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eli lilly humatropin


New member
Mar 2, 2010
6mg somatropin pen cartgriges, how many iu's does the 3ml convert to???
I believe the conversion is 3iu per mg.
Ya about that, I believe it is usually 3mg to a 10iu's so that is 3.3iu/mg which would make 6mg approximately 20iu. So with 3ml the 15 mark on the slin pin should be about 1iu.
I wonder why the pens have less Iu's than the vials. The vials normally come in 15 IU..

The Beggar
I wonder why the pens have less Iu's than the vials. The vials normally come in 15 IU..

The Beggar

I just stated that the pens contain approximately 20iu.

20 is more than 15.
3.3 iu a mg or 333mcg and iu....

Did you read the above posts?
3.3 iu a mg or 333mcg and iu....

Did you read the above posts?

you have no idea what you are talking about. Here is proof. Sandoz makes omnitrope 5.8mg vial and its 17.4 iu/hgh in a vial. now check your math and ill show you. 5.8mgx3 = 17.4 just as the kit states. if it was 3.3 then 5.8x 3.3 would = 19.1. Here i there website too:**broken link removed**

Do you want my pharmacist to do a write up too? i can have that if you still dont believe it. im pretty sure a pharmacist who has a contract with Sandoz as an authorized distributor knows what they are talking about.
Sounds like I stand corrected.:eek:

I was just going off the fact that most 10iu vials I believe have about 3mg.

So 6mg would be approximately 20iu, if this were the case.:cool:
your not wrong, mace is. they dont make at 19.8 vial or whatever that would come out to.

Legit GH manufacturers IU vs. MG contents mostly vary. You'll need to varify via the source itself, rather than classify ALL the same, as they arent'

For instance, last I checked Humatrope is 3IU per MG, i.e. a 5MG 15IU vial, while GenHeal is 2.5IU per MG, i.e. a 4MG 10IU vial. However GenSci's are 3.3IU per MG, i.e. a 3MG 10IU vial, so in the latter case, Mace123 is not wrong.
I feel honored to have 123cctv comment on a thread I started! I haven't been on this board in a long time I thought you where gone! I'm not running the gh, a friend is but he is using a protocol bbb set up iv 78 ius over 21 days, if I remember rigt you omented on the thread saying you approved of the protocol! And I know you are the god of gh! When I have a stock pile I'll be talking to you!
I feel honored to have 123cctv comment on a thread I started! I haven't been on this board in a long time I thought you where gone! I'm not running the gh, a friend is but he is using a protocol bbb set up iv 78 ius over 21 days, if I remember rigt you omented on the thread saying you approved of the protocol! And I know you are the god of gh! When I have a stock pile I'll be talking to you!

Thanks for the many complements!! Yes I've been gone a while, but am back for the time being.

Anyhow yes, I remember that I.V. protocol by BBB. It was very well thought out. :)
Legit GH manufacturers IU vs. MG contents mostly vary. You'll need to varify via the source itself, rather than classify ALL the same, as they arent'

For instance, last I checked Humatrope is 3IU per MG, i.e. a 5MG 15IU vial, while GenHeal is 2.5IU per MG, i.e. a 4MG 10IU vial. However GenSci's are 3.3IU per MG, i.e. a 3MG 10IU vial, so in the latter case, Mace123 is not wrong.

now you got me confused. Thats like saying a 500mg aspirin varies in strength. Are they varying due to purity then or what? i dont really understand how a unit of measure can varie. Is-int that the whole point of having a unit of measure?
im not wrong on the statement that 5.8mg is 17.4 iu when dealing with sandoz but i guess if it varies then there is more than one right answer so mace you are right also?? Do you have proof of this or how/ why this is? i can also tell you Tev-tropin made by teva pharmaceutical is a 5mg vial totaling 15iu. Genotropin, Saizen, Tev-tropin, Omnitrope, norditropin and the 10 others i can get through a pharmacy in the usa are all the same. 3iu/1mg. Are the American FDA approved HGH's forced to follow the same mg/iu ratio then?
now you got me confused. Thats like saying a 500mg aspirin varies in strength. Are they varying due to purity then or what? i dont really understand how a unit of measure can varie. Is-int that the whole point of having a unit of measure?

And this is the area where you are missing it. An IU = potency, not MG. MG is weight only.

Let's say we purchased 10IU GH -- this means the rHGH measures a total of 10IU potency, but that's all the 10IU means. Next we check out the MG and it's here that GH manufactures vary as there are several methods to manufacture GH. However in a nut shell, they'll formulate the protein - taking it though a lyophilized process, leaving a powder remaining. This is what we call "the puck". But this might be the part you're missunderstanding -- this powder is NOT all pure GH. Aggragates/fillers have been added (these vary too) giving us the final weight of the GH = MG.

To be clear, the more IU per MG, generally the more simplified the protein (GH), w/fewer fillers.

By the way, if you are questioning that manufacturers vary their IU per MG, here's a post which includes a picture I took back in Oct. 09, of 3 different pharmaceutical brands of GH.

Note the Genheal on the right shows 4MG 10IU as I previously stated. Next, if you look closely at the middle box (GenSci's) at the top right of the box you'll see it says "10IU(3.7 mg)". Though 3.7mg doesn't go into 10IU (so figure that one out), but this is what they clearly list and they are FDA approved. The Humatrope on the left shows 5MG and they're 15IU vials. I'm sure you can do the math, noting the variances between IU's and MG's.

For more information on IU vs. MG, check out this link - it's really very simple, but misunderstood as you've reflected. **broken link removed**

Note it states,
"How can I convert from international units (IU) to milligrams or micrograms?
Generally speaking, you can't. IU's measure the potency of a drug, not its mass or weight."
And this is the area where you are missing it. An IU = potency, not MG. MG is weight only.

Let's say we purchased 10IU GH -- this means the rHGH measures a total of 10IU potency, but that's all the 10IU means. Next we check out the MG and it's here that GH manufactures vary as there are several methods to manufacture GH. However in a nut shell, they'll formulate the protein - taking it though a lyophilized process, leaving a powder remaining. This is what we call "the puck". But this might be the part you're missunderstanding -- this powder is NOT all pure GH. Aggragates/fillers have been added (these vary too) giving us the final weight of the GH = MG.

To be clear, the more IU per MG, generally the more simplified the protein (GH), w/fewer fillers.

By the way, if you are questioning that manufacturers vary their IU per MG, here's a post which includes a picture I took back in Oct. 09, of 3 different pharmaceutical brands of GH.

Note the Genheal on the right shows 4MG 10IU as I previously stated. Next, if you look closely at the middle box (GenSci's) at the top right of the box you'll see it says "10IU(3.7 mg)". Though 3.7mg doesn't go into 10IU (so figure that one out), but this is what they clearly list and they are FDA approved. The Humatrope on the left shows 5MG and they're 15IU vials. I'm sure you can do the math, noting the variances between IU's and MG's.

For more information on IU vs. MG, check out this link - it's really very simple, but misunderstood as you've reflected. **broken link removed**

Note it states,
"How can I convert from international units (IU) to milligrams or micrograms?
Generally speaking, you can't. IU's measure the potency of a drug, not its mass or weight."

Very interesting. I'm familiar with lypholization, i used to run a compound pharmacy. The puck is mostly made up (depending on the medication you are making) of manitol, soidum bicarbonate, and sodium phosphate. And i agree with you, alot of people associate that puck with how much actual medication is in there when in actuality i can make a 10k unit hcg look 4x smaller than a 1500iu hcg just by changing the formula. The pictures are very interesting. The Gensci thing baffles me but oh well lol. I need to take some time to absorb this all.

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