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Dorian trains Kai and Oscar... (wtf?)

Big Dave Smith

Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Nov 22, 2006
Their videos are on MD. Is it me?

A) Their weights are obviously light just to show exercises (no straps either).

B) Kai seems to train quite "loose", which I think is just poor form.

C) Kai doesn't listen for shit. "Slow down. Slow down."

D) Is Oscar PRETENDING not to know some basic things? He asked about the barbell rows being shoulder width grip.

Maybe I'm not getting the point of the video. It would have been nice if they were using crazy weights and dorian forced them to train the way he really did.
I think it's kinda impossible to teach a new training style to someone as advanced as Kai. It's ingrained. Kinda like posing, which you also cannot learn or teach.
I think it's kinda impossible to teach a new training style to someone as advanced as Kai. It's ingrained. Kinda like posing, which you also cannot learn or teach.

Posing can be taught and learned, as can exercise techique.
Ego is a terrible thing, especially in a man who sticks his penis in grapefruits.
I've only watched part one...but Kai seemed less than enthused about the whole prospect......course he's prolly running on empty in the carb dept right now too
I think it's kinda impossible to teach a new training style to someone as advanced as Kai. It's ingrained. Kinda like posing, which you also cannot learn or teach.

In what way would you imply "advanced"? He's at an advanced level, yes. He's the beholder of some advanced genetics, yes. Does he have a higher level of thinking in terms of a "training IQ" or "training encyclopedia"? I'd bet no. He works very hard, but I think he'd be lost without his genetics.

That, and why wouldn't he be able to at least DO what Dorian tells him to? If you have ANY "mind-muscle connection" at ALL... you can tell your muscles to "go slower" if you can tell your muscles to "barbell row (X) weight". Dorian isn't coming at him with crazy exercises nobody's ever heard of. "Stand more upright" isn't a revolutionary thought for barbell rows.

Why do so many pros have trainers who have never competed or competed and didn't fair as well? Look at Homonunculus, Shelby, Troponin, etc. They are all in the top 10% of competitive bodybuilding, but they don't have genetics comparable to Jay Cutler or Phil Heath. Homonunculus lays out the plan for the former 202 Olympia winner. Rumor has it that every time you google something, he's giving you the search results from his brain.
In what way would you imply "advanced"? He's at an advanced level, yes. He's the beholder of some advanced genetics, yes. Does he have a higher level of thinking in terms of a "training IQ" or "training encyclopedia"? I'd bet no. He works very hard, but I think he'd be lost without his genetics.

That, and why wouldn't he be able to at least DO what Dorian tells him to? If you have ANY "mind-muscle connection" at ALL... you can tell your muscles to "go slower" if you can tell your muscles to "barbell row (X) weight". Dorian isn't coming at him with crazy exercises nobody's ever heard of. "Stand more upright" isn't a revolutionary thought for barbell rows.

Why do so many pros have trainers who have never competed or competed and didn't fair as well? Look at Homonunculus, Shelby, Troponin, etc. They are all in the top 10% of competitive bodybuilding, but they don't have genetics comparable to Jay Cutler or Phil Heath. Homonunculus lays out the plan for the former 202 Olympia winner. Rumor has it that every time you google something, he's giving you the search results from his brain.

Sure genetics play a big factor but when it comes to "mind-muscle connection" every one is diffrent....
Posing can be taught and learned, as can exercise techique.
Ego is a terrible thing, especially in a man who sticks his penis in grapefruits.

Whatever the reason, I've never seen a bad poser turn into a good one. Try changing the way a pro hits his side chest for example, even if the whole bb community said it would look better if he bunched up his chest more or whatever... never going to happen. :D It's ingrained.

In what way would you imply "advanced"? He's at an advanced level, yes. He's the beholder of some advanced genetics, yes. Does he have a higher level of thinking in terms of a "training IQ" or "training encyclopedia"? I'd bet no. He works very hard, but I think he'd be lost without his genetics.

