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Does anyone NOT feel like crap after.....


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 10, 2007
Does anyone NOT feel like crap after eating junk food. IF i go to McDonalds(verry rarely) i dont feel like crap at all after i stuff my face full of a couple Big Mac's. Tacobell, BK, Mcdonalds, pizza, chinese etc. I feel just fine, i dont understand why I hear that everyone feels like shit after eating this stuff. I mean granted once every other month may not be enough to notice either.
Quite the opposite. I almost feel high after I finish a really tasty meal of fast food. It's like drugs. The burst of flavor from the big mac, the SUPER salty hot fries, the sweet, icy cold fountain coke. Wowwww.

I feel like shit an hour later when I lift up my shirt and relax my gut.

"Wasn't worth it." That's what I think.

Haven't had fast food in the longest time. Man I want some.
I feel like shit after certain pizzas. Pizza Hut(woke in the middle of the night and puked) and Rockies are the worst. I get acid for a couple of days post feast so no more of those at all. Mcdonalds and the like I do better on but most of the time I end up falling asleep after that type of food.

To me if all you can do is fall asleep after a meal it might not have been the best thing for you:p

On the other hand a good meal gives me energy vs takes my life away.
Pizza Hut is awful. I got a supreme a while back and it had no flavor. How does a supreme pizza have no flavor?
i love junk food hehe it just makes me feel great :) love that stuff :)
When I was a teen/early 20's I could eat absolutely anything I wanted and never feel bad. I don't think it had much to do with my age.... it was just that at that time, I was always eating crap, and I think I was completely adjusted to it.

Since I started eating clean, anytime I go back to crap food as a 'cheat', I feel like complete crap. It's not in my head either, the last time I had McD's, I threw up. I will never have McD's again (also, I just saw supersize me, that isn't helping).
Pizza hut is not Pizza. I wouldnt feed that crap to my cat. I just feel like the "i feel so bad after eating junk food" might be alittle over exaggerated.
On the rare occasion that i eat junk food, i feel no different than i would after any other meal unless i overeat (keep stuffing my face even though i'm no longer hungry just to finish it off) the junk food and then i tend to feel pretty lethargic afterwards
With Chinese food they put alot of MSG crap in it. Maccas has high fat content. If you eat bigmac, fries and coke you would have to run 14km's just to burn off all that fat you ate.
Pizza hut is not Pizza. I wouldnt feed that crap to my cat. I just feel like the "i feel so bad after eating junk food" might be alittle over exaggerated.

It might not be pizza but it is tasty. I just had the pizza with the crust replaced with the mozzerella balls and it was quite good.
Mc Donalds always makes me feel like shit. I eat it maybe 2-3 times a year when its the only thing open and I'm starving on the way home from a long nite.
Junk food usually never makes me feel crappy like what I hear from people. Hell I've been eating mcdonalds almost everyday for past month and half. Funny thing is I keep leaning out every week because my overall appetite has been super low and I'm eating junk all the time and still not coming close to my maintenance cals.
Junk food usually never makes me feel crappy like what I hear from people. Hell I've been eating mcdonalds almost everyday for past month and half. Funny thing is I keep leaning out every week because my overall appetite has been super low and I'm eating junk all the time and still not coming close to my maintenance cals.

Yeah. At the end of the day it's all about calories. When I first started working out I was still addicted to fast food. I'd get either a triple cheesebuger combo w/ large fries & coke from wendy's, or I'd get a bunch of double cheeseburgers from burger king (those doubles are decent, 33/33/33 macro split 500 cals a piece). Would just fill up on that once a day, train hard, and the fat fell off like crazy.
Fast food makes me feel shitty, just really polluted. If it is rare occurance and I am really starving it won't make me feel bad. 2 or more fast food meals and I feel it.Eating clean I feel much better.
McD's def. makes me feel sluggish afterwards, and I get some acid reflux going on...
I dont mind some good real pizza or a nice philly cheesesteak now and again though.
if im hungover and i eat it i feel pretty damn good.

all other times i eat it dont feel great after tbh
Because I eat so clean year around, on those few occasions my kids need me to take them I will kill some burgers and fries. along with some apple pie and a sprite. After, I feel amazing. 4 hours later, not so much.
generally when i decide to eat like shit (usually once a week) i feel terrible after, not sure if its actually the food or the quantity though.

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