really, guys, thanks alot for the awesome replies
i'll make a note of that... I always try different things with poses and i'll practice it the way you suggested.
my man!!

you know your comments mean a lot to me
WHATEVER YOU DO!!! DON'T LAY OFF THE COOKIES!!!!! LOL!!! seriously, 6 weeks out, i started cleaning up my act and it was the worst thing i did. having cheat meals here and there and keeping calories much lower on days i don't cheat did wonders to my physique. I don't think you'd be disappointed if you try it

... you can have your cake AND EAT IT TOO!!! lol!!!!
and the only reason i don't smile as much in my poses is that... boy... you should've seen how all my friends laughed their asses off in my first contest! LOL!!! i was so excited and just filled with energy that my smile cracked my face from ear to ear all the time as if i've won the lotto!!! lol! in all my contest they tell me "dude, smile, but don't look like a retarded kid in a candy store!!!"
thanks for the great comments... i'll keep everyone updated next week right after the contest and the sheep that'll give it's life to fill my belly! LOL! (sorry if i offended any animal lovers... but those guys are tasty
