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Feel like I spend most of my time here...


Kilo Klub Member
Nov 19, 2009
In the kitchen.
Last edited:
You got gyno mate! :D
Thats where the quality gains start !!
You've packed on some nice size lately bro. Far different from your first pics here. Keep up the hard work.
You've packed on some nice size lately bro. Far different from your first pics here. Keep up the hard work.


Nice work. All that time in the kitchen is doing you well. Looking thick.
Thanks, I have to hand it to you all here on PM.:headbang:

Really hitting the food hard and increasing the volume on my training is doing great.
I would like to be the first to say "lets make your before and now pics a sticky for those people who constantly bitch about not being able to put on size"! Too many folks crying that they can't put on quality size but when it comes down to it they are either NOT trying hard enough or their diet stinks! Your before and now pics should be a nice sticky to show those folks just what can be achieved when you you stick to a good diet(food plan) and train hard.

Nice job once again brother.
STI, you are bigger these days!
I know how you feel about living in the kitchen sometimes too! What is that you are cooking?
I would like to be the first to say "lets make your before and now pics a sticky for those people who constantly bitch about not being able to put on size"! Too many folks crying that they can't put on quality size but when it comes down to it they are either NOT trying hard enough or their diet stinks! Your before and now pics should be a nice sticky to show those folks just what can be achieved when you you stick to a good diet(food plan) and train hard.

Nice job once again brother.
I have struggled over the years who deaths in the family (brother and Papa in the same day-seperate incidents), health problems and then a state of depression. Coming from 103 lbs when I got out of the hospital to now, is a place that I would have never imagined I would be today.

I would like to be apart of the before and after thread. Lets see if we can this a sticky made for that.
STI, you are bigger these days!
I know how you feel about living in the kitchen sometimes too! What is that you are cooking?
In this pic, it is lean ground turkey. I got in good with a meat distributor in town; extra lean turkey - 1.19 lb, chicken breast - 1.49 lb, 93/7 ground beef - 2.09 lb

People ask me why I eat the same everyday "If you could buy food at that price, you would too".
STI, you are bigger these days!
I know how you feel about living in the kitchen sometimes too! What is that you are cooking?


look at that gut

Good job

Yes, looking a lot more thick! Keep it quality!
youre gonna have a babyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

just kidding looking thick and happy.
that picture is a joke right?
if its NOT a joke, holy fuck you are HU"GE compared to that. i think you would look better leaner of course but enjoy ur size cuz that skinny pic looks miserable....

that picture is a joke right?
if its NOT a joke, holy fuck you are HU"GE compared to that. i think you would look better leaner of course but enjoy ur size cuz that skinny pic looks miserable....


He was trying to look small in that picture! :D:headbang:
that picture is a joke right?
if its NOT a joke, holy fuck you are HU"GE compared to that. i think you would look better leaner of course but enjoy ur size cuz that skinny pic looks miserable....


I agree with you JS. I will slow down here soon. At some point I try to put on more muscle then I will gradually lean out. I am in no hurry. I live by myself; girlfriend still in school. I will get leaner here soon as I will be proposing and I will need to be in "pitcure shape"; she would say.

She always punches me in the gut and says she doesnt like it but love the muscle I have put on; love hate

He was trying to look small in that picture! :D:headbang:
Had to retake the pitcure and suck it in this time!

You know we're just giving you a hard least I hope so. You're not in any way "fat" or "over-weight" IMO. You look much healthier and happier and you're face has a much better appearance. You've came a LONG way and you seem to be enjoying the process which means a lot. Thanks for sharing all of this with us and the changes you've made!

Best of luck big guy!

PS...that's Lee Priest in that pic I posted, not just some random fat guy lol. I think he got that big for a Hydroxycut promo or something but it's still funny to see.

You know we're just giving you a hard least I hope so. You're not in any way "fat" or "over-weight" IMO. You look much healthier and happier and you're face has a much better appearance. You've came a LONG way and you seem to be enjoying the process which means a lot. Thanks for sharing all of this with us and the changes you've made!

Best of luck big guy!

PS...that's Lee Priest in that pic I posted, not just some random fat guy lol. I think he got that big for a Hydroxycut promo or something but it's still funny to see.

Not at all VT. Had several member here PM me and tell me not to take it to heart. I am taking this FAR from the know its shits and giggles; doesnt bother me at all.
This has been more of a learning experience than anything.

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