just my opinion, the most obselete Arnold`s 5sets of 15 exercises in morning and then the same in evening very well for many people even now.... whereas DC , Dorian yates training system, Fst-7 , slingshot training system , Big A no no nonsense training system works great....
same with the diets carb cycling diets, lyle macdonalds diet, dave palumbo diet Paleo diet and and 100 of other diets work great....
had they been a "total failure", they wud not have been exsisted so long.
my opinion is thats its we who need to make a chosen training system to work. the system never works by itself.....
However a training system which is directed towards progression ie if you are able to out perform your previous performance.... this sense of progression makes the training system start to fall in love with a new challenge each week.....
now for you to constantly out perform need to supply your muscle so much food .... that its fuckin more than enough, and you constantly win the challenges...
therefore i wud say every training program will work....its all up to you
just follow it with the strictest sense....this wud make you aware of each and every component`s importance of the training system.... and then you become a master of that system....
why doesnt Ronnie coleman train Dorian yates style.... or Dave henry trains lee priest style....because every one of these individuals have mastered their own style.....
with only one thing in common....they constantly strived to out perform thier previous performances...and are lifting some relatively heavy poundages...
but again all this is just my opinion.