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delt question for pros..


Sep 21, 2005
I've read quite a bit on the boards about the need for lateral raises to build side delts. In other words many believe military presses wont build that side cap without the addition of laterals raises. They preach militarys are mostly a front delt exercises.

Do any of you PRO Bodybuilders have the correct answer to this most confusing question? :confused: I was always under the impression that militarys hit the front and side delt equally.. :confused:
militaries hit the fronts mainly, but the sides are involved to a lesser degree. side laterial raises target the sides only. put both of them with a rear delt exercise in your routine and your golden.
juicin said:
militaries hit the fronts mainly, but the sides are involved to a lesser degree. side laterial raises target the sides only. put both of them with a rear delt exercise in your routine and your golden.

I think there are some who would argue with you but it may be the case.
After 3 years of training, my delts were still piss poor sompared to the rest of the body.
Then started doing millitary presses and never looked back. Now my delts, especially the sides, are possibly my best bodypart by far.
Big A said:
After 3 years of training, my delts were still piss poor sompared to the rest of the body.
Then started doing millitary presses and never looked back. Now my delts, especially the sides, are possibly my best bodypart by far.

Hmm...Interesting point Big A. This friend of mine from another board is claiming the exact same scenario. He started doing DC training with militaries and dropped the lateral raises. Hes doing only one exercise per body part for each muscle group in exception to lats-legs where he does two. He growing like a weed.

Lateral raises strain my neck and aggravate my right rotator cuff at times anyways.

It's looking like I may do as you two big guys have done and drop the puny lateral raises. :D
My fav heavy bhneck bb press for me kicks arse :) I only go very light laterals as that hurts rotors etc on me so do more for pump :)
Larry Scott Presses is a press that really hits the side delts.

You take a pair of dumbells and tilt them so the little finger is slighly higher than the thumb. You dont lock out and you dont come all the way down either when doing them.

Its basically a dumbell press with th edunbells on a tilt doing the middle range of motion.
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My fav heavy bhneck bb press for me kicks arse :) I only go very light laterals as that hurts rotors etc on me so do more for pump :)

BIGKIWI have you had issues with the press behind neck hurting your "ROTATORS" as so many have claimed? If so how do you avoid straining them?

I just saw a pic of your delts and they are some of the largest delts I have ever seen in my life..OMG :eek: ...lol

I'm also very interested in BigKiwi's behind neck presses and rotator cuff health. I find it less painful to do side laterals than to do any kind of presses, is there a trick to doing them without pain?
Here's my $0.02

Everyone's built a little different - so what doesn't "bother" one person, another may have difficulty with.

I have bad rotator cuffs. Things like front lateral raises, upright rows and even side laterals (somewhat) bother them to where wher I can only use pussy weights :eek:

My best results are following Big A's advice with overhead presses (seated or I prefer standing) to the front not behind the head. While Kiwi has good experience with BH, from a biomechanics standpoint, your shoulder is in a VERY DISADVANTAGES rotation doing this (same with BH pullups). I've seen many people in the gym do damage with these 2 exercises over the years.

If you do BH, start slowly and if you have any trouble - DON'T PUSH IT.
never had any trouble with rotors doing bh neck press they hurt more side laterals, I mainly do cable sidelaterals bh back as that tends pull my shoulders back. With BH neck press I agree Xcel start light , I just do bottom 3/4 of the movement as keeps constant pressure on delts not the top where your triceps take over. I say warm up thouroughly with jersey on and don't take off untill your heavy set . As stupid as that sounds trapped heat helps me to warm up faster go heavier and cannot feel my tendons and joints as much :)
Very true that last remark of kiwi, I don't even take my sweater off anymore.

I don't care if I'm sweating like a horse, I need the heat to be able to train 'relatively' painfree
I did side delt raises for years & my delts just wouldn't grow very well. I finally went to behind the neck barbell presses & then machine presses & my delts took off finally. Switching to doing all shots in the side delts didn't hurt either :eek:)

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