I don't understand why MD and Flex can't extend inusrance coverage to their contracted athletes?
Don't they provide it for their employees now for the magazine and supplement divisions?
contracted athletes -Isn't that considered a salary?
Damn bro, sorry to hear that.. that is terrible...Be careful guys. If there is one thing in your medical report pertaining to steroids and you get sick, you will not be covered. I am the perfect example, close to $400,000 in medical bills due to everything I went through with my liver and I was denied because a few doctors wrote "steroids" in my reports. Even my surgeon wrote a letter stating that my condition could not be 100% proved that it was caused by steroids, and they still denied me.
I went to attorneys who looked over everything and they said that a case like this would take years, the lawyer fees alone would screw me and if by chance I won, the insurance company would still only be liable to pay a certain amount of what was owed. The rest would still be on me. The solution is bankruptcy, which is something I am going through now.
So please be careful what is put in your records, it could mean the difference of being covered or not. Insurance companies are fucking scumbags!!
Be careful guys. If there is one thing in your medical report pertaining to steroids and you get sick, you will not be covered. I am the perfect example, close to $400,000 in medical bills due to everything I went through with my liver and I was denied because a few doctors wrote "steroids" in my reports. Even my surgeon wrote a letter stating that my condition could not be 100% proved that it was caused by steroids, and they still denied me.
I went to attorneys who looked over everything and they said that a case like this would take years, the lawyer fees alone would screw me and if by chance I won, the insurance company would still only be liable to pay a certain amount of what was owed. The rest would still be on me. The solution is bankruptcy, which is something I am going through now.
So please be careful what is put in your records, it could mean the difference of being covered or not. Insurance companies are fucking scumbags!!
Be careful guys. If there is one thing in your medical report pertaining to steroids and you get sick, you will not be covered. I am the perfect example, close to $400,000 in medical bills due to everything I went through with my liver and I was denied because a few doctors wrote "steroids" in my reports. Even my surgeon wrote a letter stating that my condition could not be 100% proved that it was caused by steroids, and they still denied me.
I went to attorneys who looked over everything and they said that a case like this would take years, the lawyer fees alone would screw me and if by chance I won, the insurance company would still only be liable to pay a certain amount of what was owed. The rest would still be on me. The solution is bankruptcy, which is something I am going through now.
So please be careful what is put in your records, it could mean the difference of being covered or not. Insurance companies are fucking scumbags!!
Are you saying you HAD insurance but they wouldn't cover anything because it was steroid related? Are you serious??
If a person is driving drunk and gets in an accident does insurance not help because they were drinking?? not being sarcastic. I'm really curious?
yes, they will fuck you in any possible way. watch "sicko" and you will see how fucked up their practices are. people get bonuses based on the claims they reject. it is beyond assinine.
i have very good insurance through my company with low copays and a very low deductible ($250).
i will never, EVER admit to using AAS under any circumstances. no good can come from it. even if i was on my death bed i wouldn't admit to use.
the medical community is criminally ignorant when it comes to AAS and the insurance companies are just criminals period.
even if you go to a doc for HRT, DO NOT admit to using AAS in the past. the insurance company reps salivate over the prospect of finding the word "steroids" on one of your records.
this is why you deny, deny, deny.........Be careful guys. If there is one thing in your medical report pertaining to steroids and you get sick, you will not be covered. I am the perfect example, close to $400,000 in medical bills due to everything I went through with my liver and I was denied because a few doctors wrote "steroids" in my reports. Even my surgeon wrote a letter stating that my condition could not be 100% proved that it was caused by steroids, and they still denied me.
I went to attorneys who looked over everything and they said that a case like this would take years, the lawyer fees alone would screw me and if by chance I won, the insurance company would still only be liable to pay a certain amount of what was owed. The rest would still be on me. The solution is bankruptcy, which is something I am going through now.
So please be careful what is put in your records, it could mean the difference of being covered or not. Insurance companies are fucking scumbags!!