Good video. I really think that the dangers involved in squating deep are overblown. I squated deep, well below parallel, for years and the only problem I would get from time to time was petellar tendonitis. I think the tendonitis though was due to me lifting to heavy for too long and not using periodization. Once I lightened up and gave the knees some rest they healed up. Never had an issue with my lower back either.
Now I dont really go below parallel. The reasoning being that, from what I can gather, that going lower involved the hamstrings more and takes the emphasis off quads more. Im really not sure how valid that claim is, but some fairly knowledgeable guys have reccomended not going below parallel for that reason. i dont think there really is a good reason that going deep causes risk of injury if its done corrcectly.
Its funny because I used to always get guys coming up to me asking me how I can squat that low. They were shocked how low I would go, and were convinced I would get injured. SOme of the guys were experienced powerlifters too.
Makes perfect sense. That must be why I never really felt right squatting with the feet pointed forward. It put too much stress on the lower lumbars. Squatting the way you would naturally is much more comfortable and just as productive.
Squatting as deep as I do has given me serious knee problems. Been messing with the weight and form lately to try to correct the problem. Don't know if it'll do it, though, as many guys with tremendous experience advise against squatting to a certain point (or against squatting altogether) due to the knee issues involved.
i don't deep squat, but i deffinatly go down to where i'm sitting on a chair, keeping head up and my belly pushed up against my belt...And my girlfriend says i have horse legs.
Sure, its ok to go deep if you dont bounce........but remember that you wont be working your quads as will be working more glutes and hamstrings. If you want huge not go deep. I will post a pic of when I was going 1/2 way only...........
Now, I am not saying to not go deep.........Hilly, I want you to VARY your depth.....use a diverse depth scheme............leave no stone unturned so to speak........but for QUADS only, go 1/2 way...........for THIGHS, you need to vary the depth
its okay to round up phil,,,i would love to be between 5'8-5'9
good height for bb i think.
doing heavy squats and stop doing leg press/ext and other things have produced better results for me.
i do bar high on neck, torso straight up and down O lift style, but i do not bounce like they do. then again i need more asssss so i gotta go deep.
when done properly squats hit all quads, including the ones high up near the hip...that only happens at parallel or alittle below at least for my anatomy.