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Explaining to your Doc why you have an abscess.......


Mar 10, 2009
I need some Good advice. What the fuck do i tell my doctor is wrong when i have an abscess in my leg or ass from injecting Juice LOL!?
I assume the best thing to say is i tryed melanotan and misplaced the Sub Q with Intramuscular, i dont know,that sounds logical right?
I dont have any yet but been thinking what if one comes about since i do injects almost everyday.

Also if i treat myself before such a thing gets real serious, whats a good medication to treat an injection-infection.
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Tell him the truth. What's he gonna do? Kick your ass??? If privacy is a concern go to a Dr in another part of town.
A doctor is there to treat you, not judge you. Who cares what you tell him/her, say a fucking unicorn stabbed you in the ass with it's horn, it doesn't matter you'll get treated regardless. If you don't trust your doc DO NOT tell him what you were doing however, that will come back to haunt you later.
due to doctor-patient confidentiality and HIPAA laws you can tell them the truth......your secret is safe with them
due to doctor-patient confidentiality and HIPAA laws you can tell them the truth......your secret is safe with them

Unless he documents it in your records. Then later in life you have conditions that can be caused by supposed aas use. Such as heart disease, high blood pressure, an endocrology issue. Then you insurance carrier can refuse to cover it. Think about that.

If it were me, i would say i was giving myelf b-12 shots. Just me though.
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id def go with "jab from unicorn horn"
Unless he documents it in your records. Then later in life you have conditions that can be caused by supposed aas use. Such as heart disease, high blood pressure, an edocroligy issue. Then you insurance carrier can refuse to cover it. Think about that.

If it were me, i would say i was giving myelf b-12 shots. Just me though.

Best advice here, never admit to anything you don't want on a permanent record. B-12 shots are what I was also going to suggest.
could even go with l-carnitine injection, if you don't want to use the same excuse all the baseball players use
It happened to me once, I blamed it on B-12 they didn't buy it. LOL! Every fucking Dr. and nurse came in and gave me some type of lecture whether it was the Lyle Alizado or some other nonsense. My primary Dr. knows I juice, he's cool as fuck, he even said in the future he may need me to hook him up, lol!
told my doc it was b-12 for my appetite lol. He said "it should go away on its own". I proceeded to go home and drain out about 5-6 cc's of puss from my shoulder.
Unless he documents it in your records. Then later in life you have conditions that can be caused by supposed aas use. Such as heart disease, high blood pressure, an endocrology issue. Then you insurance carrier can refuse to cover it. Think about that.

If it were me, i would say i was giving myelf b-12 shots. Just me though.

Best advice here, never admit to anything you don't want on a permanent record. B-12 shots are what I was also going to suggest.

I've been told by my doctor that this is incorrect. People OD on heroin and cocaine and still get their bills paid at the hospital. Same would be true for steroid users.
I've been told by my doctor that this is incorrect. People OD on heroin and cocaine and still get their bills paid at the hospital. Same would be true for steroid users.

LOL! They get treated at the hospital absolutely! It would be against the law for the ER to turn away a person dying from an O.D. Shit where i live all 4 of the hospitals have to treat you regardless of you being able to pay, or having insurance.

They would still owe there hospital bills though. Sooooo who exactly is paying there bills???
All they should note is "Abscess" in the documents. Never seen them really give a full explanation for the abscess in anything I've ever seen. Tell them it was a B-12 shot, you ran into a rusty tack, spider bite, etc. They don't give a shit how it happened (most of the time). You should see some of the fucked up excuses in the ER we get...

Your secret *should* be safe with them. If they leak it, hello big lawsuit.
I can say with 100% certainty that if AAS use is documented by your doc and your condition later in life deteriorates, say renal failure, cardiomyopathy, heart failure, CAD necessitating need for surgery and/or a transplant. The medical team involved with your care will assess your AAS use as a factor in determining your eligibility for a surgery. Kind of a risk/benefits thing. Are you still using AAS? If they dump x amount $$ and time into you will you continue to place unnatural stressors on your body? If transplant is an option this becomes a very big issue. Today, everybody is trying to cut costs, your admissions might affect your recovery...use good asceptic technique with your injects and an abscess shouldn't be a problem.
You'll know if it's serious enough to go see a doc. The affected area will be extremely swollen, red, hard, knotted and you will will be running a high fever. However, if you have milder symptoms, you can get yourself an anti biotic such as bactrim or augmentin which will take care of it.
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Just play stupid. The average person doesn't know what an abcess is or how you would get one. Just go in and say "what the hell is this under my skin and how do we get it to go away?"
Just play stupid. The average person doesn't know what an abcess is or how you would get one. Just go in and say "what the hell is this under my skin and how do we get it to go away?"

I agree totally. How the hell are you supposed to know what it is. He's the doctor. Let him tell you what it is.

And does any of our sponsors here sell the antibiotics? It would be a good business move if one of them did, because a bunch of us would stock up just in case.

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