That, and why wouldn't he be able to at least DO what Dorian tells him to? If you have ANY "mind-muscle connection" at ALL... you can tell your muscles to "go slower" if you can tell your muscles to "barbell row (X) weight". Dorian isn't coming at him with crazy exercises nobody's ever heard of. "Stand more upright" isn't a revolutionary thought for barbell rows.

Why do so many pros have trainers who have never competed or competed and didn't fair as well? Look at Homonunculus, Shelby, Troponin, etc. They are all in the top 10% of competitive bodybuilding, but they don't have genetics comparable to Jay Cutler or Phil Heath. Homonunculus lays out the plan for the former 202 Olympia winner. Rumor has it that every time you google something, he's giving you the search results from his brain.

You would think he should be able to follow instructions. It shouldn't be that hard. :confused:

But if you think of some famous bodybuilders, they all had different training styles. Such as range of motion, general rep range and speed of the reps. And once they're pro, and I'm sure way way before that, it becomes ingrained and it's almost impossible to change. Branch is not going to change his ballistic style (despite an MD video saying he was now doing "peak contraction training" due to injuries, lol). Could you have gotten Yates to adopt Branch's style? Hell no. :D

I think Yates was a machine and his rep execution exemplary but obviously hard to make some other pro do it his way. I saw a bit of this in the Mark Dugdale video too (where he visited Yates). His rep execution didn't look quite the same as Yates' and I wonder if he continued to practice Yates' style when he left the gym or if he went back to what he always did.
Dorian to Oscar "All you gotta do now is put some fuckin weight on the bar".

Heh. Dorian seems cool.
No citrus fruits were harmed in production.
Their videos are on MD. Is it me?

A) Their weights are obviously light just to show exercises (no straps either).

B) Kai seems to train quite "loose", which I think is just poor form.

C) Kai doesn't listen for shit. "Slow down. Slow down."

D) Is Oscar PRETENDING not to know some basic things? He asked about the barbell rows being shoulder width grip.

Maybe I'm not getting the point of the video. It would have been nice if they were using crazy weights and dorian forced them to train the way he really did.

Do you have a link bro?
**broken link removed**

**broken link removed**

**broken link removed**
Dorian was and still is a badass! I remember a bicep workout of his using only one set. I believe it was called a hyperset or something along those lines. He looked like he was turning blue towards the end of the set... Definition of intensity.
Seemed to me that Kai wasn't to interested in what Dorian had to say. I hate to say this, but Dorian has forgotten more about weight training than Kai will ever know. Kai puts on his little fake artistic show that I'm not buying into, just makes me think he is weirder than he probably is. Kai is another reason people don't take bodybuilding serious. He is a joke. I don't expect his career to last over a few years anyway. I don't know why, I just don't see him being a long term bodybuilder. I am by no way trying to offend any of his fans or start a debate with anyone, those are just my personal opinions.
Dorian is full of knowlege. i think kia needs to slow it down with his form seems like he was listening to him some what though. anyone can learn from dorian he is the man.

Seemed to me that Kai wasn't to interested in what Dorian had to say. I hate to say this, but Dorian has forgotten more about weight training than Kai will ever know. Kai puts on his little fake artistic show that I'm not buying into, just makes me think he is weirder than he probably is. Kai is another reason people don't take bodybuilding serious. He is a joke. I don't expect his career to last over a few years anyway. I don't know why, I just don't see him being a long term bodybuilder. I am by no way trying to offend any of his fans or start a debate with anyone, those are just my personal opinions.

Not trying to offend anyone either, but I feel that his posing routine and videos I have seen of him really appeal to the 'gay' portion of bodybuilding fans.. Not to mention the 'grapefruit stuff' I have heard about. I saw a comeback video with him in it and I could not watch it, it just looked too gay. Just a disclaimer: I have nothing against anyone's sexuality, creed or color. Just sayin' .. Guy has a phenominal physique and looks incredible, but still: Just sayin' .. If anyone who was not into bodybuilding saw him perform his routine, the first word that came to their mind would be 'gay' .. Again, I take nothing away from his accomplishments in bodybuilding.

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