YES!!!! its definately worth it!! i have had some nagging injuries that have cleared up completly with a few good massages over the last 3 weeks. it takes a few sessions to really get the effects of it. i have been twice a week for the last 3 weeks i think, and i fifnally am feeling the muscles actually relax. they are still knotted, but the overall feeling is much better. back doesnt hurt from muscles being too tight, bicep tendonitius and shoulder/arm pain cleared up. numb hands have found relief. makes stretching more effective also since the muscles are more pliable. if u can afford it, then do it!! the cheapest is to go to a massage school where they have to get in so many hrs before they get certified so it is cheap. on the down side, they usually arent as good. i have found a great one that im gonna stick with. its pricey, but to get under a squat bar again with no shoulder pain is like ecstacy!!