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Done with gear!


Active member
Oct 13, 2004
It seems that no matter what I do when I come off that my body just won't hold more than a lean 240lbs. I actually was burnt out and quit working out for months. I can get much larger when on but don't want to be on trt or gear longterm. It seems to me I might be better off to cycle things like igf-1, sarms, and maybe follistain in hopes of increasing my genetic potential. Anybody else doing something similar? I was thinking once I hit 250(want to over shoot the 240 cause I'll lose some coming off) I'm going to switch to mk2866 + 20mcg of igf-1 + pct. Also my arms seem to not go much over 19'' off cycle. I would like to hold at 20'' and have been their when on. So for that I'm thinking at some point a run with seo. My goals are to hold 250lbs with 20'' arms and be off of everthing. So really my question is has anybody had similar ideas? suggestions? If you have been doing something similar how has it worked for you? Oh and It will probably be after the new year when I start but plan on logging everything I do.
You sound pretty blessed to hold a lean 240 with no gear I'm jealous! Your goal sounds reasonable to me. No advice but wishing u the very best.
It seems that no matter what I do when I come off that my body just won't hold more than a lean 240lbs. I actually was burnt out and quit working out for months. I can get much larger when on but don't want to be on trt or gear longterm. It seems to me I might be better off to cycle things like igf-1, sarms, and maybe follistain in hopes of increasing my genetic potential. Anybody else doing something similar? I was thinking once I hit 250(want to over shoot the 240 cause I'll lose some coming off) I'm going to switch to mk2866 + 20mcg of igf-1 + pct. Also my arms seem to not go much over 19'' off cycle. I would like to hold at 20'' and have been their when on. So for that I'm thinking at some point a run with seo. My goals are to hold 250lbs with 20'' arms and be off of everthing. So really my question is has anybody had similar ideas? suggestions? If you have been doing something similar how has it worked for you? Oh and It will probably be after the new year when I start but plan on logging everything I do.
for sure keep us up on the mk2866 bro,seems promising
I'm on a similar quest. I'm only gonna pulse orals with a short half life. GH, IGF, Sarms, Slin are all Fair game. I was thinking a Slin and boladrol preworkout and GH post work out run next. Could I even throw in some ostarine? I'll research that. Gook Luck
I'm on a similar quest. I'm only gonna pulse orals with a short half life. GH, IGF, Sarms, Slin are all Fair game. I was thinking a Slin and boladrol preworkout and GH post work out run next. Could I even throw in some ostarine? I'll research that. Gook Luck

Yeah ostarine looks promising. It plus igf-1 at 20mcg a day is going to be the first thing I try when coming off. By the way the boladrol is good to go. I'm actually using it now and like it. I haven't weighed myself but size, strength, and muscle hardness is noticable. Slin seems to work great for some but I could never get that great of results out of it.
how long do you come off???

Yeah ostarine looks promising. It plus igf-1 at 20mcg a day is going to be the first thing I try when coming off. By the way the boladrol is good to go. I'm actually using it now and like it. I haven't weighed myself but size, strength, and muscle hardness is noticable. Slin seems to work great for some but I could never get that great of results out of it.

I believe the IGF would be your best bet.
20mcg is good enought. Do it everyday & plus some MGF.
You sound pretty blessed to hold a lean 240 with no gear I'm jealous! Your goal sounds reasonable to me. No advice but wishing u the very best.

I was thinking the same thing. A lean 240 with no gear must be nice!
How Tall are you I have been haveing the same issues for years. i am 6'6 and can walk around at 280 lean on gear all day long but when i come off i struggle to stay around 260. I know your pain
The sarms helped me keep my strength gains off cycle. Helps keep muscles hard also, I feel. Not sure about how much mass you could gain on it. I've always used for pct and I typically scale back calories then. It doesn't compare to gear at all, but I feel it has a use. Perhaps, If you never used gear, it might seem very impressive.
I agree. But I would start at 40mcg.

Yeah. U could start at 20mcg.

Infact i'm in the same situation with u.
I used to compete & stop ASS.
Now i'm on 20mg Dbol only.

I don't plan to take the ASS route as now i've a demanding/respected international corporate career. I just got promoted.

I can't take ASS. I don't mind the sides but the mood swings & the sleepless nights cost me allot as i need to be focus during the day & patient with people i work with.

I only take peptides. IGF/MGF/CJC/GHRP.
how long do you come off???


Well my original plan was to always follow time on equals time off. And a few years back I would just do 2 to 3 short cycles a year. I liked test suspension or prop/anadrol/tren stacked together. Then I had a close call. I was able to maintain around 240lbs for a year without any gear. Ha then prohormons/prosteroids.. or whatever you want to call them came out. Ha so everytime a new one came out I tried it. To my surprise some were pretty effective. Actually m1t alone had me up to 260lbs. This was when my schedule was much easier. Finally quit with the legal orals and went back to gear . Using straight test cause it always worked well for me and decided to not mess with orals. lol then boladrol came out and I had to give it a shot. Unfortuantley I've been using more and more gear recently as a cruch. I now have 2 kids and a crazy schedule all around. So this is why I want to stop all together. I'm pretty happy holding 240lbs but fear if I keep messing with steroids it will hurt my hpta permenantley then I won't even be able to hold that when I'm done. By the way I'm 5'11''.
I was thinking the same thing. A lean 240 with no gear must be nice!

Yeah I'm pretty happy with it but keep in mind when I say a lean 240 I mean a visible 6 pack. Not anywhere near contest shape at 240lbs. I'll post pics after the new year sometime when I start the igf-1/sarms/pct and I'll log everything.
Ostarine is the strongest SARMS on the market....and its on sale till the new year...

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