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do we need to worry about our kidneys


Kilo Klub Member / Board Supporter
Kilo Klub Member
Board Supporter
Jul 30, 2007
I am currently on liv52 and milk thistle for my liver and i read a ton of posts from people saying they are supplementing to help their liver but i never hear anything about supplementing to help our kidneys. Do we need to take something to help our kidneys as well? If so what? KS
I am currently on liv52 and milk thistle for my liver and i read a ton of posts from people saying they are supplementing to help their liver but i never hear anything about supplementing to help our kidneys. Do we need to take something to help our kidneys as well? If so what? KS

Ya, keep your blood pressure down...
Good question. I imagine it might be a bigger factor with orals, but I'm not sure of course.
Its very important to consider your kidneys. Unfortunately there isnt much you can do... But most importantly, keep your blood pressure down, drink water.

Your creatinine and gfr indicate your bodies ability to filter waste, its important to check when having your blood panel. For individuals who carry more muscle mass your creatine will be higher, but in doing so your risk of kidney failure raises. My creatinine is currently 1.37 which puts me in stage 2 kidney failure... i think the normal range is .6-1.27. The biggest way this level is altered is by hypertension (blood pressure). Hence the reason you should check your BP while on so you can regulate it.

Some studies suggest that you cant improve your creatinine once its raised you can only treat it. My creatinine has gone down from 1.55, by reducing my BD, but it hasnt gone much lower from there.

Hope this info helps....
Its very important to consider your kidneys. Unfortunately there isnt much you can do... But most importantly, keep your blood pressure down, drink water.

Your creatinine and gfr indicate your bodies ability to filter waste, its important to check when having your blood panel. For individuals who carry more muscle mass your creatine will be higher, but in doing so your risk of kidney failure raises. My creatinine is currently 1.37 which puts me in stage 2 kidney failure... i think the normal range is .6-1.27. The biggest way this level is altered is by hypertension (blood pressure). Hence the reason you should check your BP while on so you can regulate it.

Some studies suggest that you cant improve your creatinine once its raised you can only treat it. My creatinine has gone down from 1.55, by reducing my BD, but it hasnt gone much lower from there.

Hope this info helps....

Stage 2 kidney failure? I hope there's more than a few stages for your sake! Do you ever experience a 'twinging' pain in your lower back, especially when you're carrying a lot of fluids in your bladder? You would think with creatinine levels to that degree you'd also see some foaming in your urine. Any of these things happening?
I suppose stage 2 sounds serious but I think theres 5 stages. Google creatinine levels, and gfr.... Its important to read up on. There is tons of info. Ive never had pain or foaming. I had a biopsy last year and the nepherologist attributed my high creatinine and low gfr to high blood pressure. Ive been on blood pressure meds since and the levels have improved.
seems like african americans are very susceptible to kidney issues
Hypertension (high BP) is a major factor when it comes to kidneys... What about protein intake? Is it a large factor. I have read conflicting studies about protein intake and kidney function. Does anyone have any information regarding protein intake and creatinine, BUN, GFR levels?
i worry bout heart if anything, i get sharp pains all the time, cant tell if its the ticker or my rib cage from benching..................

ive found worrying does no good, just gives you anxiety...............as long as blood work is in check i carry on and pay it no mind
Actually there is a kidney recipe!!!

Get a bunch of parsley and boil it for about 10 minutes in at least 1 liter of water.

Let it cool and fill up a water bottle and sip it throughout the day.

It will eliminate waste products from the kidney and help with kidney function.

Only thing is (for me at least) it really tastes crappy!
Actually there is a kidney recipe!!!

Get a bunch of parsley and boil it for about 10 minutes in at least 1 liter of water.

Let it cool and fill up a water bottle and sip it throughout the day.

It will eliminate waste products from the kidney and help with kidney function.

Only thing is (for me at least) it really tastes crappy!

Wow! Ive never heard of that... Very interesting
Get a blood test. Simple. At least my Dr. said my kidneys looked good from the full blood panel I asked for.
I am a nurse on a critical care cardiac unit. Most people with cardiac problems have some degree of kidney involvement. Something I found interesting because I just started on the unit was that any of my patients that had creatinine levels of over 1.2, the physicians were prescribing anywhere from 800-1200mg of Acetyl Cysteine (NAC). Although this is an off label use, studies done in our hospital (A large Magnet Hospital) shows that NAC significantly reduced Creatinine levels.

I had no clue about this until about a week ago when I questioned the physician why all my patients with elevated creatinine were getting this when they didn't have poor liver functions.

With that being said, I will continue taking my NAC, not just for anti-oxidant purposes, but now for kidney health. I also maintain a low blood pressure via pharmacological management of HCTZ+Vasotec.
Actually there is a kidney recipe!!!

Get a bunch of parsley and boil it for about 10 minutes in at least 1 liter of water.

Let it cool and fill up a water bottle and sip it throughout the day.

It will eliminate waste products from the kidney and help with kidney function.

Only thing is (for me at least) it really tastes crappy!

Why not just throw a bunch of parsley on your dinner?
I am a nurse on a critical care cardiac unit. Most people with cardiac problems have some degree of kidney involvement. Something I found interesting because I just started on the unit was that any of my patients that had creatinine levels of over 1.2, the physicians were prescribing anywhere from 800-1200mg of Acetyl Cysteine (NAC). Although this is an off label use, studies done in our hospital (A large Magnet Hospital) shows that NAC significantly reduced Creatinine levels.

I had no clue about this until about a week ago when I questioned the physician why all my patients with elevated creatinine were getting this when they didn't have poor liver functions.

With that being said, I will continue taking my NAC, not just for anti-oxidant purposes, but now for kidney health. I also maintain a low blood pressure via pharmacological management of HCTZ+Vasotec.

Thats great information! Should that dosage 800-1200mg be split up throughout the day? If so how much? Thank you.

Do you know if BUN Ratio will improve by lowering creatinine?

Have you heard of anything in regards to BUN or gfr? Anything that may improve it?
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i'm not quite sure this is correct. Creatinine is a marker used to calculate eGFR(kidney function) using a formula for the average person. This marker is 'artificially' high in those who have large muscle mass - this is due to the breakdown. Also if you train intensely it will compound this issue. High creatinine does not necessarily mean kidney disease in this case. You might want to check out the cockcroft-gault calculator which takes body mass into consideration. (www.nephron.com/cgi-bin/cgsi.cgi)
always best to see a nephrologist (kidney doctor) if there is any doubt

Its very important to consider your kidneys. Unfortunately there isnt much you can do... But most importantly, keep your blood pressure down, drink water.

Your creatinine and gfr indicate your bodies ability to filter waste, its important to check when having your blood panel. For individuals who carry more muscle mass your creatine will be higher, but in doing so your risk of kidney failure raises. My creatinine is currently 1.37 which puts me in stage 2 kidney failure... i think the normal range is .6-1.27. The biggest way this level is altered is by hypertension (blood pressure). Hence the reason you should check your BP while on so you can regulate it.

Some studies suggest that you cant improve your creatinine once its raised you can only treat it. My creatinine has gone down from 1.55, by reducing my BD, but it hasnt gone much lower from there.

Hope this info helps....

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