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Face color for show?


New member
Aug 8, 2006
I'm trying to find a way to darken my face for comp. In the past I used to just lay in a tanning bed and then use a little bit of dream tan to dabb and smooth onto the face. Looks too dirty and smeary.

Now when I do tan I shield my face with a towel. Also I will be avoiding the use of Dream Tan this year.... I don't like this stuff anyways.

Are there any products out there I could use? Jan-Tana makes a product called Face & Body bronzer. Could this suffice? Or perhaps a make-up of some type? I could also use the stuff for moderate use on the hands and feet.

I used Pro Tan and just took some cosmetic sponges and applied to my face until it was a close match to my body I used Dream tan on my body but only pro tan for my face....
Do you only use dreamtan for your body bulldog? I used that but I found that it was too matt and the lack of spotlight in the show didnt help. Next time I wanna go for either pro tan or jantana and use the oil with it.
Do you only use dreamtan for your body bulldog? I used that but I found that it was too matt and the lack of spotlight in the show didnt help. Next time I wanna go for either pro tan or jantana and use the oil with it.

no I used it with lots of cotas of Pro Tan.....the trick with Dream Tan is to put on the lightest coat posible.....apply with surgical gloves on and dab just a very little to areas and then rub really hard in......too much and it will blur everything out...
My mistake was putting 2 haeavy coats of dream tan which covered any small bit of vascularity and defenition I had. It made me look like frigging morph. Thats what happens when you listen too much to these euro trash guys. Oh well we live and learn..........
I use the Jan Tana Competition Color. I'll put a couple less coats on my face than I do my body. So if I do 4 coats on my body, then it's 2 for my face. I've found the Jan Tana washes right off too.
Two words for your face "MAKE UP".
Use pro tan but apply it with a airbrush...It comes out totally smooth and covers evenly, not blotchy...I use an airbrush to apply my pro tan for my whole body...Dont have to put on nearly as many coats either..
Ok guys... here a little secret, but you better not flame me for suggesting it.

There is some makeup called Bare Minerals that is great for this because it is more natural than regular make-up. Plus when you get photos done, the lights from the camera doesn't wash out making your face look lighter than your skin. It comes in powder form. Avon also makes a knock-off and of this.

If you don't want to use it, then (makeup) bronzers are great. They come in powder or liquid pressed powder. I'd also suggest several weeks out to use one of the moisturizers with self tanner on your face to give it extra color. It adds color gradually, and by doing this early you can make sure you get the right color.

Yes, dark makeup is even good. It's easier to apply and goes on smoother and more evenly than Protan or other professional self tanners.
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Ok guys... here a little secret, but you better not flame me for suggesting it.

There is some makeup called Bare Minerals that is great for this because it is more natural than regular make-up. Plus when you get photos done, the lights from the camera doesn't wash out making your face look lighter than your skin. It comes in powder form. Avon also makes a knock-off and of this.

If you don't want to use it, then (makeup) bronzers are great. They come in powder or liquid pressed powder. I'd also suggest several weeks out to use one of the moisturizers with self tanner on your face to give it extra color. It adds color gradually, and by doing this early you can make sure you get the right color.

Yes, dark makeup is even good. It's easier to apply and goes on smoother and more evenly than Protan or other professional self tanners.
Thanks SASSY, took the words right out of my keyboard. Good girl!! That's right boys, make-up. Nice dark foundation is all you should need. it works under bright lights bigtime!! Sassy does it again!!

you just never know what kind of info is in my little head... some of it is even useful. :D

you just never know what kind of info is in my little head... some of it is even useful. :D
With an Avatar like your it conjurs up all sorts of info in my twisted little........well not so little head!:D Very Sexy.......You did say it's not you so who is it. She's gorgeous!!
Okay... sounds good but will this stuff run if beads of sweat form during a long pre-judging?
anabolism.. i would HIGHLY suggest just as sassy said MAKE UP there is a product from MAC which is a foundation and the shade that us figure girls use is NW45 it matches perfect with protan and also jan tana.. any questions feel free to PM me

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