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follistatin 344 and swollen lymph node


New member
Feb 22, 2013
Well guys I have a situation. I ordered some Follistatin 344 from a trusted lab, I used for 2 days and I am had a bad reaction first shot was in the shoulder 100mcg and the next day the shoulder was all red painful and the lymph node in the armpit was very swollen. Second day I decide to try it subq and after the shot in the lower left side of the stomach is again red painful and the lymph node in the groin area is inflamed and painful. that was 4 days ago all redness and inflammation when away on its own.

can someone tell me if this is normal and why the closest Lymph node to the shot get swollen.

Thanks in advance!
Which lab did you get it from? PM me bro.
Definite tagged and tagged follistatin is not friendly to the body. Works great in rat studies because rats can't complain about pain and suffering. Swollen lymph nodes is the bodies way of saying, "Este mierda no es bueno!" :(
It will go away and you will be fine! It happened to me also.
Besides, because of DNA-origin, bad quality Follistatin may have the bacterial endotoxins which are much-much worse for health and could even lead to death:(

Curious, did you read this somewhere or is there a link to prove this?


Well guys I have a situation. I ordered some Follistatin 344 from a trusted lab, I used for 2 days and I am had a bad reaction first shot was in the shoulder 100mcg and the next day the shoulder was all red painful and the lymph node in the armpit was very swollen. Second day I decide to try it subq and after the shot in the lower left side of the stomach is again red painful and the lymph node in the groin area is inflamed and painful. that was 4 days ago all redness and inflammation when away on its own.

can someone tell me if this is normal and why the closest Lymph node to the shot get swollen.

Thanks in advance!

1. You did not order it from a trusted lab, you ordered it from a reseller of who knows where they got it, and it was tagged.
2. Use the USA MYO HMP for lowering Myostatin levels.
Well guys I have a situation. I ordered some Follistatin 344 from a trusted lab, I used for 2 days and I am had a bad reaction first shot was in the shoulder 100mcg and the next day the shoulder was all red painful and the lymph node in the armpit was very swollen. Second day I decide to try it subq and after the shot in the lower left side of the stomach is again red painful and the lymph node in the groin area is inflamed and painful. that was 4 days ago all redness and inflammation when away on its own.

can someone tell me if this is normal and why the closest Lymph node to the shot get swollen.

Thanks in advance!

I wouldnt use it again
Other problems might be on the horizon
cellulitis after lymphs blew up during research few years back on one of my subjects
order some new stuff for your research and try again (from a different source of course)
much like dirty gear, dont put up with side effects during research
go after effects, not sides
As someone who's worked in a molecular biology lab I'm confident in saying anyone who thinks they've got real follistatin is sorely mistaken. More than likely you're just sick, it happens.
Well, just read this, for example
Lipopolysaccharide - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is a part of outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria, such as E.coli which is used to produce almost all DNA-peptides.
The worse reaction is a "septic shock" - look the link in that text.

Its more involved than just using E. coli to do the work (although that is most of it). The follistatin protein needs a few post translational modifications before its functional and you sound savy enough to know that prokaryotes can't do that.
As someone who's worked in a molecular biology lab I'm confident in saying anyone who thinks they've got real follistatin is sorely mistaken. More than likely you're just sick, it happens.

Then what is in these vials causing physical changes? Serious question, not antagonizing...
Definite tagged and tagged follistatin is not friendly to the body. Works great in rat studies because rats can't complain about pain and suffering. Swollen lymph nodes is the bodies way of saying, "Este mierda no es bueno!" :(

I agree, the tagged Folli makes me sick as hell.
Are you speaking about post translational modifications of isoform FST-344 - removing the 29 aa signal sequence from the amino terminal end?
So, prokaryotes can't do that, really? I didn't know.
You mean that the real FST-344 must not work at all?
Then what is in these vials causing physical changes? (as was asked before)

No they can't do that. This is one of the greatest challenges facing recombinant protein development today; many proteins require that their respective RNA molecules be spliced and the resultant proteins be modified after being translated which prokaryotes (bacteria) aren't capable of. It IS possible to use yeast to solve this issue. Yeast are eukaryotic and are able to perform 'most' of the modifications and splicings we need them to. That being said, if yeast were used to make Follistatin (Technically possible) then you can't possibly attribute any acquired illness for LPS. As to what you guys are actually injecting, who knows. I would need a sample to test it and see, but if you didn't pay at least $2,000 for it Im pretty sure its not real Follistatin. Distributors might tell you its real, and they themselves might even believe it is real... but they're not the ones that made it, how would they know?
And what about mammals? Can they do it?
For example, in this study the FST-344 was used for mice treatment
Maybe I misunderstood something?

We're talking about two different things. Yes, follistatin works in mammals. I'm talking about the manufacturing process and saying that using bacteria can only be used for part of the manufacturing process.

Mammals do produce follistatin, but you would never choose a mammal as your vector of production because you would need to sacrifice a couple hundred mice just to get enough follistatin for one human dose.

Where you are, guy?:rolleyes:

I think he figured out he was wrong and is in hiding. Many protein companies produce follistatin 344..........MANY.......many produce MYO HMP........I purchase mine from a great source here in USA and it cost me $60,000 to if I just bought 1 mg at a time it would not be worth it......volume buying is where it is at. To say if it does not cost (an amount)then it is not legit is total ignorance.
A source in this very thread got his stuff from Alibaba so why trust him.
The China tagged Myo worked but was not worth the feeling. The untagged was garbage and source new it.

-from one of his own guys.

I've heard taking high dose NAC starting before folli/Myo and through out helps the tagged side effects.

Is the tag causing damage? Or temporary sides

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