe I’m the oddball here but dbol doesn’t bloat me at all, and have seen others saying the same.
In fact I love it on a cut after I’m already lean. Seems to be really diet dependent with some but that’s about every compound
I think that I have read some research about Dbol at 10mg daily to replace our androgens.

I would give a try to:
10mg Dbol ed
Max 50mg Winny Ed

Ofc it's not a perfect cycle but if you don't have access to injectables, there are not many options....
Maybe I’m the oddball here but dbol doesn’t bloat me at all, and have seen others saying the same.
In fact I love it on a cut after I’m already lean. Seems to be really diet dependent with some but that’s about every compound
It doesn’t bloat me if I’m lean. The OP is trying to cut with this stack, so I’m assuming he’s not very lean. From my experience, Dbol makes lean people blow up nicely. I get skin splitting pumps on it, love it. Lots of intracellular water. On the other side, if you’re not pretty lean, it’ll make you look bloofy. More fat = more subq water. Lowering the dose to something like 10 or 20mg will alleviate some of the water.
It doesn’t bloat me if I’m lean. The OP is trying to cut with this stack, so I’m assuming he’s not very lean. From my experience, Dbol makes lean people blow up nicely. I get skin splitting pumps on it, love it. Lots of intracellular water. On the other side, if you’re not pretty lean, it’ll make you look bloofy. More fat = more subq water. Lowering the dose to something like 10 or 20mg will alleviate some of the water.
I agree. When you're lean and use a reasonable dose it fills you up nicely without blurring your definition. The same actually goes for most"wet" compounds actually.
Use them when you're at high BF and the outcome is WAY different.
I agree. When you're lean and use a reasonable dose it fills you up nicely without blurring your definition. The same actually goes for most"wet" compounds actually.
Use them when you're at high BF and the outcome is WAY different.
SO correct

It’s your over carbed diet making you bloated (fat) lol

Lean mean muscle machine use 20 to 60 mg Dbol you gonna look goood
i'm abroad right now for business purposes and will be for another month or so.
i don't have access to any steroids here but i brought some winny and dbol with me, i was afraid to go through airport with syringes so i brought some orals only.

i was contemplating using 40 mg dbol with 30 mg winny to keep water off, for 3 to 4 weeks on a cutting diet to shed some fat i gained recently.

has anyone tried that combo or something similar without injectables ?

Its not the worse idea. Low dose dbol can be pretty dry (10-20 mg) especially without T in the mix and if you are already relatively lean.

The dbol as an estrogen base at 10-20 mg daily with winstrol 50 mg (which sucks water/has a drying/hardening effect) makes sense.

Low E2 is horrible and will often mimic symptoms of hypogonadism. (Many of the benefits of testosterone come from Estradiol, DHT and other metabolites). Winstrol is anti-estrogenic to begin with, if your E2 drops low on winny, you may experience some shitty sides. (mood/libido/erection issues, joint aches, etc)
Some people need to lighten up. The guy didn't say his longterm plan was orals only limited to winny and dbol. This is an imperfect plan that will hopefully be a one off deal for him.

10mg/day dbol

Oh no, end of the world. FFS.
I say pull the trigger. You arent doing anything egregious with the total milligrams at 70/4 week length and this could prove to be a very nice combo. You may end up getting the best of both orals at the same time.

Half the fun of this hobby is the experimentation.

I think this will work out well as a bridge cycle and if it doesnt, ah well.

If we are getting technical, I would probably opt for 30 mg Dbol with 40 mg Winstrol. or 20 mg Dbol/50mg Winny.

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